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Posts posted by BloodPurity

  1. A small bunch of vastly outnumbered and outgunned troops who have the high ground and could easily set up a killing field decide to jump down to the lower ground against Sith Warriors because "hey wher'e like so cool guy right right?"


    And then the leader charges into melee against a Sith lord with a Light saber to try and shoulder tackle him?


    It just makes my head hurt how inept and stupid that video made them look when there supposed to be the Republic elite.

  2. I wanna be able to do heaps of damage but i don't wanna get 1 shotted by mobs all the time like i did on my Juggernaught.


    If i choose a damage build with 2 lightsaber will i be too squishy? Can my companions hold aggro ok? Will i do good damage?


    Also for people who have finished the story, did you go light or dark, which did you like about each?


    Thank you for your time

  3. No offense intended, but if you're dying all time as a level 50 Jugg, maybe you need to explore how to be more successful as your chosen class? Hit up the Sith Warrior class forums, search for build/skills advice online, make sure you and your primary companion(s) are properly geared.


    As a tank knight, I found myself dying on my last few class quests - mostly due to companion gear and by not making use of one of my tanking interrupts. You can learn a LOT from other players of your class.


    That said, if you just want to try something new and want to go Rep, try Trooper Commando. Straight out DPS with no apologies.


    No i meant i died a lot while i was still leveling not at max level, on my Bounty Hunter though i just face roll everything.

  4. Finally recruiting Jaesa and turning her to the Dark Side was teh most epic gaming moment ive had in such a long time.


    No other game, movie, entertainment has touched me like that since watching Revenge of the Sith for the the first time.


    This quest had so much emotion i literally started sweating beacuse of the adrenaline rushing through my body.


    Anyway good job bioware, now i need a shower lol.

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