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Posts posted by jayderyu

  1. wow 3 pages of posts. Most pages my topics ever get. I got politely reprimanded :o for losing my cool and writing like a poor behaved whiner at the bottom.


    I stand corrected over the mistakes I made. They are in part information from other players and don't come from playing all the characters to 50. I currently have complete BH, 40 Knight, 18 Smuggler, 15 Inqu.... My wife has finished the Male Agent has a 40 Male consular and has other characters varry in the 10's. My wife plays predominently male characters. That's how I am noticing a large difference.


    There was also the results of one of the few flings I have seen early in the female agent. Real early. You get the option to bed a blackmailer... but afterwards the agent hangs there head in shame. I just feel there is too much implication that ladies must be proper and non heavily flirty and promiscuous.


    I am working on my smuggler. Though I often play with my wife and we tend to play compatible characters. So i'm not when we will switch heavily too my Smuggler and her Knight.


    As for Lord Scourge. Well it's good to know he is emotionless... but that just feels all the more challenge :D

  2. No illusion here. I'm a male player with mostly female characters. I am a firm believer that players should have choices. Players aren't required to chose an option they don't like. If a Male/Female player doesn't want to flirt. Hey that's fine. No reason to make them. However, the problem is that when it comes to flirting there is a significant lack of options in most of the female characters. It just doesn't end there.


    Many of the romancable options for the females are also boring. There are exceptions like the female consular has 3 options where the male counterpart only has 1. The male inquisitor can romance a Jedi, but the female Knight can't romance Scourge? ***... Heck my Jedi Knight is female going Dark Side... and I CAN"T romance Scourge? WHY? sounds like a perfect opportunity for a corruption story line which the Knight is suppose to have.


    The problem stems from the fact that you can't give something then take away. In this case Bioware is favouring very clearly one gender over the other. Maybe they are doing it to be "respectful" to a gender that isn't saturating the game dev industry. But at the same time. Female players don't need to choose those options. When we have games like Mass Effect where the flirting options felt balanced. Dragon Age flirting was good. But SWTOR is cearly not parity between genders.


    When I came into SWTOR I new that as an MMO for it's gameplay was nothing new. I came to SWTOR for the fun of the story that Bioware is good at weaving for SW(KOTOR yay). Overall the class stories are fun. Some more than others. However when it comes to the option romance. I'm watching my wife play mostly male characters. with flirt after flirt and romance after romance options. It's just barely there for one other side in options.


    In perspective it's even worse. Here are players complaining with right that the game mechanics in areas are broken. It takes time to fix, but they are getting there. Bioware makes posts talking about it in comparison. However Bioware claimed to sell that this game about the immersion and story. Though when people complain about story options for their characters. it's mostly fallen on deaf ears. Theres been very little reply and nothing to fix them. There is one comment about the cross gender romance was that they will not FIX the current romances, but instead make sure to offer new Crew Members the options...............




    what? seriously? We could be waiting a year for this. In context let's be honest and I will refer to another game. WoW expansion packs don't cover as much adventuring as does the main 1 to 50 levels. This will stand true with SWTOR. The expansions will not cover as much story to hours as the base game. So all that time we have with Kira, Mako, Khem Val, Aric ... will far surpass the time we spend with the new characters.


    Overall when it comes to more sensuous dialog options for females; Bioware Austin dropped the ball. While there are many exceptions and I could be wrong. Start addressing this please.

  3. Just light is not the balance. Keep in mind that the original 3 movies were a compilation of sources. Other people on he staff with ideas. Movies that GL integrated into his movies. Like Hidden Fortress. So when GL says HIS universe LS means balance that negates what the other script writers and idea men have thought when they were thinking of balance.


    While I LOVE SW so much I don't see GL as being the sole brain child of the SW universe for the original movies. Just one part. So no Lucas LS is not fact. In consideration of the story in the 6 movies. It plays out far more accurately that Anakin only started the balance of the Force between the two sides. Where as Luke who shifted the sides to a proper balance between both. Mainly in that him starting a new Order, but there is still trouble in the galaxy. Not even needing to count the EU. Keep in mind only Palpatine and the military force at the last battle were4 there. There will still be a political infrastructure that will want to keep the order. At least what's left of it.


    Anyways. yeah GL may have been the brain child, but SW is a creation of more than one man in the movies. At least for me the first 3(4-6) were better for story.

  4. After getting back into my Republic main after finishing the Hunter I realized what irks me the most about the Sentinel.


    Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike compare to Rail Shot and Shoulder Charge... but can't be executed any where near as often. If anything there opportunity of use is slim and often effective use is taking advantage of other peoples stunning techniques.


