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Posts posted by Sorrtas

  1. Guys...


    We need an activist emperor who actually leads and has the Council under his or her thumb!


    - Arcada

    The United States is currently in-process of obtaining said Emperorship of the empire.

    We're just waiting for the Marines to mop up a couple of Sith Lords - should be done in a couple of minutes.

    The Navy is out somewhere close by drinking their coffee till the Marines need to hit some other planet.

    The US Army is camping outside some cantina. I think they're recruiting?

    And the Air Force is currently stationed in a very nice hotel in DK. Tomorrow we get to play Kick The Hutball in DK Center!! All drones will be recommissioned as flying drink trays. :rak_03:

  2. Bump for this.


    I'd like 16 slots just so I can craft gear for my lowbies and explore all the advance classes.


    I have toons of the opposite class on a different server - but I never play them because I don't have the means to make armor and weapons for them.

  3. I honestly don't see the logic in some of these restrictions.

    Warzone restrictions should be a daily restriction of 3. By restricting it to three per week you gain absolutely nothing except some fr00b (free player) that thinks you want them to sub to waive the restrictions. Which you do but you don't want them to think that.


    Flashpoints/Operation restrictions. My guess is let fr00bs play only SM and HM for Flashpoints, and just SM for Operations.


    Space Combat. Four a day sounds legit. Only benefit you get is exp.


    Now for the dumbest restriction I have never seen in a MMO.

    Breed restrictions. Seriously? What exactly do you hope to gain from that?? You must pay $15 a month or you won't be able to play the other epic races? Now you're just begging for an emu.


    You're not luring people into subbing; you're making it hard for the person to see what is so amazing about swtor and all its glories. #1 mistake you made is preventing the person to customize their character to their likings (AKA RACE RESTRICTION) If the person isn't happy with how their character looks then they're not sticking around.

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