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Posts posted by shimmer

  1. hey all. Like the title says. I was running my smuggler through to get my last legacy buff unlock which says it unlocks upon completing chapter 2. I completed chapter 2 and even got the achievement <Chapter 2 Smuggler> but the buff is still locked and says I need to complete chapter 2.


    Any ideas? Do I have to keep going further?

  2. Maybe it's the time of day? It takes me at most 30min for a warzone pop to happen. Same with group finder ques.


    I'm glad it's going to be a faster pop time, though, and maybe ranked will be everyday instead of once a week at best.


    Im sure it is the time of day for the pops. In the evening yes its maybe 30 minutes but even that is way too long. It should be you queue it pops. That is how it used to be. I cant wait for the merge to be honest.

  3. As a returning player I was surprised at how empty the Ebon Hawk was compared to its glory days. I returned only last week after a hiatus of a few years, and was saddened at how empty the server was. It takes a good hour at LEAST to get a WZ to pop, and 50% of the time its a auto complete WZ because one side doesnt have enough players. I was the ONLY person on a few planets while leveling a alt, and I was glad when I saw they were going to merge the server.


    The server NEEDS a merge. You can still RP even if there isnt a dedicated RP server. Its not like its the first game to merge an RP server into a non RP server. Noone is going to stop you from RPing . If someone trolls you you can easily add them to your ignore.

  4. Drops are random. Ive gotten two on Ilum off the quest that you kill the droids and loot them then interact with the console, and then the place where you deliver the medical supplies.


    Looted one in the Black Hole, daily area off regular mob, and in the Heroic +4 there.


    Never had one drop on hoth where I inflicted mass Tauntaun genocide in my mission to solve the mystery.

  5. AS one that has spent every waking hour almost on Hoth since 1.2 came out, I congratulate you.


    I would ask one simple thing. Is it a big cave or a small one?


    I keep thinking about one I ran around in with the buff that has some dead tauntauns in it, that was fairly large with many wompas.

  6. I think we need to stop making up new locations. As stated by George Zeller, somebody has actually found the tauntaun in question. I'd suggest making a list of locations visited in this thread and go over them again. I'm pretty sure he meant that somebody in this thread managed to find it but not capture it.


    If he meant someone in this thread he wouldnt have said "somewhere on the internet".

  7. looking at the cached PTS thread I saw this


    "Originally Posted by dipstik

    in the deralict space port i found a clicky that didnt do anything. you have to get up on the right broken metal walkway."


    Anyone know where this spaceport is?


    This turned out to be the box you click for the datacron back there.

  8. ^THIS. finally new data.

    Im actually going to compile the first 1000 posts and make a pie chart with these labels:

    -New data/new theory

    -Posts that have been stated or answered

    -Posts that arent relevant

    -Posts that pertain to Jerky crafters on different servers.


    Why? Because I KNOW that someone other than me wants a visual with this thread.



    This is a good idea. Let me know if you need any help. Yea It was bothering me that I couldnt find it so put one up to see how its listed. It being listed under pet and selecting the green quality is indeed important and solidifies it imo as a way to get it.

  9. uhh isnt the name of the pet we get Taunlet as well? someone find this thing now lol


    Trust me....we are working on it :p


    I really think we are just missing an event trigger at this point, or a particular spot etc. I know we have ALL run around hoth with the jerky but we must have missed one small spot or clickie or something.


    We need a hit. :(

  10. •Programability of NVSCCS--Maybe we have to, maybe we don't. If it's not programmed for normal tauntauns, I don't see why it would be programmed for mini tauntauns. But I also don't think they woulda made it hard to program (Leads me to believe we don't have to, since no one's figured out how).


    Georg Said someone "found the Tauntaun but did not capture it" confirming it has to be captured. The NVSCCS is definatly used in this.

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