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Posts posted by Nylira

  1. This fight is getting so extremely tiring on 8 man SM. EVERY FFing time I have been to this forsaken instance this boss is just one bugfest after another. EVERY TIME! On at least 5 visits I spent 2 hours wiping on this boss because apparently the server and the client cannot agree on where the hell this stupid boss is.


    So yeah lets see what we have had so far:

    -We have had a cross that went red even though everyone was in the correct spot,

    -We have had a cross that went green and STILL ONE SHOTTED SOMEONE,

    -We have had a cross that went both red and green at the same time,

    -We have had the cross cast instantly (this seems MOSTLY fixed now)

    -We have had a cross turning red because the boss wasn't in the spot everyone and the cross told us he was.

    -We have had a cross going at a 45 degree angle for some people and thus going red and.. ah well.. you get the picture by now...


    And you know this is aside from red circles one shotting people not standing in them. The term Bioware circle is now used to define a circle you were not even close to but which the server does not agree on and still decides to one shot you.


    We have tried pretty much every workaround mentioned. We even included the bunny hop in the hope to update the position on the server. But it seems pointless. When fighting this boss I can just as well flip a coin 4 times. If I get heads 4 times in a row I will probably win.


    So if fixing this is too difficult then perhaps next time I enter the Underlurker's lair you can just cast a 1d256. If I get a 1 you kill the boss and let me loot. On all other results you just one shot my team and save us the frustration of attempting this horrible mechanic over and over on story mode.


    Yes I am angry. Angry at the fact that this expansion has been such a horrible mess and continues to be a manual on how not to develop software.

  2. I felt it necessary to make a post to note how I feel about the whole thing. It is very likely they will not care either way but at least I let them know one way or the other. If this bothers you, you can always ignore my post of course.
  3. Dear Bioware,


    I have been a long time player of SWTOR starting with the end of the beta. Always been a subscriber and also a collector having a love/hate relationship with the cartel market. But I have been one of those that also invested in hypercrates.


    All in all I can say I have been a fan in general of Bioware games and I own plenty of them and above all I enjoy SWTOR; or rather enjoyed. Off late I am beginning to doubt the workings of Bioware and the game itself.


    Being a fan I was overjoyed that Revan was going to be making a combat (I was never satisfied with his flashpoint ending). But as the early access was rolled out the issues kept piling on one after another.

    Let's just take a slice out of the 'what the heck' playbook:


    -The Yavin 4 slide show,

    -The errors on the last fight of Yavin 4,

    -The ability delays and lag monster,

    -Group finder being pretty much unsuable when you hit level 60,

    -Group finder giving many and undergeared soul in HM60 flashpoints (We cycled through 13 DPS on one night till we found 2 who could beat the Droid on Korriban),

    -The HM60 flashpoints giving Basic while th HM55 give Elite commendations,

    -The HM60 flashpoint bonus boss rarely giving any loot and nothing worth mentioning,

    -The level 60 ops being bugged like crazy,

    -The level 60 ops being unplayable on 16 man,

    -The level 60 ops doing ridiculous damage and mechanics on STORY mode,

    -The level 60 ops being exploited to hell and back,

    -The Customer Server droids not providing answers,

    -The Customer Server droids providing ridiculous of just wrong answers

    -Plenty of balance issues between various classes.


    I can go on but these just have been the most painful things to see. So far the only thing that was addressed before the Holidays was the last fight on Yavin 4. And it seems the exploit and the ability delays have been acknowledged.


    The rest of it. We will have to see. Being a developer myself I mostly feel burned by the feeling that we have just been left to our own devices over the Holidays. That the expansion was rushed and then everything was left to later.

    I know from experience you cannot solve everything in 5 minutes. But really where was the communication?


    So much complaining could have been avoided if at least we had people actively communicating about many of the issues at hand. Why oh why did this not happen? Why did the roll out from closed beta to live go so horribly wrong?


