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Posts posted by Leyv

  1. same boat....saw the launcher ad "confront Arcan with 500 extra cc" i remember thinking , "oh are we going to be buying him off instead of kicking his arse?"

    was subbed on the 7th as the ad said (again nothing about click on the link JUST be subbed on the 7th)

    and nada..


    EA ****s us again..


    however don't blame the csr guys..they have no power to make these calls , someone higher up has screwed the pooch on this offer and they're the ones who get dumped on with the standard company line to use.


    Its annoying , but I was going to be subbed anyway , and its just imaginary money ..so meh...

  2. I'm a legendary founder (boast boast) tbh i have no issues with creating and grinding new chars...my issues are with the rewards....

    first set ...

    freedon nadd's upper armour ...darth sion's supplimentary , and..trash...speeders and crystals I already had unlocked...(was mildly irritated to see that the rewards were not full sets but hey ho...plus sith armour locked to an agent...hmm)


    Second set...

    TWO sets of darth scion's upper armour , visa marrs's lower some ceremonial mystic legs and head and freedon nadds upper...again........once again trash crystals and speeders I ALREADY POSSESS...(ok now its annoying...whilst gee thanks for saving me the 20 seconds it would have taken to reclaim these from my collection i don't appreciate having the box ive just ground for containing them....but hey....carry on i guess)


    Third set....

    seriously?...the same speeders...a load of junk xp boosts for pvp ( i dont really pvp) and the same crystals! for the third time running ...finally however something my agent can use , a mag tech sniper rifle....otherwise all the boxes contained a waste of effort...


    I know , moan moan moan...

    My point is this....

    Please have the damn boxes at least show some regard to things we already possess!...since its not legacy bound (although the event is) having duplicate sets of armour drop is annoying...especilly if you have already unlocked that armour in collections...

    perhaps grant us the chance to exchange worthless crap for cc?(long shot I know) or make the drops legacy bound...



    Oh and someone in development might want to look at the order of these events in future....

    I'm one mission away from champion (next months release)but cant complete it for a month..however i'll have eternal done in a day or two...(supposedly the level after champion....):o

  3. been trying to find the right fit for my Powertech Tank Leyv...

    so i figure I'd give this a shot


    Looking for a (pref) military style rp guild , not sith heavy (as they always seem to be) , but one thats not just going to do one thing...the issues i get with guilds in the game is they're usually rp OR pve meaning you end up pugging the part thats lacking..


    so for the rp side ...

    Ex-rep military , turned Bounty hunter/mercenary , you go where the work is and since rep's frown upon bounty hunting..welcome to the empire...

    light /grey sided char--- will usually do the right thing but credits buy a lot of forgiveness/forgettfulness

    dislikes sith...., not quite the "shoot them on sight" dislike but enough to let his contempt show.


    PVE side...

    216/220 geared Powertech tank fully augmented

    done most ops , other than ravagers /tfb and tos...not that interested in progression if I'm honest , more just for running some op's with people for fun.

    been tanking on and off since launch , have several other chars , healers dps etc but Leyv is most definatly my main (even if i get bored of him from time to time)


    So basically I'm looking for a military style rp guild that actually wants to play the game, not just spend all the time in a stronghold chatting about how we're all such awesome warriors but never actually doing anything :-p


    tough i know , but hey

  4. Armour is now unbound.

    Dropship will be another 10 hours or so..


    To make it more tempting lets say Both the full zakuul armour set AND the zakuul personal dropship in trade for One MSM-j2 Jetpack


    What can I say? i mainly play bounty hunter chars and I want the bloody jetpack :)

  5. I won't mince words..ever since ftp customer service has been either non existant or so appallingly bad that its not worth submitting tickets ..


    So since EA obviously doesn't care anymore I propose that they let us care instead..


    Age of Conan did something called the followers of asura


    Its basically a player base help system with subscriber's who have shown themselves "worthy" are able to deal with tickets and provide customer service on the simpler issues ..


    If you offer sub reduction's or perhaps a cartel coins bonus for those who give their time to help others you could recruit a fully functioning help base and not have to actually pay more for it...


    Obviously there would need to be restrictions.


    Subscriber's only with at least 6 months ,

    No complaints against the account

    Tickets from home server would be re-routed to other agents to prevent self buffing



    So what do you think?..we drop the useless autoresponses to tickets we didnt submit and get a customer service team that play the game and actually give a crap!

    (and to the droids..dont worry players wont be able to handle every issue so you'll still get escalated tickets to ignore ) :eek:

  6. I had arranged a trade in game but the other party let me down so I'm advertising here



    I have an overlord's command throne..


