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Posts posted by GMNimloth

  1. It's 8:30am EST and I been sitting in the Q now for about 30 minutes and NO Warzone at level 50. Just lame, did you not think this would happen when you bracketed just 50s together, I sure did.


    Not enough people are in them at times and they just shut down way early.


    Should not have made the bracket for just 50s, there just is not enough people doing them all the time now.


    Lower the Bracket to 40-50 so we can do them and have enough wanting to.


    I have nothing to do and I am close to CANCELING.


    I am done with Daily's on Ilum and Belsavis and raids are only 2 nights a week, PvP is all that's left and the way you have it with just 50s can't even do that some of the time. Either Qs are to long or when we do get in one it shuts down.


    And no HM FPs do not interest me, why do I want to go through that for crappy loot or worse a repair bill of 20-60k from a bad PUG.


    This game is going to be loosing people in droves soon which is to bad cause I like it, just nothing to do and no sense in continuing to sub when nothing to do.


    Oh and I am not making another toon when I already know what awaits me at 50 as of right now, which is more boredom.


    Your problem playing so much and having nothing to do, nevertheless you can create a toon you know and find a new *to do list* until casual players reach 50 too!

  2. digital deluxe never mentioned the ring and the traders up there, but still me who i bought the DDE game i got the ring in my email and can access the traders..


    Except of course from the Collectors trader.


    IMO they added the ring for VIP room and the trader to DDE and never changed the description

  3. i noticed that sometimes as well and i was like *** just happened, but then i saw that one time i had 15/7000 life and my hp was 0%.


    thats cause 1% of 7000 is 70.


    anything lower than that is 0% although the mob or the player still has some juice left!


    Simple maths mate.

  4. from what i remember i left koriban at lvl 11 after doin everything there is to that planet.


    same from dromund kaas.


    I intentionally left the HEROIC quests from nar shaddaa, balmora, and tatooine.


    I am now 27 lvl and need to the next planet (im sorry but my memory doesnt work right now and i cant remember the name of the planet), which is an 28-30 lvl planet.


    Im trying to get xp from pvp and space missions, cause i died by even 4 pack simple mobs. (not even strong just simple).


    I dont know how you did it, but yet again as i said, only by leaving the Heroic missions aside im underleveled and trying to force my ways with space missions and PvP.

  5. All right so I pre-ordered November 3rd. I have not received an early access announcement letter but it clearly states I have early access on my account page. Is it bad I didn't get the announcement letter? If I don't have it by tomorrow will I not get in? Please post replies to help. I have not gotten an invite yet just to be clear.


    November pre orders have not granted early access yet.

    We will get our access probably tomorrow and by a slight change some of us might have to wait till Friday.


    What you see in Ur account is that you are ready for Early Access but they have not granted it yet.


    They give access with a Que of what day you preorder so if lets say i preordered on 10/9, ill get early access before you etc.


    So wait until tomorrow and since November 3rd i think you will be in with the second or at least at the 3rd wave :)

  6. for quick answers,


    There is no grace period. They said so in many posts, here, and in twitter so, there is no grace period 100%


    for the second question, i don't think this is possible, if you register your key, I'm not really sure you can change it back! send an email to customer support asking them what to do, that's Ur best choice you have right now!


    Hope i helped!

  7. Crap! That means I won't be getting in until the 18th or 19th. lol


    nah mate, don't look at the chart, take a look at the last date that entered at today's final wave! ~ 2 of October.


    So the chart is off, and i hope (for real i wish and hope and praying at the same time) that ill get EGA tomorrow, although i preordered at 30/11 :(

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