    I am just unhappy. I no longer care that my class got pummeled with the spiked nerfbat. I just want the game to be playable and fun again. And to stop the frustration on so many errors and things beyond my control.


    Heck you could even make me smile by replacing the Customer Server droids by humans again. You know; people that actually read and interpret tickets instead of getting a service droid to send me a pointless or wrong auto reply. It doesn't help it just adds to my misery.


    Hopefully the next maintenance will resolve many an issue. Please get your junk together and fix my beloved game.




    GM Lanae of the Tweakers on the Red Eclipse

  4. I love how if you post a complaint the response of one of the first trolls is always that i must be bad at the game. Hilarious since i healed dp/df nim succesfully pre 3.0 but heck if you think so then i guess it must be true.

    My main gripe is our loss of mobility an inability to patch burst damage. Tank have 50k health nowadays and most fights are movement intensive with lots of burst damage. If your tank takes a 30k hit then good luck closing it.

    I healed the 8m sm ops and did the hm fp multiple times. Relearned my class but that changes nothing about my complaints.


    And man that first boss on Assault on Tython is quite a bastard. ;)

  5. Ok well wow that was awesome. Made it to level 60 as Medicine and I just tried a hard mode. I am not sure who suggested these 'balances' but this is just maddening.


    Alongside me I had a Bounty Hunter level 60 who was alternating between some damage and a healer spec.

    It seems that the nerfbat hit us into a Pre-Rakata era healing wise. And it seems that with the new 'AOE' heal we got turned us into a bad sage.


    Our power was a great deal derived from our mobility. My mobile heals are just bad. Really really bad. But heck everyone could be nerfed right? Well introducing the NEW power on the block: The Bounty Hunter.

    Where as I have mobile AOE healing that tick for 1.2-2.4k per tick; the similarly geared Bounty Hunter next to me throws a MOBILE AOE that heals for 2.1-4.2 healing per tick.


    Thanks guys. .. I can barely heal through a Hard Mode run now. And when I do I am really dependent on being able to use the new STATIONARY AOE. So really thanks.. thanks for finally destroying the class that I played and enjoyed since the beta.


    I find it hilarious.. the demographic showed that operatives and smugglers were the least played class. Lets see what happens when 95% of the Healers are Bounty Hunters in a few weeks. The developer stream said they test these statistics. I find that very hard to believe. All hail Bounty Hunters....:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  6. I'm sorry but I thought giving people more incentive to do PvP was a good thing...


    Maybe but when people just join a Warzone to get the incentive and care not for the game itself then the incentive kind of misses the point. Not just that but suddenly the people who do enjoy the game find themselves in games being spoiled by those who just want incentive. So I see this will backfire in a spectacular way.

  7. Come on.


    You claim the infinite card but time is a limitation. It is more beneficial to run heroics if you only have 1.5hrs of game time a day than to run warzones. 1.5hrs is what you can expect a casual player to spend in-game daily. Sure the super players may do PvP a ton all day long but those are far and few between, the reverse is true as well. But running heroics 7 heroics for 500 pts is 3500 but double that because the heroics take 45 min to complete so I can switch characters for a total of 7000 points. PvP queues can be spotty depending on the server, if you a lot about 15 min per match, that's 6 matches for 500 pts which totals 3000 points in 1.5hrs.


    You tell me who gets the better deal for their time investment.


    If I count 15 minutes for a match then according to your math I can do 3 war zones for every flashpoint I run.

    So in 1.5 hours a day I could do 2 flashpoints for 2000 points or 6 war zones for 3000 points, I am not going into wait times since waiting for a que as a DPS for PVE can take up to an hour sometimes. But for the sake of the argument even if I remove 1 warzone to compensate for the ques then I would still come out ahead,

  8. Some of you here have serius problem on understand how this conquest work.

    Afraid of not win? Change planet, take a better one, do H with alt and daily FP. You will do more point than run wz.


    IF you are not allowed to lame, you have to cry.