    A Hunter can

    * Electro dart up to strong opponents for 5 seconds causing stun... Shoulder Charge AND Rail Shot.

    * Sticky Missle. Stuns opponent for 5 seconds then does AOE explosion AND knockdown... Shoulder AND Rail

    * Rapid Fire. Stuns normal/weak enemies(similar to Master Strike)... however can interrupt into Shoulder OR Rail

    * Concussion shot. stuns.. not champions for 1 minute.. Shoulder or Rail

    * Rail Shot can usually be used on Large or High level opponents without meeting the stun/slow condition



    A Sentinel can

    * Master Strike. A series of strikes that stuns weak targets. Can not be interrupted to a Opportune or Pommel

    * Singularity. A stun for 3 seconds(requires channelling).. cannot be interrupted to either


    * Blade Storm. stun for 4 seconds(up to normal). Used for Opportune or Pommel

    * Force Sweep. AOE stun(awesome) for 1.5 seconds(non buffed) :( that's a small window. but usable... but doesn't

    even strong targets like Electro dart can.

    * Disable Droid(similar to concussion) can only be used on Droids. 1 minute for either Oppotune or Pommel.


    There really isn't much in the way of the Sentinel that can stun or control strong opponents to use Pommel. All I'm asking is a consideration that Master Strike and Singularity be interuptable for Pommel Strike

  5. Legacy system is a great idea to implement. However what's not a good idea is requiring players to cap a race before being able to use the race in a different selection.


    The idea sounds good on paper, but will be an issue in execution. The problem is that if your a player that wants to play a myriad of races you won't be able to.


    To play a Sith on Republic side means a cap Sith on Empire. Which means that it's 2 slots rather than 1. Cut's down on race diversity.


    Instead let us just purchase the race like many other options.

  6. I didn't have too much trouble with Valis and did it the first time. Though it was close. No advice I can give thought, but I was over levelled from pvp and space missions.



    All I can say is that. No other class I have ever read in the forums that I hear so much about the JK quests are OP or the class is UP so consistently. However it's regularly said that the JK is fine by many people. I wonder what the opinions will be once the Knight and Warrior players will say once they playing the other classes.

  7. I do understand where your coming from. The open sandbox nature to really create an experience that was in your hands must have been really something. In comparison SWTOR must be more like a shallow movie than some epic universe. SWTOR=Prequals?


    But this is not SWG. I think it really sucks that SWG was shutdown. I think it's really too bad that LA forced it to shut down. But you must have played any kind of Bioware game and realize what you should have been expecting.


    SWG was the creation of memembrs from EQ/Verant team and Ultima Online. Of course it was going to be a hugely indepth masterpiece before SOE and LA hacked it apart. But Bioware is coming in for a first MMO after the a long successfull run of WoW. Let's face it with SWG being shoe horned to be WoW. Did anyone expect LA not to make sure that a new SW game wasn't just going to be core of WoW then some more.


    I understand your nostalgia. I'm sure the next SW game will be the one. It will probably be about 10 or so years. But in the mean time if your enjoying this game. Play it.

  8. Most movies still only show in 24fps and though we are moving forward it's still a standard. The question is has it always been and still unbearable to watch anything in 24fps?


    Or is the requirement of 60+fps mentality just something else?

    If she find 20fps acceptable and you don't. Who's having the problem?


    Don't call someone names just because your very picky about your food. Your not a Panda that only eats Bamboo. There is a much larger pallet range.

  9. Actually I'm a big proponent of long travel times. Personally I think traveling between systems should take a good number of minutes 5 to 10. To represent travel in the galaxy.


    I would suggest something productive to do in the mean time. Work on cooking skill on the ship?... wait their no cooking. How about decorations on the ship?... nope none of that either. Well something to do that can only be done.


    I'm very against "helping a guild mate for a 30 second fight". That's not Star Wars. SW spans the galaxy and shouldn't be compressed into the size of a school in terms of travel time.


    I know it's just me that likes this extreme. I proposing it's broken, but it should go the the other way. I want MORE authenticity in regards to travel time. I want travelling between systems to mean something. not a matter of putting on your shoes and visiting the next door neighbour.

  10. Voice Acting can and often is expensive. It's similar to artists in many ways. It works based on contract oriented system.


    Contract work is usually more expensive because it's more short term. The work is more niche and for the individual to make an effective living it requires to be more costly.


    The primary voice actors at Bioware don't have work like the developers. They are brought in for a few days to read some lines. If there are no changes to the script Bioware doesn't see them again until the next expansion.


    It's the trade off Contract vs Employment.


    So yeah. Voice Acting for this game was probably extremly expensive, but I bet voice acting for most animated tv shows is not.

