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Posts posted by Gwendytopia

  1. Lots of great points.


    I am very disappointed by the lack of interaction after reaching 10000 affection with a companion. I worked so hard for that affection and now you go mute?!?! I am hopeful that my companions start talking again on Makeb but I won't hold my breath.


    Honestly, once I'm done my class stories and have all of the companions to max affection I'm sure I'll lose interest in this game and wander off to play something else. This game (for me) is about story and I feel like the story is over. I might get the odd generic quest line but as of right now the future looks bleak for my companions ;_;

  2. I left for a few months simply because I was busy and just had no time to play.


    I returned last month for 1.3 because:


    -I finally got the LFG tool I wanted, yay for being able to run FP's without spamming fleet :D

    -The interface editor

    -The color match to chest

    -Legacy perks make leveling my alts much more enjoyable


    What I'm looking forward to/ want:



    -More story for my companions :D (and companion quests >.> I want more of these!)


    -A hood up/down option, please!!!

    -Being sent back to where you were after using LFG

    -Uh.. More story!

    -and more story!

  3. You can if the armor you happen to like is orange (fully moderific) I wish there was more nice looking gear I can fully mod. My Jedi Sentinel has been wearing the same brown robes since level 10 and by keeping my mods up to date my gear is better than anything else I've picked up at my level.
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