    Wrong it is you who don't seem to understand the problem. It is not about just picking another planet and solving the problem. It is about PVP-ers having INFINITE repeatable objectives and PVE-ers having capped or severely limited ones. And you can stop with your nonsense calculations now. I run 1 daily HM fp and I get 1000 points for that. In the same time space the PVP-ers run 3 warzones and get 1500 points.


    After that the PVP-er can do the same thing again and again and again. The PVE-er will have to wait to the next daily reset to get this. YOU are a PVP-er so you probably find it hard to understand how unfair the balance is.


    Looking at Dulfy and how several repeatable PVE objectives are now suddenly One Time I can ONLY guess that a lot of the other scenarios will also be 'fixed'.

  9. @Nylira

    Wait wait, I was talking about PvE vs PvP, that people are complaining about here. They reward the same ammount, and all are just crazy with this really needed patch.


    Your problem is small guild against bigger one right? Ok in this I agree for sure. Actually with just 15/25 player we are in the top ten... but mate so much work!!! Win is impossible, the top with 80+ online just have 3 times our points.


    We are all aware of this problem, for now the only solution is to farm commander if you can find one.


    If you are in the top 10 with 15/25 player then I am guessing you are either on a server where no one cares about conquest or the server is under populated or you are in a PVP guild. The crux of the matter is simple. I cannot cap doing ONLY PVE I can cap doing ONLY PVP. So really where is the fairness in all that.


    *EDIT* Apparently you are on Red Eclipse so if you are not in a PVP guild then I would say good luck holding on to the top 10 spot after this patch.

  10. Not true, in lot of planets PvE guild are winning:


    Pc Gamer Imperial Mint

    Imperial Woves.


    Big guild win, not PvP one. And they are all running Heroics on planet, FP daily and so on.

    You have to LEARN how to do conquest better.


    There are also lot of PvE guild in the top 10.


    you have to learn a PLANET SUITABLE for your guild


    You don't seem to understand really. They win because they have 400-500 members. If they all do cap 1 toon it is instant leaderboard. The ONLY way my 60 man guild can compete is if we cap 3 toons for every one of theirs so to speak.


    If you remove that option by telling me that 90% of objectives are ONE TIME PER LEGACY then you are taking away my possibility of competing unless I go grind content that makes me want to throw myself off a building.

    So if you know that then you know also that most of the PVE guilds that are in the top 10 are either huge or working their *** off with multiple toons. When you remove that you will see PVE guilds slowly dropping from the leaderboards with the exception of the guargantuan ones.


    Then there is this 'find a suitable planet' nonsense you write. Again you fail to grasp the issue at hand. I can chose from 4 planets this scenario and each one of them has several PVP and huge PVE guilds on it. We are currenly trying to do Corellia because it seemed like the most level playing ground.


    Because logically if 400 people cap once and I have 60 people that cap 4-5 times I may just have a shot at beating these people or at least staying on the board. I have people in my guild that capped 8 toons the previous scenario and were no working their way to capping 10 character. Just to fight for a spot on the leaderboard. That will not happen because you are basically telling them: No you cant win by playing what you like. You have to do the stuff you don't like if you want a shot at winning.


    I doubt I have to elaborate how much of a fun killer this is. I have a fun guild with loads of friends that have stuck with the adventure for nearly 3 years now. I will not order them to do stuff they hate.

    So really go ahead and post your awesome replies in font 40 with colors because you think that solves the problem. In reality PVE just got screwed again and since this thread exists I am not alone in my feelings towards this.


    Even if THIS was the way they want to take this. Then throw the PVE-ers a bone and make PVE objectives completable once PER CHARACTER instead of legacy. And give smaller guilds a chance at the leaderboard. The way it is now I will have to wait for that 1 in 10 run where we get to invade 9 planets so I can compete.


    Oh and btw thanks for reading my post mate. But next time you really don't need to use font sizes and colors to scream at me. I can hear and read just fine thanks.

