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Posts posted by Cinnagar

  1. The one thing that is pretty clear from all these post is that nobody is paying enough attention to how different abilities interact with their force pool during the opening phase. I implore every single one of you to go to a warzone dummy, pull up mox parser and test various different openings. Pay careful attention to your force pool, what you're casting and when.


    The reply to this has already been expressed earlier in the thread. For PvE you're correct - the idea of maximizing your resource regeneration should yield maximum dps. But PvP is different. People panic in PvP. Spiking a healer out of stealth might cause him to blow his escape, leaving him vulnerable to a mezz a little later. The problem deception faces in arena is game design: Sin has tremendous control but the game is built around damage. Adding damage, figuring out maximum damage isn't the issue - finding a team that can execute a strategy to allow deceptions superior control to win the match is the issue.


    When more than just op/scoundrel heals are "good" in arena, I think the meta will shift from omgwtfbbqdamage to a game where control is more important. How BW achieves that , I cannot even begin to guess.

  2. I dont know im just really into invading the other faction bases and stuff. And the thing is its not greyed out for me, its blue, i clicked on it and it said i couldnt leave while in battle. I dont know when you did this but i think you should try one more time if you dont believe me. Give it one more try if your ever bored, because it was blue for me not grey. You dont even have to fight them just run up as fast as you can to the door. And i was thinking maybe i could reach Korriban shuttle departures, i know the imp fleet because i know where the shuttles are and stuff. Imagine the ganks you could do on that planet, youd have the imp chat buzzing like crazy as you kill.


    Because everyone that would be leveling on Korriban would be an experienced MMO player that would simply shrug it off as "oh well, pvp server"? What you are asking for is like wanting to play Counter Strike where everyone has a knife and no armor but you have a gun :)

    Honestly, if this is how you are spending your time, might I suggest broadening your horizons and reading a book?

  3. I recognize the OP's characters - my merc is on Harbinger. Probably, judging from my experience, pubs killed pvp on the server. When I was grinding comms to gear my merc, every wz featured me jumping down from whichever safe area I was in, into a sea of jedi that would send me back to the safe zone quickly.

    I won an ancient hypergate the other day. I need to check the achievement. I was surprised - it was the first one I had won on my merc ever. I think I made it to valor 50 before this.


    I don't know what pub side is like but from what I see, there is an elite (or a pair of elite) pvp guilds pub-side that dominate. I've seen in Imp Fleet chat ,"don't bother queueing, pub premades are queueing".


    Just my experience on Harbinger :/

  4. You don't gain immunity to physics as soon as you push the Entrench button. It takes a few milliseconds to activate. That you saw its cooldown of 37 seconds is strange... Presuming no lag/'hacking' and that you checked the ability's cooldown as soon as you got knocked back, it probably was a cover-breaking mechanic.


    Maybe there is a chance for it to fail? I'm accustomed to lag affecting how abilities work, regarding whether or not something is "in the air" already. In the arena the other team was 2 shadows, vanguard tank, scoundrel healer. None of them have a cover breaking mechanic afaik.


    As one of the above posters said, tech abilities hit sins through shroud (but I always believed this to be a lag issue - or they hit shroud when the ability was "in the air"). I felt pretty sure that the Shadow in the arena did it with the knowledge that he was knocking me out of cover.

    I'll have to find one and duel him, asking him to try.

  5. Well, it happens.

    Its not something a shadow or any other class with knockback can do on purpose. I guess its partially due to lag on server.

    No, if it was a lag issue I wouldn't have made a thread. I was playing MM in a 4v4. Decided to try Entrench + SP as I was being focused (they had 2 shadows, 1 vanguard tank. The shadows were on me - in retrospect, I should have dropped orbital on my head too). Entrench's CD activates as soon as you hit the button. I was knocked out of entrench, glanced at the spell, and saw the CD tick down to 37s.


    This happened once before last night. As lethality in a voidstar wz, to defend a bomb I hit entrench and started casting orbital. I never finished the cast: a sin knocked me out of entrench after my cast reached the 2s mark.


