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Posts posted by Kyhren

  1. That is actually designed behavior, depending on view distance (as in camera location vs. object) to either use higher or lower res textures, models, etc. You could / can easily see it when zooming the camera with your own toon. This existed before 7.0 already, but I have the feeling that they messed with this a bit in more subtle ways.


    From a developer's point of view your information is ... vague ... and aside of saying "yeah, ok, bad" there is not much which can be done about it until more contextual information is available. That means things like your computers setup (GPU, driver version, maybe any more specifics if needed), and if you know a way to more or less reliably trigger it (what do you do to get there) are really helpful to potentially understanding the root of the problem and eventually fixing it one way or another.


    Also consider that other software in the system might trigger problems, especially AV software is known to cause havoc randomly. Maybe something to look into / experiment with, to exclude these possibilites.


    Thanks for your reply. I'm aware that textures are designed to do this under certain conditions and/or whilst performing certain actions. In my case I'm not doing anything, my toon is simply standing still and it's happening constantly which isnt normal regardless of the gfx quality setting I use. The client also crashed when switching combat styles for instance, the animation of all the spells being put on the bars also causes crashing issues. So I'm not sure if it''s perhaps something to do with the new menus.


    Whilst important, my PC spec/drivers (gtx1070, i5 7600k) shouldn't be the issue given that everything worked fine up until the patch.

  2. Hi,


    Not sure if it’s just me but since the patch I have really weird gfx issues which causes the game to suddenly freeze/crash.


    The only way I can describe is it’s like the loading textures in Medium settings but then it cycles between Med and Low, so textures are constantly sharpening and unsharpening - hope that makes sense?


    My drivers etc are all up to date and it was working fine - and had for years - up until the patch. I’ve tried turning things off, running on lowest settings but the same happens.


    Thanks for any help / advice in advance.



  3. Tried with a rank 1 companion with no other boosts and you can still easily solo everything that is intended to be solo'd. Only difference is now combat is engaging and you are not invincible. My health actually goes down instead of sitting at 100%, it is possible to die! It is now worth using all abilities like defensive ones instead of mashing a dps button while watching tv. I actually feel like I'm playing a game again.


    EDIT: I did not run all the heroics, I did some on the highest level planets which would be the hardest. Do I really need to run all the noob ones which are the easiest to confirm my findings?


    As for heroic Star Fortress it feels about the same as pre patch. Before patch as a squishy Sorcerer with no Star Fortress buffs I had to kite/use cooldowns to defeat the hardest hitting bosses paladins/exarch and it is the same now. Completing while not using any buffs on the other hand is intended for geared/skilled people looking for a challenge so it shouldn't be easy.


    People using the console/other buffs should still be able to solo it. If there is specific mob or something else that is giving people too much trouble Bioware can always tweak it.


    Good for you, now go have a coke and smile.

  4. Think I’m done for now, sub runs out in 10days so will continue until that runs out and then perhaps return for Chapter X. Having to regen after practically every pull makes things long and tedious… specially when your companion is worthless in all of the 3 roles and now we don’t have the option of gearing them up to try and boost them a bit – they’re stuck as they are.


    SW Battlefront is released tomorrow anyways huzzah.....

  5. Hey,


    Are you guys still open to social spots? Returning old player, played beta on to live (Nightmare Lands server at the time) then stopped playing to before ROTHC.


    Returned to the game around 2 months ago – main character is my Sorcerer(Sphynx), but also got a 60 Jugger and 60 Operative.


    Just looking for a busy guild with active members to group up with for quests, FPs etc…


    Thanks for (hopefully) considering me :) any questions or additional info please just let me know.




  6. Well said good sir!


    With regards to dyes...you know... there's a good chance they intended for it to be like the above, and then scrapped it in favour of what we have now.


    How it came to be that the current system was the way forward leaves me completely and utterly baffled... I really hope they reconsider and add the option to at least choose the colours we want - they'd make far more money, if that is indeed all they're interested in.:rak_02:

  7. Let me start over, I did not mean to flame everyone.


    I like the game. I do not NEED more. If it is not there, I will not complain about it. I simply do not have space or time in life for such trivial complaints.


    I guess I would just suggest that if this game does not please you, move on. If it bothers you that much, it is not worth all of the whining and complaining. It is only a game.


    That is all.

    Did it ever occur to you that some of the complaints are generally because, as a player, we care about the game? EAware had a chance to almost redeem itself and implement something so simple, yet so effective at keeping players interested in the game, yet in their greed (that’s simply all this is) they managed to f**k it up – yet again.


    The majority of players aren’t complaining about having to pay for the dyes, they are complaining that it’s another b*llsh*t lottery system made with only one purpose in mind $$$. Naturally those of us who are subscribed and have put our money into playing the game feel somewhat cheated.


    I agree, some of the threads aren’t the correct approach, but sometimes emotions cloud logical thought – others are just plain stupid.


    Careful not to step on the little people who also play the game from your high horse…

  8. I have been so outraged by this patch I have been posting in alot of the complaint threads but I just had an epiphany last post..


    The thing about the customization patch and the cartel market is...it's like going to a buffet, paying the fee and then discovering the ketchup is extra. Mildly annoyed but hungry you agree to pay the extra buck for the ketchup...only to have a guy show up to your table with a blindfold and a bowl of random condiments to give you two picks from the bowl. You might get the ketchup...but nope you get applesauce and Jam on your picks. Pay another dollar for two more picks.