  11. When Conquest was introduced I was happy because it meant that my little PVE guild could again be motivated to do old content. We started since the game started and have gained and lost people but we had a definite hard core that stayed with us for nearly 3 years now. So here comes conquest. A competition where you could again do old content for points and fight we did for those points.


    Like any guild we would like to expand the guild ship. So we put SO much effort into fighting for our spot and doing commanders when we could find them. But then it quickly became apparent that my 60 man guild is no competition for the 500 man guilds out there which rack points like INSANITY. Still we battled and fought for all we were worth with the PVE content. And we stuck it out to take spot nr. 6 last week. I am very proud of my guild for that.


    But we did not fail to notice that the 'hotfixes' apparently are never for fixing a PVP objective. So surprise surprise today the message of this so called bug report fixing stuff. And in truth I could maybe even accept it if the cap was was per character. But no .. it is per legacy. That is just stupid squared. It basically tells me that if I play the PVE I enjoy I can only cap one toon since a second toon would be an infinite grind on content I do not like to get to the cap.


    Meanwhile the PVP just do what they like and cap one toon after another. I can pretty much predict now that I am going to lose several members on the conquest front because they cant be bothered to PVP like crazy to compete. So I can say goodbye to staying on the leaderboards. The only way for us to then try and remolely do anything with our guild ship (USS MoneySink) is to try and do commanders. And guess what; this will also be impossible because the 500 person guilds are camping every planet. The planar bombardment for the controlling guild means we will never get the named commander on that planet again.


    So yes thank you for making this content obviously something meant to be played and won by PVP players. Hilariously the PVP players I know and befriended are the ones that have ZERO interest in conquest. I am sure the irony will not be lost.


    As for us..after this patch goes live I guess my guild will be split. One half will most likely go dormant again till 3.0 and the other half of us will be destroying pvp games and star fighter by queing and moving in circles on the battle field like a random drunk. I guess this will turn me into the thing I hate but it seems in its infinite wisdom this is how Bioware envisioned patch 2.9.


    If you made it this far into reading this then by all means thanks for reading. :)

  12. Completed the Shroud Revealed Achievement

    Completed the Droids You're looking for Achievement


    Got no mail and not pet. Contacted in game support and they told me that according to their system I have not completed 'The Shroud Droids' quest. I did not get a follow up quest and I have completed all the quests in the Macrobinocular quest line. So where am I supposed to get this quest? Or did my pet bug out?

  13. ......


    Wow so the focus is on MORE cartel market developments. The whole development reeks of trying to milk the game as much as they can get before it dies. Cartel markets flood everything these days. Can't make any more money crafting because its a thousand times cheaper on GTN due to the infernal cartel market. How about making content for the actual paying players of the game.


    Cathar should be part of the regular content; not cartel market unlockable. Dropping a nightmare difficulty on us with a few new mechanics does not count as new content when a player has been camping a few months there already, I am slowly seeing the same trend when as when Sony started the SW Galaxies death spiral. I do hope I am wrong. and the major content every 6 weeks comes back. Ya know instead of the 'new cartel crap every 2-4 weeks'.


    Yes I love the game.. I have 10 level 50's before. Hoping this MMO is gonna stay but heck I am beginning to dout it.

  14. This stuff happens in all MMO's not just here. If you had any knowledge in gaming (Which I highly doubt.) You would know that MMO's are the heaviest with coding and changing the color of an item from blue to green could do as much as break your inventory entirely.


    That is a null argument. I work in quality assurance so I know that bug free software is a myth. However this is a very clear case of an engineer not testing his code and QA not doing its job. The fix was supposed to make probes spawn more consistently. Instead they no longer spawn. So not only did it not fix the issue it also broke existing functionality. Any capable tester worth his salt would have seen this happening. Even if the engineers have a big issue coding this then at the VERY least QA should have seen this.


    The issue with the matrix cubes was also something that could easily have been seen by a default testing 101 update test. Again it is so blatantly staring people in the face that I for the life of me cannot understand why it was not caught. If I make mistake like this I can pack my bags and go find another job.

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