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Posts posted by gothshark

  1. I don't think that it could be Plagueis since they all state that Snoke was active during the clone wars, which as far as we know Plagueis wasn't since he was still considered dead, Snoke is also someone who is obsessed with the skywalker bloodline, so far all we know it could still be Sidious but kinda doubt that also since Snoke is just darkside, not a sith, I could be wrong on that part. So I'm thinking that Snoke it just a fallen jedi that survived the clone wars.


    Which is why I think it is you know who from Star Wars Rebels.

  2. Well, most people that i've heard opinions from highlighted the last acene as the best in the whole movie.

    Since Han said that Luke was looking for the first Jedi Temple i started to get worried (yes as a fan i hope that some Legends/EU stuff can still be canonized).


    So, what are the chances of Luke be hiding on Tython? The planet is significantly similar, but it's location can be a setback because it's a little far from the core worlds, but that can be edited on other editions if a future retcon happens.




    Wanna know what you guys think.


    Nice idea, although it wont be in the exact same place as it is in game. Rakata Prime is also official, and is on the map near where Luke is.

  3. Does that sound about right?


    My theory:


    Posted here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8709426&postcount=28


    Basically, the idea I get is Snoke is a fallen Jedi from before the Empire, he survived a killing blow, and somehow fell to the Darkside. He has access to Imperial data, but was never apart of the Empire or the Sith.


    He is said to be wise, but he is significantly bad at long term planning. He also wants people tied to both light and Dark. Which leeds me to think he has Old Republic era knowledge of the Dark Revanites. The reason this is likely is because of 3 references to KOTOR, and TOR in the movie, and released information. (SCORPIO lookalike, Rakata Prime, Malachor)


    The clear Nod to Reven can be seen in the look of the Knights of Ren.




    I expect that Star Wars Rebels as a show will end with a face off on a World with Ancient Sith Empire relics, with a showdown between Darth Vader and The crew, Vader will win, the Rebel alliance wont help, Kanan lives and falls to the darkside injured and alone, blaming the Rebellion for the loss of Ezra. I bet the name Snoke will be a nickname he earns in the final season.



  4. I really get the feeling that Rey was once a Youngling and the sole survivor of the Jedi Massacre. The main conflict is that she has never met Luke before (but dreams about him / his location).


    no, 20+30 years = 50 years since Empire Day. That would make her older than Luke. She is most likely Lukes Daughter. She has Skywalker levels of force power, and the First truly calm mind in a Skywalker.




    What I find interesting is Finn, he's also very obviously Force Sensitive, although no where on the Skywalker level. He's probably on the Han Solo level, yes Han Solo was Force Sensitive. Although on a weak level, which is why he's such a good pilot and why it took his son to kill him.



  5. Snoke, been thinking about him for a while now, and here is what I have...


    Warning you are going to hate my conclusion, but the logic works.


    1. Snoke is old, claims to be old enough to have seen the Rise of the Empire and the Fall of the Jedi. This means he has to be older than Luke Skywalker.

    2. He clearly lost a battle, but lived though wounds that would have killed most.

    3. He is probably Human with a bit of an Ego. 20 foot hologram reeks of ego.

    4. Snoke is not his birth name, like many Force users, he has assumed that name. Because of it's childish nature I am thinking it's the name of endearment of someone he lost long ago.

    5. Snoke knows a lot about the Force, heavily implied he is a force user.

    6. Snoke is a New Character Developed by JJ Abrams and is only going to be tied into new content, ie Stuff developed by Disney, and not a character from the Original Trilogy.

    7. Snoke is not a Sith, he has never trained under anyone with Sith training, he can not be an Inquisitor.

    8. He is wise, and clever, but dense. He uses ideas he has seen before that have failed, but thinks he can do better.


    after much deliberation, and crossing out a hundred names of characters, I am left with one person who fits, and you will hate me for implanting this idea. Because it works too well, and you like this guy.




    Kanan Jarrus



  6. This guy is supposed to be the new bad guy right? Why the hell is so such a whinny ***? He gets mad and starts throwing a temper tantrum. What a baby, but then again hes just like how the younger generation is now a days. They don't get it there way they cry about it.


