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Posts posted by raptors

  1. Of course he would be. This was EA's final attempt to kill WoW off and failed. Unless they make this free 2 play or do something, the decline will only continue. They say its all the 'casuals' leaving - its not, its the hardcore. Those who love pvp - almost all but gone because pvp is an utter mess in this game.


    If you look closer at the numbers - they sold 2.4 million, how many of those installed and played is anyones guess and subs are now down to 1.3 million - watch the free fall as Tera and Guild Wars 2 slap this into a corner.


    i was thinking the same...... they had over 2million subs when launch and "went up" within the first 2 weeks and now there at 1.3m ( minus the people who cancel and was given 30days ) like my self so its clearly under 1.3m. so they lost almost or half of there subs... wonder if they gave us the 30days free just so they can report 1.3m instead of say 1.1m or worse under 1m

  2. i bet the people like my self who cancel there account and got 30 free days was included as active. sadly i will not return anytime soon. i will wait till the game provides more than RP updates and 4 boss raids
  3. From someone who is still leveling and frustrated with the bugs, crafting, etc.


    I could be run off pretty fast if they continue to introduce new content or 'achievements' before they fixed the original.


    If you have that much time on your hands- odds are you aren't going to stick around much longer anyway... why bother?


    i agree fix the bugs hold off on additional content >.<

  4. Seems to me if people have all these special mice and keyboards, macros would do more to even the playing field than create an unfair advantage, as they would be available to everyone who owns the game.


    I personally really enjoy writing macros, and setting up my character around them. It makes the character feel more like it's mine, a nice custom fit. So I am probably biased on this issue.


    But I would really like to see them in game, and I think they would be a great edition especially for marauders and other complex classes which at the moment seriously infringe on your ability to watch the action and buffs/procs/cooldowns at the same time.


    dude im with you having no macros i run out of keybinds and at the point of feeling just plain weird adding new keybinds so much to clikc and bind. macros would make my ui life much cleaner

  5. So?? Is it safe to assume that you do not have a logical and viable reason for dual speccing.. I mean, that is what your lack of response seems to suggest.. Seems to me you are the one crying.. He made his points.. Where is yours?? :cool:


    stop trying to "forum fight" get over it...



    dual spec is comming

  6. its simple choice you dont like it dont use it. dual spec is a good option when guilds who dont have the needed amount of tanks or healers OR dps 1 of the 2 healers can go dps and the guild does not suffer or friends. people cry about this but dual spec does not hurt the game just makes it easier to fill in the harder roles without breaking people bank who switch very often. dual spec = better game experience
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