    Would this be ok? Or would you feel like you were being had?


    Gonna repost this in a new thread probably because I think it sums it up perfectly.


    Great analogy :D

  9. It's a really big disappointment. You can say it's just cosmetic but it was something I was looking forward too and it has been implemented very poorly. Other games that work on a purely F2P system (like Neverwinter) just let you buy whatever color you want. I was really hoping that this would work like that and have a system in this game that was just simple for once.


    My sentiments exacltly, been pretty hyped about this patch all week - 100% let down, for me at least.


    I couldn't give a rats a** about having to buy them off the Cartel Market, I'm fine with that, if you could actually choose the colour combos you wanted. Alas...

  10. I don't actually MIND paying for the dyes off the Cartel Market, if you could choose the colours you wanted to buy. The fact that cartel coins must be wasted for RNG luck to perhaps get the combo you want, makes this a complete and utter con and slap in the face - particularly as a subscriber.


    It's fine for the packs - i guess - but the dyes it's a step too far IMO.

  11. Am I reading this right and Thundering Blast is now instant?


    Despite all the clearly pvp focused talents, I'm glad they're at least attempting to make Lightning more appealing - I personally always preffered it.


    What I don't understand is why they've included Lightning Strike(LS) in one of the top tier Madness talents "Focal Lightning" Are they trying to add more incentive for Madness to also use LS? My question would simply be...why?

  12. I’ve just recently come back to game – stopped playing May 2012. During that time I did nothing but pvp, this time round I’m getting more involved in the PvE side of things – HM FPs, daily’s etc – got myself a good guild and I now have a new found love for the game again.


    The other side of the coin is it still saddens me that our gimped status in pvp remains… I played the popular hybrid CL/Wrath spec back in the day. Felt more like a glass cannon, burst wasn’t even that great back then either, but nowadays we’re more glass than cannon as most have highlighted. When they nerfed Wrath and killed the spec I went pure Lightning – it was actually pretty effective when played right, however


    Couple of ideas (not sure if similar ones have already been stated):



    - Wrath moved to Lightning tree-> Integrate Wrath into Lightning Storm now also provides 30% damage increase on CL

    - Polarity Shift -> 1.5min CD, as well as the current effects, now also allows Lightning Strike to be cast on the move

    - Lightning Barrier -> As well as the current effects, grants immunity to interrupt whilst shield is up. Affects only the Sorcerer.

    - Thundering Blast -> Lower cast time to 1 sec(?)



    - Lightning Barrage moved to Madness tree -> 2 charges of Force Lightning quickened and 10% damage increase. (basically make the pre 1.3 bug an actual talent +10% dmg with the proc)

    - Lingering Nightmares – 20% chance to reset the CD of Crushing Darkness, making the next one instant and deal 20% more damage.


    I’m generally not very good at the whole numbers thing so take dmg %’s I’ve included with a pinch of salt. Some/all might be **** ideas, I dunno, but I do know that something needs to change and quick.


    I didn’t comment on the Corruption tree as I’ve never used it as a solely dedicated healer.:rolleyes:

  13. Hello all!

    I'm a former player returning to the game (around a week now) and catching up on some of the stuff that has been added. Originally from Nightmare Lands server before the merge, was in a guild called The Others which focused primarily on PvP. I quit playing before the F2P model was launched, now back and looking for a guild for social purposes (HMs, PvP, Dailies, etc) and some help finding my feet as the game has changed considerably since I last played.


    My name in-game is Sphynx, please drop me a whisper if you feel I am suited to your guild :)


    Many thanks,

    ~ S.


    (For any Guild Master who may be interested, I am a subscriber :cool:)

  14. 1.PVP

    Zerg fest at level 50. Complete balance in an MMO is impossible; however there are a few aspects and classes that are in dire need of tweaking - lower level PVP is more fun right now.



    We were told one thing and got something else, total ballsup with the information on the (custom) orange crafting and schematics. You are the ones conveying the information/message, this needs to be clear and concise, instead we got several conflicting posts and then a back track when you were called out on your original statement. If we didn’t understand what you were truly meaning then that’s YOUR fault as it’s your duty to keep the customer properly informed - it’s not like it was just a handful of us either, the majority of the player base was confused/disappointed once it was made clear.



    I don’t know about the rest of the players, but I feel completely alienated and ignored as a customer. We don’t expect a reply to every thread or post that is made, however a general statement informing your customers of the situation and acknowledgement of the issues and that it is being worked on wouldn’t go a miss. To date, communication certainly hasn’t been your strong point and if you continue to ignore/remain silent subscriptions will continue(*) to plummet.


    4. Legacy system

    Overhyped and underwhelming. Some of the perks are good, don’t get me wrong, but abilities that I can use once every 20minutes is hardly… exciting. If this system is supposed to encourage me to want to level other characters, for me personally as it is right now, it doesn’t work.


    5. Servers and population

    Many many players have been posting about this for the better part of 2 months now. I have no doubt you are aware of this, not much can be said about this situation that hasn’t already been said. I’m a little lucky in the sense that my server isn’t AS bad as most of the others, however the release of Diablo III has killed the population these past few days… I can only imagine what the lesser populated servers are like at the moment.



    My subscription runs out in a couple of weeks, at this point I’m undecided whether to just cancel it or persevere.

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