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Posts posted by Daedricon

  1. So I leveled up some alts and used some old Rakghoul infected companion customizations from a years ago. After putting them on the glowing eyes that are there in-game are missing in cutscenes. I heard that certain things on your computer can make the infected companion customization's eyes disappear. A fellow player told me games like Tera affect it, I don't have that game on my computer so I'm not sure whats the cause of it. I changed my graphics settings around to see if that might have been the issue but still nothing. Anyone have any official info on this?
  2. So today I got lucky and acquired the Desler Explorer from the rare spawn while doing the Czerka dailies. I wanted to send to to my republic alt so he can use it. He's level 21 atm and I have speeder piloting 1, I take it out of the mailbox and I can't use it. With my cursor over it the requirements only say "Requires Friend standing with The Adjusicators". Now with reputation as legacy bound all of my characters are Legendary with them. So why can't use it? It doesn't say I need Speeder rank 2 or 3. This is what it says exactly;


    Desler Explorer

    Bound to Legacy


    Requires Friend standing with The Adjusicators

    Designed by Martinique Desler for the Czerka Corporation, the Desler Explorer is the prototype from which modern Desler models are derived.


    Increase movement speed by 110%


    So why am I now allowed to use it? If i right click it the game says I don't have the required skill. If its telling me I need rank 2 or 3 in speeder piloting then why didn't they just have that listed in the description? If I'm not mistaken but all 3 speeder piloting skills say nothing about "land speeders" if you want to call them that, they only describe the piloting of speeder bikes. Why let it be bound to legacy if only characters that are high levels can you it? Items that are bound to legacy are majority for people to send to their alts.

  3. Will non-subscribers be able to have more than just two character slots per account in the future? Or at least have the option to buy more slots with Cartel Coins?


    I would like to know this plus why restrict the number of characters you can make per account? There's 8 servers now instead of 20+ from launch. From what people have been posting on this forum most are dead mainly because you only allow 2 characters per account. Adding more servers won't solve the problem.


    And another question, why can't you make a 4th tier of membership between the Preferred Members and Sub Members so the people that bought the game from launch either Collector's Edition or Digital Deluxe have slightly less restrictions. Having paid $60+ for the game and an additional $15 per month for however long doesn't seem fair to have many of features and characters locked out. Bumping them to only Preferred status and putting them in the category of new players that just spend $5 just doesn't feel right to me. People that paid for the game at launch should have the features unlocked that came with the game. For instance the hot bars and the hide headslot both were in the game from the start, why charge for it now?

  4. The reason why it's not triggering is because the bonus mission for house Alde is part of the Hive Mind quest were you have to save the guy's daughter as well as 3 groups of imperials in the cages. I don't know why its like this since hive mind has nothing to do with house Alde. I guess the devs thought you wouldn't turn the mission in before going to Alde, which is retarded. The house Alde bonus mission should be it's own mission and trigger once you go inside the area.
  5. OH my goodness people. This is not WoW. Give it up already. There are not heirlooms. You can already get gear that you can constantly modify to make it better. The Heirloom system nerfed WoW and made leveling BORING. I got this lightsaber at 14 for my Sage, and it lasted her till about 22 when I found some nice upgrades for it. It's a piece of gear with purple stats. That you get for a level 14, for free. And you're whining, because it's not good enough, and it's not like how it is in WoW? WoW is making a panda expansion, obviously they have poor judgement.


    So then you agree that these things are worthless..... orange/purple moddable gear trumps legacy gear.

  6. Personally I get that this isn't some revolutionary great reward we will all play for hours to get. It pops up as you progress and you don't "need" to have it or use it. It isn't of lasting value. Now, if you were trying out a feeler into what legacy may become, wouldn't you start the same way?


    If they gave us some epic all lasting item, ppl would wail about being at a disadvantage if they didn't do the whole"alt" thing etc etc. This way, they get to feel about a bit first and then as a another posted said, consider bringing in more legacy items through ops etc in the future that may be more rewarding. To me it doesn't make sense to have a massive advantage of a toons "career" weapon just because you are leveling a new toon. But maybe it is me who is missing the point.


    Well if you don't have alts then why would you even care about the Legacy system in the first place? lol


    Sure you can play the game with one character only but your legacy level would increase very slowly which is why they gave the option to buy legacy unlockables for people who don't care for alts. What people are peeved about is that this was BW's biggest selling point and the effort to get one or more characters at a certain level to unlock new races for classes or the legacy itself isn't worth the rewards they allow you to get. You play a character from 1 to 30-40 (whenever legacy gets unlocked) and expect to get an item that will help you level your alt. Then you realize a fully modified weapon/armor piece would last longer than this new "legacy item" since you can get mods from commendations or craft them yourself.


    So really whats the point in it?

  7. Honestly they should just make it level with you. There's absolutely no point in getting them if they don't. Yes Blizz came up with the idea but Blizz took ideas from Everquest since it was one of the first MMOs. In the industry they all borrow ideas, copy them, or whatever. WoW's heirloom items made you want to make alts, yes the gear wasn't good at endgame but it wasn't suppose to be.


    They want us to create alts to use this broken feature? You will only use the item for maybe 1-2 levels, if that's the case I'd rather use an orange item. If the inheritance items were all moddable it would make sense. I assume they think if they make it level up with you then people won't buy the gear other players put in the GTN. As for the server I play on 80% of the items are over priced. Since they changed how people were able to get augments now everyone only wants gear with aug slots in them. Before the patch people would only buy purple and orange gear since they would last longer than green and blue.


