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Posts posted by devtek

  1. The Gray Order


    16man HM





    Titan 6






    Operations Chief



    These are all achievement shots b/c my print screen button was apparently not working during the fights...

  2. The Gray Order


    8 Man Hardmode Scum & Villany


    All Times are EST

    April 10th 2013


    Dash’roode - 4:47 pm



    Titan 6 - 6:02 pm



    Thrasher - 7:48 pm



    Operations Chief - 8:54 pm



    Olok the Shadow - 10:11 pm



    Cartel Warlords - 10:53 pm



    Dread Master Styrak <<<This bleeper will die SOON

  3. Hi Vashidas,


    You are correct in that we changed Space Combat in Game Update 2.0 such that repeatable missions don't grant credits any longer. However, to balance out the overall amount that players can earn on a regular basis, this change was made in conjunction with a very large boost to the credits granted for completing Daily and Weekly Space Combat missions. So you're still able to make your credits and time your Crew Skills by running a couple of missions, but you'll just need to be sure to grab them from your terminal first!


    The patch notes are:


    • Repeatable Space Combat missions will no longer provide credit rewards.
    • All Daily and Weekly Space Combat missions have had their credit rewards significantly increased.




    You bugged it out further unfortunately, the bonus missions don't give credits any more either.

  4. It says it will "allow transportation between" high level hubs, so I would take that to mean you can go back and forth between the hubs, not have to go to the fleet each time.


    I think they just made a new "shuttle" thing specifically for traveling between daily areas instead of using the orbital station shuttles. Apparently it was confusing, I don't know.

  5. This is why Bioware needs to start doing what WoW and Rift did, pre download the game, and also stream the download, so you can play as you dl.


    A lot of stuff is pre-loaded, as evidenced by db sites mining stuff before it is released in game. HK-51 was in the game since beta but was only released recently. There are areas in the game that were once accessible that are not any more but still exist in the game code. MK-7 augment kits have existed in the game code somewhere ever since they added augment kits. The patch you download on patch day is usually just files that absolutely have to been replaced b/c the fixes, content etc conflict with the old file and that old file has to be updated. Its obviously not as "complete" as what other games do but it still exists in some form.

  6. The Gray Order


    February 19th 2013


    Dreadtooth 10 Stack



    Dreadful Entity



    On an interesting note, apparently you only get the "Epic Enemy" codex entry if you perform the killing blow for the Entity. There is a spelling mistake in the entry as well ("You have deafeat the Dreadful Entity).


    Cheers guys.

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