    Kylo Ren, the inept Vader wantabe. He has no redeeming characteristics, and although jarring, and a failure at being a respectable villain, I felt that was the intent of the Character, he is a spoiled brat with delusions of greatness. Although he is by far one of the strongest force users in the films so far. His mental state, and lack of self-identity make him feel like a weak person who makes us unwilling to like him. When compared to Darth Vader’s stoic approach, he is overly emotional and unsure of himself.

    Vader made us love him for being himself, Ren makes us hate him, for not having a true self identity. Over all I want to see him fail hard, and that’s a good thing to have in an antagonist. Granted, in the long history of Star Wars, I feel this is the first time a Villain made me feel this way, Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, made a plan that took at least 10 years to fulfill, he set up the end of the Republic in such a way everyone besides the Jedi were happy about it. He was a master of manipulation, and a brilliant strategist. Everyone loves him, which is good for a pulp villain. Meanwhile Ren is a guy you can’t like, he is almost as vile as King Joffrey from GoTs.

    The 1st order, like Kylo Ren, they have a second string feel to them. Although they are defiantly a more realistic threat than Empire was. The fault in them also feels intentional, they seem to be more a Cult than an actual society. Which makes them in many ways not only more dangerous, but also less respectful. The Empire was an efficient Government, which was outlawing Slavery, and bringing Security to the Galaxy at the expense of freedom, and due process. A person could be quiet comfortable with the Empire in charge, conversely, the First Order steals children to raise them as Storm Troopers. They are willing to Murder entire star systems just to make a point. Yes, I know, Alderaan was also destroyed. However, they as a people, and their leadership had always been a thorn in the Empires Side, the first Order struck and destroyed several worlds at once, to include the current Republic Capital world, more as a statement that they should be taken serious. Since the Resistance fighting them, was less an Army of the Republic and more a Vigilantly Mercenary force receiving just enough funds to annoy the First Order.

    I should also point out the Mysterious Boss of the First Order, the Supreme Leader Snoke. … Say that out loud, and imagine Gollum after losing a fight with a Jedi and getting badly burned. This is the new replacement for Emperor Palpatine, he is stoic yet almost a joke in name and appearance. The disconnect once again pushes our feelings in such a way as to make us innately dislike him. Where I could respect Darth Sidious, and his long term planning and foresight. Snoke who talks about watching the rise and fall of the Sith, the Empire, and he implied the Republic as well, felt as if he was tired of being ignored. I think his Starkiller was an Attempt to show the Galaxy to take him ‘Cereals’. (Yes a south park reference)

    He and his Order are a real threat to the Galaxy, and make a good antagonistic faction if you want people to naturally dislike them. Unlike the Sith, whom I would join, I dislike the Knights of Ren enough that I will not ever claim to be one.

  7. 1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?



    1. Empire
    2. A New hope
    3. Jedi
    4. Force Awakens
    5. Rebals
    6. Sith
    7. Clone Wars
    8. Attack
    9. Phantom Menace
    10. Other


    2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

    FN-2187 (Finn)


    3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

    Kylo Ren, he's a spoiled brat, and emotionally unsound. Also he killed my favorite character of all.


    4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

    Harrison Ford, he wanted off a long time ago, and he found a classic way to leave.


    5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

    Han Solo and the Gangsters. Honestly, that is what we needed, some good ol'fashion smuggler action.


    6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

    See above


    7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

    Clearly she is a Skywalker, JJ Abrams said this next Trilogy is the Conclusion of the Skywalker story. Odds are she is Luke's Daughter.


    8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

    Epic,Yes, no. He was my favorite character, but he had to go out being great. And he was. It also set up my hatred of his son.


    9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

    7/10 two untrained actors dueling, with intense emotions, it was brilliant, the flaw and the strength of the fight was one has a serious injury, and the other was unskilled. It was done in a European fight style, befitting the look and feel of what we saw.


    10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

    Every Star Wars film gets the same score for me, 9/10


    11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

    The Starkiller blast taking out those planets, and the distance to the Star. They either should have established all these planets where in the same system, or not have everyone able to see plasma traveling though hyperspace.



    Edit: missed a question, my bad.