    Hopefully they fix this or change it, this was the BIG selling point for the patch to try and get people back that quit. I think it was poorly implemented just like the RNG system for the rakghoul world event companion mods.

  8. 2 Kiras, 2 Tharans, 3 Quinns, and 1 Dorne. All I want is a Mako. :(


    In the same boat as you, spent nearly 250 DNA's and no Mako, got a Quinn but still want a Mako. Just too many republic ones which are USELESS to me since i don't like the republic classes.


    Either let us trade in for the ones we want or get rid of the stupid RNG system. It shouldn't have been random in the first place. Why couldn't they just make it like the regular companion customization vendors on Balmorra and Ilum.

  9. Enjoying the event, but I gotta say one thing.


    Mix up the freaking random Infected Companion Customization. In the past 2 days I have bought 6 of those containers and 4 of them were of Kira. Need to mix up the bag a little here or make them tradeable for class related companions. =(


    Thats my only real complaint about the event.


    Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt this way. This RNG system is totally annoying, everyday I farm over 120 DNA's and I only end up with republic companion mods and a few for Quinn. Been turning them in since the 17th and still no luck.



    A. Get rid of the random system

    B. Make it so we don't get duplicates

    C. Let us trade in the mods for the other faction of the equivalent companion like Elara's to Mako's or Corso's to Vector's

    D. Let us just buy them like at the regular companion mod vendors on Monday


    Any of those solutions would solve the headaches people are having. Some people only play one faction like myself because I don't like the republic classes. From what I've seen on forums Republic players mainly gets more Empire companion mods and the Empire mainly gets Republic companion mods. Don't understand why this is unless BW is trying to make us increase the Republic population on almost every server.


    Is there any reason why we would even want more than one of the same mod if its bind of legacy and able to swap it out like the legacy gear? You can only play one character at a time.

  10. All of my pureblood characters have this issue even the one I made an agent. The lil chin helm you get from that bomb defuse mission on Dromund Kaas won't show up. So I went with it and continued to quest. At the end of Balmorra I got another new helmet, this one looks like the one I described before but has a visor/goggles attached to it. It won't display either. However Kaliyo can wear it. Not sure how it became an issue when they added the customize appearance feature but I hope they can fix it soon.
  11. I honestly think that these lockboxes are bugged (that or my luck is extremely bad).


    As it is now, I've gotten 5 Corso Riggs customizations today alone on my BH. As much as I want to roll a smuggler alt, I don't think I'll be rolling that many.


    There needs to be at least a trade-in option to swap dupes for ones people don't have.


    Least I'm not the only one that feels this way, it seems like the republic gets more imperial companion mods and vice versa. Is this a hint that BW is trying to make us imperials create republic alts to increase the republic population? lol I hope not, I like the imperial classes more than the republic's. Yes the are almost mirror images of each other but from what I've seen the imperial side of the game is more fleshed out.

  12. These things should not duplicate, its pointless. Yes people might make 2 characters of the same class but different advance classes like I did but you can swap it back and forth since its bound to legacy. Sending them in the mail is only 5 credits so not like you will go poor, besides you can only play 1 character at a time anyway. However people are getting like 8 of one companion a day.... do you really need more than one. I've gotten 6 for Corso, 3 for Elara, 2 for Tharan, 2 for Kira, and 2 for Quinn I don't have any republic alts. Thankfully I can use one of my Quinns. There are people out there that play only 1 faction, since these things can't be sold for anything getting more than one of them is pointless in my opinion.


    If they do plan a fix of this they should let us trade in the equivalent of what we want. Like Elara (trooper) for Mako (Bounty Hunter) or Corso (Smuggler) for Vector (Agent). I know I'm not the only one frustrated with this, when they started the even it shouldn't have been random anyway. It should have been set up like the normal companion customization vendors like on Balmorra. They still could have kept them BoL and cost 20 DNAs, would have avoided so many headaches.

  13. Don't think they should even give you duplicates since they are BoL, if you make another alt of the same class you could just take it off one and give it to the other. You can swap it just like the new BoL gear. Whats the point in getting more than one of the same thing. To be honest they shouldn't be random at all, all of them should be in a vendor like the normal companion customization vendors on certain planets. I bought 7 so far and i got 3 of Corso, Kira, Elara, Quinn, and Tharan on my BH. I don't have any pub alts only because I just don't want to play as one. So Quinn's is the only useful one for me. Guess I'll have to spend more time farming them just to get Mako's.
  14. Honestly I don't see why this isn't a good idea, why would I have to grind another 10 social levels on another character. Getting high social doesn't make the game easier, you don't get better armor just unique moddable gear, and you don't level faster. Now that 1.2 launched social points now are almost apart of your Legacy. Some legacy unlockables have a social requirement, don't see why they didn't do this already.


    Even if your a level 10 with Social X your able to get the decorative orange gear but you need the credits to purchase it as well as the level if there is one. I wish they would merge them, would help out the people that RP in the game. Also its harder to get groups as a low level these days. Low level area populations are decreasing more and more lately. I had to spam general chat all half of yesterday just to do two heroics on Dromund Kaas and i still need to finish 3 more.

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