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Posts posted by Lynxe

  1. I have been playing this game since it has been live, and even spent some time in the Beta. In the past 9 years I have had some fun times, and also noticed a few bits where there were bugs, still from beat, in the game. I think I was in the first testing group that was said could finish the Chapter 1 Story, and therefore go all the way to Alderaan. Over the years I have made plenty of friends, and seen plenty of changes. I still laugh about all the things that used to be here, and aren't anymore (Speech bubbles briefly, and then the orange pixel.) Some things I miss, getting people to stand on a piece of purple ground so they fell through the world on Belsavis comes to mind, and other things I don't Being locked inside Esseles for a few days on my character when nobody could figure out how to get me out of there. Here is hoping for more time to enjoy this game, and hopefully the rest of the world calms down, and 2021 ends up being better.
  2. *IF* he had only knocked them out...


    ...why aren't they the ones knocking Luke/Han/Chewie into the Sarlaac?













    Hmm, put the heavy sluggish moving Gamorians on a desert skiff, or humanoids who are a dime a dozen at the local spaceport? My vote is for the Humanoids.

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