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Posts posted by Griefhook

  1. Cannot remember the level but it took me a couple of tries.


    I did it with Kira, and i was a Sentinal (Watchman).





    Interupts become more and more key in epic / boss fights.


    On difficult fights I always send in Carla to take the initial beating. I will pull agro off of her before she dies. I pop Saber Ward, when that CD is off...I pop our big CD (one that requires our Companion alive), and after a few hits pop Saber Ward again. That was enough mitigation to put me in a position to kill him.



    If you think this fight was tough you wait till the Emperor fight.

  2. From the post titled: Sith Marauders Do Need Improvement:


    I am level 50 Marauder specialized under the Rage tree. To be honest I did not have that much trouble reaching 50 in the PvE environment. Groups of mobs were a little bit tough sometimes, more than one Silver Elite was a quite a bit of a challenge, but with clever uses of my Saber Ward and Cloak of Pain, and using Quinn to heal, I “generally” made it through unscathed. Many people have said it’s impossible to level Marauders PvE and that we’re broken, well I just don’t think that is the case; but it is quite tough, I’ll give you that.


    I did PvP while leveling, and am currently gearing at 50. I’ve been lucky so far at 50 receiving 4 pieces of gear from Champion Bags, so that has eased the stress of attempting to grind Warzone Commendations especially now that my health has reached near 14k; it’s a start. On this topic though, from a Marauder standpoint, we have a tough time occasionally. Anyone that has PvP’d at all knows that it can be a melee unfriendly environment. Is it impossible? Once again, no it’s not. But if I don’t have a healer, because my buddy is unavailable, life is much rougher. Sometimes it seems that every class is ranged. I know that’s not the case, but it feels like it. I feel like a kite on a windy day. I still do top 5 damage near every time (most often top 3 even), and rack up a boat load of kills. But it is a far cry to say that I dominate. No one class should dominate, that’s called OP and someone will inevitably QQ about it.


    My thoughts though are this: Both Marauders and Juggs should have more health. Period. If we scaled every toon to 50 with the exact same gear, melee classes should have more health. It just makes sense. I can live with the stuns from Operatives, and the kiting by Sorcs, but a little extra HP would be nice so that I could at least get closer to the enemy to make it look like a fight.


    Armor. Didn’t Marauders utilize heavy armor in Beta? Things change, but I think this should still be. High damage generally = Low survivability, but where is the line? We are a melee class first to charge in. We are not tanks, nor should we be, but we should have a greater damage reduction other than our talents like Saber Ward and CoP give us. It would be nice to have a little extra protection while I’m trying to recover from a stun and that Operative is whipping me in the back. Now going back to my last point, if melee classes should have more health, should they have more armor too? For the Operatives and Assassins no because they have stealth and ways to escape more effectively. But we Marauders stand there and have nowhere to run (unless you count Force Camouflage as effective escape. It’s nice but doesn’t fool anyone 5 seconds later.)


    Are Marauders useless? No. Are we broken? No. But we could use some buffs. We should be more resilient than we are. We should not be tanks and should not be in the same league as a tank, but we should be able to last longer than a few hits against nearly every other class that feels the need to drag us around. I’m hoping to reach Developers on this. I know that some will agree and some will poopoo my post, but regardless I know that many people feel the same way. Not to dominate, but to sustain longer.


    A very good post, and one that I agree with. I don't need more damage...I need more up time in PvP. If not more health and armour I'd like our PvE CC to work on PvP. That would make life a lot more interesting.


    Though Shamarick I'd like to know where you consistently come in the damage done without your friend healer.

  3. Someone said that melee +healer = win. Now this is not WOW. TBH Healer + Ranged > Healer + Melee. Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior need a healer to be viable...others don't and are even better with.


    For Sentinals I don't think it is an issue of damage done. I think the problems are all around CC, and knockbacks. We get knocked back, we get remved from combat, and then we get dealt with. Range don't have this issue, you knck them back and they still hurt you, you bring them close they still hurt you. You give them a healer too, and they will always out perform you as you need to be in melee range to kill them.


    I have a 50 sentinal. I leveled to 50 with no issues. I have owned all the PvE content bar the Emp (gearing up for that fight). I am leveling a number of ranged classes at the moment, and I am having a blast at PvP. I have noticed straight away the gulf / gap between Trooper, Bounty hunter, Sithy Sorcy to my Sentinal. Even at low levels (not 50) I have been impressed with the game play of these ranged classes. ow easy and fun PvP becomes when not playing my Sentinal. Knowing Sentinal well...I focus these guys on my ranged classes, as it is easier to rack up kills and damage done.


    Very good indicator is MVP when was the last time you saw an JK or SW mvp? Rare very rare. I'd like to see the stats for the PvP for MVP votes, and damage done.

  4. in mine... and also Guardians are fine too... if you can't figure out how to beat ranged on melee then you should try a different class...


    I am, I am leveling a few at once. please read the thread before posting. Juggs, and Guardians do much better i will admit, but what does that have to do with what I posted?


    Can you remember when a Sent or Maur were voted MVP in a warzone mate? Have you ever seen it?

  5. Feels like melee DPS in most games, they're very gear dependent. They get better with time. Buddy of mine plays a marauder and he hated life til about 40. And now that he's in nearly full champion gear, he's a beast.


    then may you enlighten me to where you have seen a Sent or Maur top in a Warzone in damage done...kills....mvp votes?


    lol there must be alot of L2P issues if we all can agree it's a very rare thing, and why balance issues.

  6. So how does l2p equate to these two classes not being on par with the others in PvP. I have no problem destroying them on my other charators....so is it a global L2P issue for all sents and Maurs?


    Or is just obvious troll boring and obvious?

  7. Now some of us have hit 50 and started leveling alts. The one thing that has really struck me is how poor the quality of life / pvp a sent has in Warzones.


    These two classes are great fun in PvE, but compared to my other alts I am shocked at how poor their pvp is. Now I know I am going to get a few trolls barking the usual trash, but I am now leveling a Trooper, Bounty Hunter, Sith inq. and a Sentinal... my god what did the Sentinals do to upset the devs?

  8. I don't wait on a flashpoint.


    I get my friends together and we go and rock flashpoints. Like a boss.


    True story.


    Oh wait, you're crying because you're level 50 with no friends to go do flashpoints with because you ran through the game. Congratulations. No really, congrats.


    No I am not crying just making an observation. Pity people have to troll.

  9. Hi mate, it's still early doors. There is nothing to really analyse which class is doing what in dps. People are just seeing pretty numbers and complaining. Give it a few months and then people will be in a good position to say what is what.


    The only compaint Ihave is I want Bartender 4 from wow to mod my UI!

  10. heheh I have to say I am very impressed with the way the realease has gone too.


    Every other MMO before has had massive issues... I remember that people in original WOW even went to the extreames of crashing servers to get the devs to fix issues.

  11. I've seen more than a few MMOs released over the years. I can remember when wow was originally released and all the problem that game had.


    I must say that I am impressed. Considering the scale of the game, and what they are trying to achive. Have to say this has been the best release that I can remember.

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