    12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


    Yes, he is not a Skywalker, but he clearly shows signs of being a Lightside force sensitive. It was how he broke his conditioning, it is also why he bumbled into the center of the story. He might end up being like Han Solo and never acknowledged as force sensitive, but I think the direction of this film is leading to more people awakening to the Force. For the last 50 years there have been few if any force users. However the numbers of people with a connection should not have decreased, which means everywhere normal people who would have been taken to the Jedi temple as kids, were left untrained, and unrecognized.



    The storm troopers straight up do a modified Sieg heil at one point.


    Also, Darth Gollum...I mean Das Fuehrer Snoke, is the Head of the Knights of Ren. As such we have no idea who they are, they use the Darkside, but seem to nurture Lightside as well. Also the implications are their order is ancient and hidden.

  9. Actually, as I remember, true-pureblood Sith were not able to interbreed with humans. It became possible through Sith alchemy and creative applications of the Force, so it can hardly be counted as natural.


    and if you follow the in game side quests, you will find out that Every Sith on Korriban is a Hybrid with Human.

  10. My Jedi Knight is a Sith Pureblood, he was my first legacy Character I made, years ago.


    The thing is Sith pureblood is a misnomer They are Humans with large percentage of Sith DNA. If you follow the side quests on the Imperial side, you will find out that Siths and Humans had mixed completely and the red skin is just a remnant of some of their ancestors. As such being a red skinned Near Human with tentacle facial features, is all you really are. Yes, many follow the teachings of the Sith Empire, but if you notice, most of the 'Pure Bloods' are actually noble warriors, and as such being light side is not impossible, in fact it seems a natural course of things that they are loosing the one trait that made them True Sith, being one with the dark-side.

  11. There are very few star wars humanoid species that can interbreed.


    However there are several notable ones that can, and it is almost always with Humans.


    The category of species that can breed with Humans (in Legend Lore only) are called Near-Humans.


    Normally, they count as human with funny skin colors ie Chiss.


    However, some races which are not specifically identified as Near-Human can hybrid with Humans, this includes Sith, and Twi'leks.


    Now as to other species mixing, in Legends Lore, it is hardly ever mentioned. Mainly because writers tend to want to mix X with Human, so if you want to have a mixing that doesn't fall inside normal Legends lore, feel free, but write the story well enough to sell it to even the most die hard fan.

  12. If a pureblood were to conceive a child with a human, is there a chance it could look exactly like a human, or would it be different in any way?


    Would it have red hair, skin, or other pureblood features? Or would it look completely like a pureblood?


    Since TOR canon, has made the 'Pure Bloods' Half human already, I think they would maintain the red skin, and keep looking more and more human. Eventually, purebloods will just be Human.

  13. .... But the smuggler is not. He is a gosh darn smuggler, he might be good with the gun but he still is a smuggler. I won't play a smuggler, ever, because I refuse to think that a smuggler could kill a somewhat skilled force-user in a one-on-one battle. To me it doesn't make sense. If it does to you, good for you.



    Um, Han Solo... Just saying in the official lore He is the only pilot to ever shoot Darth Vader, and he did it while flying a freighter. Several times in Star Wars lore, very powerfully force sensitives have not been trained to use the force, and they end up on paths like Smugglers and Bounty Hunters. The Nomadic life calls to people strong in the force.


    So good for you not playing one of the classes, and missing out on some fairly important lore in the game. I personally have played every class to finish the class story arcs. I found that they did justice to each one, and every PC no matter the class or race is exceptional for many reasons. Each one could easily be force sensitive with out knowing it.


    Also if you do play a Smuggler, he will basically hint you are force sensitive yet ignorant of the force. It makes for an interesting angle to the story.


    Also Smuggler Flirts, some of the best dialog in the game.

  14. Most certainly no. Infinite Empire ceased to exist roughly 20 000 years before the events of KotOR.


    Eternal Empire is a quite young state, most probably only 600-700 years old.




    The Rakata had an Empire called the Infinite Empire, it ended about 25kBBY (Before the Battle of Yavin).


    The The Eternal Empire is the government based on Zakuul founded by Emperor Valkorion, ie Now in game or 3,640 BBY


    The eternal fleet has no known Origin as of yet, the Empire it served has not been named. The Gravestone likewise has not been identified by race or timeline.


    It seems obvious if you look at the details, both the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone are on similar design parameters, and clearly not something anyone has used in recent memory.