    I'm just posting to find out if any one else has experienced other classes deliberately/reliably doing it. I want to know in what situations it isn't safe to just pop entrench and wait it out/cast orbital.

  6. +15% makes your rail shot crit 1 out of 7 times more than it would have otherwise. So in a fight that lasts a minute and a half, you get one extra crit.


    Not the right way to think about it. You have to consider what your critical strike chance is before the extra 15% on that ability. Assuming it's 24% as stated earlier in the thread, this 15% now gives you 39% chance to crit with one ability. Rounding down to 30%, this means on average you will crit once with RS every 3 activations.


    But I'll do the math for you, but only once more. +15% is roughly 1 in 7. You are gaining 1 extra crit out of 7 rail shots. Using 7 railshots on cooldown takes 1minute, 24seconds.

    Your math is fine - your conclusion is what appears to be giving cashogy cancer. By your math, you have just gained an extra crit, on average, with RS ever 1.5 minutes. Another way to explain it: the other team has a merc too, with the 2pc HO bonus. He activates HO, your team calls to switch targets, your RS crits, new target dies. By taking the 4pc, 15% bonus to RS, you have just doubled the statistical probability that this happens. Doubled.


    Thus, this is why cashogy makes the point he makes. Burst makes coordinated target switches much more deadly. Doubling your chance of landing big burst is a big deal.

  7. I have never tried leveling as a healer, so I can't offer that perspective.

    Leveling the dps operative is comparatively worse than leveling a sin/sorc (the only other thing I can compare to outside of sniper). The reason is that you don't get many dps tools to play with. With the rework of Stim Boost, you don't even get a TA dump until you reach Lacerate in the Concealment tree.


    DPS Advice: go concealment until you can reach Cull, then switch to lethality. Lethality has a feel to it plus Cull is a satisfying button to press :)

  8. It's not about being antisocial. To reiterate bits and pieces that have appeared in this thread, let me explain my take on it.


    When questing, I have a habit. I pick shortest distances, plan the way I approach each pull (I don't mean I stop and think for minutes and plot what I'll do; just a couple seconds to assess how I want to approach the pull), typically kill only what I need to, and other little quirks that are me. In this game, I don't pick up all of the quests. If I see people asking for a group, for a group quest, I'll pick up and try to join them. Otherwise I pick only the solo quests that keep me travelling in the same area as my class quest: do both, advance the planet's story and my own, and move on.


    Now the OP wants me to group with him, just for friendly questing. If he's exactly like I am, we're good. Otherwise no. I don't think it's funny to pull more than I need to (unless I'm drunk, then it becomes "LOL WE JUST SURVIVED 4 PULLS AT ONCE"). I like that when I fight a gold portrait, I can go through a full rotation. It helps me get a feel for my class.


    Group quests, flashpoints, Ops... then I'm social. Sometimes this comes at the price of suffering at the hands of others. I accept that. But why should I suffer when questing just to be social? :p

  9. I've noticed a lot of random behavior with snap shot and entering natural cover (not portable cover). Example: in a flash point the tank pulls and I roll into natural cover only for my Snap Shot buff to disappear as soon as it appears and snipe has a cast. Obviously I'm referring to times outside of the six second window, such as waiting around before starting a boss fight. Has anyone else noticed this weird behavior?

    Wanted to ask here before I submit a bug report the next time I notice it.

  10. It would be really nice if keybindings on quickslot bars remained active even with the bar disabled. I would really like to disable the left quickslot and still have those keybinds work :) It's not as if I need to see the ability icons: all of my mid-long cds are on the bottom center quickslot.
  11. Has anyone else found it extremely difficult (nigh on impossible)? Level 19 Sith Assassin here, and I've died 7-8 times trying to kill it. Am I missing anything?


    It might be slightly easier at level 20 once you have Surging Charge (because you have an attack that does not consume a lot of force that hits fairly hard). Still, it is not that hard. Look for her casts; use Jolt to interrupt them whenever Jolt is not on cd. After the first Jolt, Electrocute the next cast, then Overload the third. When she does succeed in burrowing, single target the little ones. Kill one, force speed to the other and kill it: letting them beat on Khem too long will **** him.


