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Posts posted by Rekkx

  1. There is definitely something a bit screwy with companions after the last chapter. It's not just the Firebrand chapter.

    They fail to appear on porting and sometimes don't do anything even if they do arrive.


    One time they were under the map because I saw them healing themselves, another they were considered to be 'with' me as I could not summon them from the list. The icon was the 'go sell' one instead. I pulled out another and then the original one I wanted but then they did nothing. It's odd.


    There are some shenanigans afoot for sure.

  2. I repeat only kill the place holder do not kill the 3 that are not attached to the place holder you will spend eternity killing the other 3 and get nothing for it leave them alone. I have farmed this 10 times for new guild members and killing the wrong ones will bug the right one. Only the place holder needs to die. It has a 5 min spawn time kill repeat kill you will get the rare that way. I watch people complain all day long and never get it. Watch one guy do it for 3 days as i kept telling him to leave the 3 none place holder alone. Guess what he finally got it after he left them alone.


    Either it a bug or bug or by design


    That's just not true at all. Please don't spread false information.

    I was there with somebody else and we killed everything about 10 times before the rare spawned. it's just RNG doing it's thing.

  3. Tell me, what are they taking away? Did you previously have level 1, +41 black and yellow crystals and now you don't?



    Don't pretend to be obtuse. You know perfectly well what was being said.


    I agree that the level 7 CE crystal should just be upgraded like all the rest of the crystals. It wouldn't be a hardship, it's already in the game.

  4. It's not technically a "Bank Holiday" it's a Public Holiday. The two are different legaleezee wise.


    As to putting it back, we are not important enough with regards to this particular game. One country out of dozens in the EU and we are certainly not the first country in most American's minds - ever. That's just something to live with.


    It's not such a bad thing, it will only be a few hours, go and wave a flag in your high street and come home.

  5. I'm tempted to make an experiment. I actually have a lvl 50 still suffering the rakghoul virus. If he was copied over and the virus was intact a new plague could theoretically be started on the PTS.


    Hmmm.... As a tester I would be bound by ethical necessity to try and break things so they can fix them right?


    Yes. This is actually a GOOD idea. In the realms of QA/Testing, the unexpected and bizarre are the most welcome.

    Please do this.


    That was not sarcasm, I am totally on the level.

  6. So for anyone who feels the same way, what class would you recommend I roll next? I'd prefer something that flows well the whole way through. I just hate having to burn through filler to get the little tasty treats at the end of every planet.


    Hmmm, all the classes have their tasty little treats at the end of the planets but if you want a story that is interesting, gives scope for "argh, what do I pick?" choices, a little bit of everything like romance, intrigue, bravery, skill and a very satisfying and interesting ending... my recommendation would be...



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