    I suggest that the Rakata built both, or at least someone used their technology. That somewhere there is another Star Forge, and the Gravestone was a ship designed to counter that Star Forge, and to ensure the collapse of the powerbase of the Infinite Empire. I am sure this lore will open up to us as we move forward.

  15. Hrmm......ya so....the lore.....why are you destroying it?.....it is known that the chiss are not force sensitive and i see no reason for a pureblood to be a good doer and join the republic and fight the empire...ya.......this is worse then a hutt jedi...


    First off, game mechanics not lore, second there have been Chiss Jedi in the past, just not often. Third, 'Pure Blood' is actually a bad name for the race, if you play through the Sith Start zone, you find out Humans have been breeding with 'Purebloods' for centuries, and diluting the 'pure' Sith blood. So yes, a Do good Sith is totally feasible at this point.


    If you want True Pure Bloods go to Yavin 4 and deal with the Massassi. Although mutated, their blood is still pure.





    Meh, looks like someone hit us with a NecroCrit.

  16. Where is this majority? From what I've seen, the homicidal maniac Sith heavily outnumber any other kind.


    This is why my SI who is my DS main, can't max out DS points, she is practical, anti-slavery, and doesn't kill for the 'lolz'. She has earned plenty of LS points just by not killing the weak. Granted she wont make the added effort either.


    Think about Lana, she is as Darkside as they get, but she is a Hero of the greater good. Half the times I forget she has the 'Sith Eyes' because her choices are in directions that help others.


    I look at it like this, Anakin fell to the Darkside when he killed the Sand People, or if Lucas was a better writer he would have. He was still a nice guy and a Hero of the Republic, he didn't become a douche until He knelt, granted because of the poor writing it all seemed to fast and didn't make sense the way it should have.


    Basically you can be Darkside and a Hero in this game. But yah, 'the mass killing, kill for the lolz' sith is still the majority, both NPCs and PCs. I tend to play smarter characters who don't just willy nilly pick an option because of the color.


    That said, being a Dark side, defeated powerful historic (spoilers) to gain their power, my SI sees the Emporer as a stepping stone for her final ascension as Dark Lord of the Galaxy. She want to rule it all, to end slavery, and gain respect for her people. (She's a caitian with dreadlocks)


    She really takes the Sith Code to heart.



    Peace is a lie, there is only passion. - Peace only happens when you are dead, life is about passion and love.

    Through passion, I gain strength. - My love for my people, my passion for my lover, these make me stronger

    Through strength, I gain power. - As I gain strength, I connect better with the force, making me a powerful being

    Through power, I gain victory. - Using the Power of the force, no one, nothing can stand against me

    Through victory, my chains are broken. - Out of Slavery I have amassed the power to become a leader of the Sith, Not only am I free But now I make the rules.

    The Force shall free me. - My freedom is thanks to my power in the force, I shall use this power to free my people from all oppression in the Galaxy.


    Yah, if the NPC has Slaver in the description at all, she kills them without hesitation.

  17. I see both of your guys points, but I'm just afraid of the time it will take me.


    I also did the imperial agent story unthil 40 something and yes it was oki-ish...a bit dark for my taste, but i guess dark is part of the empire side....BUT...maybe BH is less dark?..cause i dont consider the huts dark..they are just wierd;)...


    In the least spoiler way possible, you see the ugly side of the Republic as a BH.

  18. You also got to take into account the OT where Han Solo, a smuggler shots Vader, a Sith Lord out of the sky in ANH. He also helped take on the Empire and was quite instrumental in helping Luke achieve what he did. Last time I checked he was not force sensitive, so it wouldn't feel out of place to be a smuggler or trooper or bounty hunter.


    Han Solo shot Vader from the Pilots seat not a turret on his Freighter. That is like a guy in a tractor trailer with a gun on the hood shooting the tires out of a Ferrari while they are doing 100mph.


    Ever since I was a kid, I have always felt Han Solo was almost as Force sensitive as Luke, only he ignores it and denies it within himself.


    Just like how he took out the Greatest bounty hunter of all time while still blind and cuffed.


    I sort of see the Non-force using classes as just being like Han, they have all the natural force talent needed, they just never learned to use it.

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