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Posts posted by WulfenMortys

  1. EA can't afford to hire voice actors for the NPC mission givers. the quality of this game is starting to slide/ it not long before the next dramatic down grade of the game happens. i have a feeling that they will make all toon have the same abilities require in the player to map four keys, 1)attack 2)defend 3) heal 4)stim


    That's the thing though--they still "talk", our characters still have responses for it, but it lacks the actual interactive dialogue.

  2. It persists into Ziost and KoTFE has it in a different way which you probably won't like since it totally removes the PC voice.




    Just kill me now and get it over with.


    I don't mind voiceless, but I can't stomach having a quest "pop up" rather than actual dialogue.


    I get what you mean, it threw me at first as well. I only remember seeing it during the "Shadow of Revan" storyline (Rishi, Yavin 4, and the dailies for Ziost). There is an annoyance in KoTFE at Ch9, but that's only because it is quite glaring. Other than those few instances, the content is still mainly voiced.


    Sigh. I guess I'll see soon enough.


    Thanks :)

  3. It's been an age but I recently resubscribed and have been enjoying myself... Right up until I started Rishi and noticed a bunch of side-quests which are of the usual god-awful "grab and go" variety seen in other MMOs--i.e. no elaborate dialogue.


    I get it, many of them (if not all) are "dailies" which amount to little more than an optional grind-fest, but I can't fathom why they need to litter the game world: why, if offering the quests through ordinary interactive NPCs was too much effort, they couldn't simply have been hidden behind some terminal like the Heroics and Operations (which, while enjoyable in their own right, don't detract from the world itself)?


    At the moment these "grab and go" quests pervade the world under the facade of "living" characters that have ye olde problems in need of being solved; cue interactive cutscene when you engage them. Instead it's a meaningless pop-up, some background blathering and that usual inescapable urge to just "grab and go".


    After all, if such a paltry amount of effort was put into offering the quests, what incentive is there then to bother doing them?


    I'd started to simply ignore them all until, during the Revan expansion, I reached that point where they force you to do six of them to progress with the main story and these feelings of "ugh... why did they do this to this game?" crept up once more.


    So, out of frustration, I was wondering if this irritating manner of initiating side-quests persists into Knights of the Fallen Empire or, if through some optimistic force borne out of similar frustration by others in the past, BioWare stopped doing this?


    Thanks, folks.

  4. A few months ago I wasn't very interested in SWTOR. It was interesting, but I was sure it was going to fail because I thought it would rely too heavily on the fact it's SW. How wrong could I have been? I saw my local Blockbusters selling SWTOR pre-orders for £5, so naturally I picked it up. Even if I wasn't going to play it much, £5 is still a good deal.


    So I bought it, got into the beta and EA and now... Well, I now want the CE (Which Blockbusters doesn't sell T_T)! However, I don't want to lose my lvl 26 Assassin! I don't care about the £5 I spent on the one I pre-ordered. Is there a way to upgrade my game to the CE version?


    You can upgrade to the digital deluxe edition: https://account.swtor.com/user/digitalupgrade


    But you'd have to source a collector's edition if you want the code. To be honest, unless you want the physical things in the CE, it's really just not worth it. A mouse droid and a CE vendor that doesn't really have anything significant are about all you'll get out of it otherwise. Bum deal for CE owners, great news for folk who just want to upgrade for $20 :D

  5. Any South African players out there? Check in here and let us know who you are and what guilds and servers you are part of ;-).


    We have a current and deployed Republic PVE EU guild called Republic Knights and it is up on Hidden Beks.




    Cape Town, from MyGaming.co.za and, you guessed it, same guild and server :D


    Looking forward to seeing you all in-game.


    ROCK ON!


    And, of course, may the obligatory Force be with you.

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