    I'm looking to either Sell it for 2mill (the price of the chest on the gtn)

    Or swap it for a Jedi battlelord's chestguard



    Message Trearn if you're interested (republic)



  7. Leveled two troopers and it doesnt matter one tiny bit which one you pick (although i noticed the first time that if you pick Elara the game doesnt register her new rank in conversations ;) )


    First time I chose Elara and Aric was pissed..


    this time I chose Aric and nothing special happened..he's the right detective lassie for the job

  8. sure it could be saved....


    however I think EA will take a look at the figures....decide its not worth paying out to actually finish the game and add the needed upgrades , claim its all Bioware's fault then make it FTP before bailing out to destroy someone else's dream...



    cynical?...yeah but tell me you don't believe thats likely :)

  9. This is a serious suggestion , so please don't just close it down , assume its a QQ complaint fest or reroute to another topic because it contains words....



    The game is broken...We all Know it , closing threads that make the claim is not helping anyone.


    The weekly maintenance is simply not enough..The poor engineer's simply cannot cope with the constant stream of issues that the game is throwing up...this is obvious to us all simply by the fact that every patch breaks something else... please guy's we're not idiots ..


    Firstly You actually have my sympathy , I cant imagine the nightmare keeping something like this game running would be , with constant demands from players , new bugs popping up at every turn and no doubt the hot brutal breath of the shareholder's on the back of Bioware's collective necks..


    So lets solve it...


    The game needs serious work , you cant do this work during scheduled maintenance as theres simply not enough time and your no doubt trying desperatly to stay afloat on the sea of bugs...


    Ea pushed for an early release , obsessed with the x-mas sales ..this has hurt the game and its hurting bioware's reputation..



    So shut the servers down...be it for a week or a fortnight or whatever......refund active players that game time and actually get to work uninterupted on solving all these problems...

    sure you'll lose some subs...but the amount of people you'll gain /retain in the long run will vastly outwieght this...


    Its hardly a popular suggestion but I'd love to actually hear from your player base , would you want to see this sort of action if you knew it would resolve your problems?..

  10. rotations...

    charged burst / trickshot / speedshot / aimed shot / trickshot / filler x2 /charged burst / trickshot /filler x2 / charged burst / trickshot ---repeat



    assuming your a sharpshooter anyway...works great for me

  11. Anywhere between 1.8k to 2k in Rakata-ish level gear is good. Datacrons make a pretty large difference if you have all of them, as does the matrix cube relic until you get Rakata or Campaign equivalents.


    For offset pieces (implants, wrists, belt, etc) the best piece is usually whichever has the most cunning (even if it's a field medic piece) with *no* alacrity. Like you noticed with your build, alacrity in general is very bad for gunslingers. This isn't always the case, the sub-stats are very much worth looking at, but in general the ones with lower cunning have higher endurance which isn't really needed.


    Thank you , with this and my new realisation that im thick I've stopped worrying so much..guess its a datacron hunt for me .. ;)

  12. Hey guy's , recently started doing pve ops on my gunslinger ,

    using this build



    (edit) "hmm every ss build ive seen seems to have the sab charge boost over alacrity...I'll try that"


    ive only got one piece of rakatta(bar earpiece and one rak implant) the rest being columi field tech gear (some in augmented clothing) and have the 2 piece bonus but decided the 4 piece wasnt special enough to lose the 2 new augments (both cunning)


    when fully buffed/stimmed im maybe hitting 1870 cunning ...


    mainhand -790-1017 -----offhand 79-147

    bonus dmg 525---------795 tech

    acc 102%------------112% tech (yeah i know 110 soft cap..its the gear)

    crit 33%-------------same for tech

    multiplier 73%------same for tech

    power 455


    what worries me is the rakatta versions have less cunning that the columi armour im actually wearing , as it is i cant see how you could be hitting 2000 cunning easilly as has been posted earlier in other threads...am I missing something?...


    Obviously I could mess with the enforcer gear for mod's to max cunning but I cant help feeling im simply doing something wrong here..

    I dont think the dps is that bad..usually critting for 4700ish on aimed shots trickshots etc..


    using a rotation taken from here cb/ts/ss/as/ts/-/-//cb/ts/-/-/cb/ts---repeat


    Can anyone give me some hints or tricks here? as I'm really trying to squeeze out the damage ;)




    *edit 2*

    I'm a moron....i didnt account for the fact im comparing augmented chest/legs and guns to these ..so the cunning /end will automatically be shown as lower in rakatta as ive not stripped the mods :)...urrghhh...

  13. You can make all your armor match the chest piece. That's already in game. It's an option under the Character/equipment screen.



    which doesnt help when you're wearing a set...ooo i can make all my troopers armour match my black rakatta chest! oh wait..it already does


    the ability to actually change that chest's colour is what would be nice , unification was just the lazy "sod it thats good enough" way out

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