  11. Does it have to be 3?

    Let's see and in no order



    * Unfair gender bias for flirting. Males have many. Females get them in a blue moon.


    * Combat HP grinding. It's old and ameture design model for RPG for over 2 decades. Along that note. I also lump with it Gear Grinding. An alternative would be that. Gear is worthless and what makes your characters better are Achievements and Accomplishments.

    Take down 100 Rackghouls in 2 minutes. Get +1% to all AOE damage.

    Kill 100 Players +1% damage to other players

    Kill 500 Players +2% damage to other players.....

    Defeat a World Boss at appropriate level +10 Endurance

    stuff like that.


    * Chat.. I prefer my Role Playing Authentic What I don't like is

    General, Guild, Part, Whisper

    What I want is

    - Say that is local to the character

    - Whisper for anyone who is standing next to the character

    - Comm Units for Guild messages(the name of the channel, can be hacked by the enemy)

    - Local comm unit. Let's you talk to your party, but like a cell phone. People nearby will still hear you.(Linked items don't count)


    * 1 Content type. I want more than 1 content type. How about Rock Band type of integration for people that don't want just combat.

  12. It's the same old theme park design with some awesome Bioware story telling. I'm not playing this game because I want an already designed game. I'm playing this game because it's Star Wars and Bioware.


    I know some people have issues of "it's the same as X". honestly though. How many Call of Duty?, Halo?, Mario and other franshchise games out their. Their are a massive plethora of FPS games. Why do people keep on by them. Because of themes, genres, tastes(chocolates, vanilla or strawberry). Yeah for most of the game it walks the same path. But it's a flavour I want more.



    As for easy. Well I'm just not a person that believes that combat HP grinding belongs in SW. I would prefer that Dodge ratings were closer to 80% and accuracy down to 20%. But increase damage 8 times. Make the game miss often, but very lethal when damage is successful. however such a change is impossible as everything is already based around the HP grind. HP grind is easy. Once you tactic it's always easy.

  13. In my time in WoW. There have been a number of times where doing AOE have flagged me PvP when a flagged enemy is in the AOE range. This was worst in Cataclysm in the Firelands where both sides shared the quests. I'm just merrily using AOE's and stuff. Then flagged.


    Unfortunately it's not a bug or exploit. It's in by design. The unfortunate part isn't the design, but it is abusable. People can flag and intentionally get in the way of attacks. Worst are those who are many levels higher in low zone areas who are just looking for quick kills.


    Take care to notice the planet your on being shared. Where you are and who is near. Bioware isn't going to fix this because it's not technically broken. It's abusable, but not broken.

  14. My Sentinal for 90% of her traveling has traveled with a Consular.. After we had the Consular turn off the aggro generating stance. The Consular will still pull aggro from raw damage 3/4 of the time.


    I can do a few combo attacks that build some amazing hits. Force Leap > Stasis > Sweep > Pommel Strike with the Combat tree is amazing starting damage. but after that it's not as effective.


    Testing out the time it takes to kill the same enemy with no assistance. The Consular most of the time has time to come over and help.


    Damage could use some tweaking that's for sure. It's not horrible, but for being straight DPS class with no damage mitigation, aggro generation, group buffing or anykind of other secondary bonus. The damage is lacking.


    How about the Sentinel gain some kind of group bonuses?

  15. Having played both.


    Force Users are Gimped

    Shooters are are exceptional


    Outside of the graphical effects of the Force Users. Their design is lacking. My sentinal has pommel strike. 700 to 1200 damage. That's with the pommel. I have no attack that hit's with the blades(energy blades that cut through metal doors) that even compares.


    I think shooters are extremly well designed and fit with the game and setting. Force Users while cool... well they aren't that exceptional as to what they are based off of. They are fun... but I think they should have bats, clubs or at least vibro swords. They are not exceptional at all.


    This however by no means has any impact in their design to fill their roles.

  16. I've commented on this before. It's not.


    Bioware likes the Tales of the Jedi era. They want to follow up KoTOR. However Lucas Arts is not a company that creates anything that isn't directly tied to the movies.


    So what we have is a game that's just before the movies, but being thrown into the past. For simplicity. Just say it's 300. It works soooo much better. 3000... no, just no

  17. one Selfish group vs another Selfish group.


    LFG Tool

    Faster group finding

    No requirement to interact with humanity in a social manner

    Solo play as no communication is required as assumptions are made that anyone in the group is already familiar with what to do.


    Non LFG

    Slower group finding

    requires people to interact with humanity before the dungeon

    Opportunity to get out what's expected(quick runs, no FP experience)


    Personally if you can find someone to interact before hand. Then they are more likely to be a more social able person in the dungeon. Both have their pro's and con's.

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