    You're going to want to pool your force; I was trying to maintain around 40-45 force at all times and relying on Thrash and Duplicity procs for Maul, so I was using quite a few saber strikes. I wanted to make sure I had enough force for any of my interrupts (once Overload and Electrocute are on CD, then I only had to worry about Jolt and Jolt is cheap).

  12. Interesting. So really, much over 400 surge rating is wasted? 422 saw you at 40%, yet having over 800 (essentially doubling) saw less than 10% gain.


    Plus there are talents that kind of build surge rating into our abilities. Induction does for Maul, Cracking blasts does so for Shock/Discharge. From the PoV of Deception PvE, it seems like Power should be the stat.


    Inexperienced question here: does Alacrity lower the cooldown of abilities? If I could knock a second off of Shock or 2s off of Discharge, that would be an argument for alacrity :)

  13. no, no trust me every class has a 1.5 sec gcd in wow lol, played it for 6 yrs had 4+ max lvl chars, my rogues gcd was no lower than my paladins or my druids or my hunters, only way your gcd is lower is through haste or if your a dk in unholy presence


    Are you a politician? Anyone that can do something for so long, ignoring details, and being convinced of misinformation surely must hold public office :p

  14. That's assuming that the talent increases the number of pocs by 15%, which it doesn't. Without the talent, it has a 50% chance to proc, but can only proc every GCD. Most of the attacks we have increase that chance by hitting multiple times already. Thrash hits twice, and saber strike hits three times. If the additional shock counts... then that as well.


    Having a 50% chance on each hit of multiple hit attacks seems plenty to me, and I doubt that having a 65% chance would actually increase the number of procs you get considerably at all.


    Well, 65% would increase the number of procs by... 15% :cool:


    I see your point. A percent chance vs. guaranteed hit points.


    Over 15 seconds (10 gcds), since I can't get "half" a proc, I would be looking at 6 procs vs. 5 in an ideal world. While it is tempting to say "you could have bad RNG and only have it proc 4 times" that argument can be turned around: you could have bad RNG and only have your 50% chance proc 3 times.


    Statistically, over a long enough fight, the 65% chance guarantees 15% more procs than the 50% chance. Per talent point, this is a bigger return in effective hit points than the 1/2/3% endurance.

  15. Agreed, lvl 33 and with the electric discharge i would do 800 damage or so over 21 seconds..which is not bad, but the heal i get from dark charge is...useless to say the least.


    Considering even regular mobs have 2k health at my lvl and i have 8.5k, i should be healing a bit more then an average of 30-50 health points,...with only 50% chance of healing.


    Why are you level 33 and using Electric Charge? :confused:

    Related: why are you playing Madness when deception melts things? :confused:


    Level 25, my Discharge with surging charge crits for more than your level 33 electric charge dot. My point, deception deals damage and it does so quickly. With crits I can drop a 2k hp target in 3 gcds; in other words, before Khem's taunt runs out :p


    (This is given that the OP's point that we aren't spec'd darkness and that, according to him, we're "force"d to use Dark Charge)

  16. They just need to tune the damage of non-Elite mobs so we aren't pigeon-holed into using a Tank stance. Tank stance should be balanced around Tanking, not around those simply trying to do normal solo quests.


    Fun game, but they made an otherwise fun adventure into an annoying and tedious affair at times.


    I really don't understand. You want silver portraits nerfed? My experience on my deception assassin has been this: standard mob dies after a maul and a shock, silver portrait I at least get to use discharge, and gold portrait lasts for a satisfying 15-20 seconds or so.


    If you're leveling as deception, try this: leave Khem out, in dps stance, but with his taunt still on. That should assist you significantly in melting things.


    I'm deliberately trying to be rude with this: when I read these posts I wonder if we're even playing the same game or if you've somehow forgot to visit the trainer in a dozen levels, refused to allocate skill points, etc... :p

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