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Posts posted by Barcodeone

  1. because it worked! SWTOR only implements bad ideas that don't work, or halfassed lame attempts at content such as Space sim and crafting which both are utter jokes. Space Sim gets beat by 20 year xwing vs tie fighter hands down and crafting......there is no crafting in SWTOR!


    Dampening didn't work in WoW, the devs even admit that it was one of the worst things they ever did in pvp. Not to mention that in WoW passive healing done by dps and tank classes isn't affected by dampening so you would often seen a team of those classes with no healer beating a team with a healer because dampening only affected targeted heals.

  2. Word of Warcraft did it right, why did bioware not take this idea from blizzard like they stole almost everything else.. This one actually works well.


    Copy World of Warcraft:

    Remove Acid

    Remove Rounds

    Put in Dampening: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Dampening

    Add Vision crystals to see stealthers in stealth so they cannot troll



    Sorcs can't win in acid from barrier because there is no acid.

    Faster games

    Faster queue pops

    Other healers may be viable along with sorcerers (who am I kidding mercs will never be viable.. just operative)


    Dampening Definition for people who don't want to click the link or have never played World of Warcraft:


    Dampening begins after 5 minutes after a 4v4 match begins. After dampening starts each player will gain a stack of the debuff every 10 seconds, reducing healing received and damage absorption effects by 1% per stack.

    No Dampening was the worst thing ever done in World of Warcraft.

  3. Currently you can get credit on your quests by killing players. You also gain valor for killing players. Most of the time I finish my quests by killing players.


    Ilum is for killing players, let the carebears cry when you stop their base trading.


    If you didn't get the memo, kill players and have a nice day.

  4. Yup, I too loved 4 hour BG queues before cross server BGs. I'm sure the Alliance on my server loved winning AV once a month too.


    Yeah you only had those ques because of the bracket system. That is why this system works. Did you even bother reading what I wrote? Or are you just a simpleton who reads the first line or two?


    Also, I would rather wait in a 4 hour que for same-server warzones than have cross-server clusterf**k games. Cross server anything is a terrible idea as it utterly destroys community, which is the only reason to play mmos in the first place.

  5. they could always go cross server, get a large pool of players and then make it so both teams have an even amount of levels and gear quality.


    And then make a separate bracket for level 50 premade groups, because honestly that's the most annoying thing about BGs is premades steamrolling PUGs just trying to have fun.


    No, this is the WORST idea ever in the history of mmos. Cross server pvp and cross server raiding and cross server instances absolutely without a doubt destroy the community in mmos. WoW messed up hard with xserver queing, and that was the main reason I quit.


    You don't get to know the people on your server and you care less about helping your team because you reputation doesn't suffer as you will most likely never even see any of your teammates again. I know quite a few people who just go into bgs on wow now to afk farm honor and troll their own team because they will never see them again or even if they do its not like it matters because they aren't on their server.


    The system in place is fine as it is, if you have a problem in PvP atm you are bad. I get on my level 12 commando and heal my team which usually contributes to a win, EVEN against level 50s. There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to help your team win even against 50's.


    What most people here are complaining about is getting steamrolled by a 4man premade, which they will get steamrolled by even if the premade group weren't 50.


    Currently the system in place is working as it makes que times not long at all, and gives the lower levels a glimpse of pvp before they level up to 50. Those who want to twink should just get over it or go back to a mmo that allows twinks.(last time I played wow they were doing everything they could to hurt twinking, like removing certain enchants)


    TLDR: Stop your qq, get better, level up, or don't pvp. No matter what you do though just know that the system in place is fine.

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