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Posts posted by jahrl

  1. Cassianus:


    Thanks much for all that you have done to help the SWTOR community.


    I was literally done with this game after buying my new computer and nothing from the DEVs on it.


    The BW launcher does finally work... after several months of it not, and several months of really no word from the DEVs.


    Thanks again, Cassianus. /salute

  2. I've been using the community provided work-around for the last few weeks and it's great. However I'm really disappointed with the complete radio silence from the dev team on this particular issue beyond the simple acknowledgement they gave months ago. I get they're busy, but to be left in the dark on this for so long really feels crappy as a paying customer.




    I agree, Zoomba. 100%.

  3. Over 39,000++ views on this thread... yet we still get crickets from BW on a fix, or... anything. :o


    Great work, Cassianus, for doing what the dev team has absolutely ignored. We get what... crickets from them??


    At the very least, BW should credit Cassianus's account with lots and lots of Cartel coins for doing what they apparently cannot.

  4. Good work, Cassianus.


    As for this thread, overall... Currently there are 200 replies and 24,879 views to this. No other thread/posting has that, at least not on the Bugs landing page.


    That should, in some small way, suggest that the community is wanting a sense of urgency to this fix. Yes, as stated, I cancelled my account due to this going on since November and near silence from the devs and R&D teams... But I could see me subscribing again.


    Right now? Not a chance.

  5. I talked to customer service. The rep said the same thing... "We are looking into it."


    Then I asked to be reimbursed for downtime. He said he was crediting my account.


    A couple hours later, I get an email from him stating that he was unable to credit my account.


    ...so I cancelled the subscription.


    Best of luck with this, everyone.

  6. I have been getting annoyed with this bug, but only posted on it for the first time yesterday.


    I have often checked for a fix, a new client... and there is nothing. I have a RL job and RL responsibilities, yet my boys and I (primarily the 9-year-old and I, the 7-year-old is wanting to play, but is just not there yet. lol) have limited time.


    With me getting them every other weekend and on Wednesdays, gaming is often our bonding/'us time'. Just sucks that Bioware has put little emphasis on correcting this issue for so many of us.


    I find it odd that the launcher.exe file in the current download is dated 7/31/2017. ...just something that stands out to me. The launcher.exe file on my old computer is dated 3/2/2021. And, as has been noted by others in previous posts, ESO's launcher has no issues with the 12th gen tech....


    Anyways... I would just like to see a fix for this.


    I am already looking at other games I could try to persuade my 9-year-old to play online. He just really likes SWTOR, as do I...

  7. I have been in the same boat for a while. I bought a new 12thGen I9 system from Alienware and am giving my older desktop to my son. My 9-year-old and I were so looking forward to gaming together, for the first time, over the Christmas break. ....yeah... that isn't happening. Sucks, because he doesn't want to play any other game online... just SWTOR.
  8. Myself and several others that I am aware of have completed Chapter XI with their Troopers and have not received the Colonel title. I have even chosen the same exact dialogue prompts as others who have gotten the title, but to no avail.


    Any feedback, movement on this?


    Mine was a boosted Trooper to 60. However, I regrettably understand a boosted character cannot get the titles they missed out on during normal character progression...ie Master, Major, Captain, Jedi...so forth, but since boosted characters are actually playing the chapter content, that should not hold. We actually do play it and should get the rewarded title for it.



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