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Posts posted by Naterrage

  1. 30 years old looking to start raiding again i left right before ROTHC. I am only geared out in the max gear at that time atm but that can change in probably 2 carry runs with the right guild. looking for raiding and progression but i am known to pull out the pvp'ness once in awhile. I used to run with Relic on this server and have main tanked / dps'ed (tank mostly) for several high ranked mmo guilds i have a headset, great ISP connection, and I consider myself to be a competent person which we all know is hard to find. However, I can only stand a minimal amount of derpage and have no patience for people who make the same mistakes consistantly. just letting you know before we even get started. thanks


    oh yar


    my email is AquaNater@gmail.com

    in game name is Naterrage / Tarahble


    let me know whats happening..

  2. It's official, I have no life... I am upset about not getting into a MMORPG early, because I have absolutely nothing else going on. I am 28 on unemployment, Probation, and recently split from my girlfriend. Please help...I need this Bioware..... I need this.





    Nate :(



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