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Posts posted by Koxi

  1. I was thinking it would be an awesome idea in a future patch if you were an empire class and got to max light side points you could be given a choice to convert to the republic side & vice versa!!! So you then have their fleet ship & do their flashpoint stories etc!!


    I know there would be issues like guild members not wanting to leave their guilds (but that's why your given an option). Other issues obviously would be seeing a bounty hunter/sith warrior fighting for republic....but hang on, bounty hunters main goal is $$$$$$, didn't darth vader take out his master & virtually switch to the light side, didn't Anakin Skywalker go from Jedi to the dark side.....might not be so unrealistic!!!


    Plus if you play pvp u get used to fighting the same faction (hutball) !!!


    AND THE MASSIVE PLUS - it might even-out the faction ratio a little (far more empire players to switch to republic than vice versa) sure people would be happier switching sides with their lvl 50 rather the restarting a new character!


    Really think this could a first in any MMO the ability to switch faction!! (as far as I know, only played 4 MMO's myself)


    really like this idea...not sure how easy it would be to implement though.

  2. nice troll nice.


    40k gold every 3-4 days? 40k gold 2-3x a day.


    nightmare modes =/= one shot.


    Go kill The Bulwark in HM D7 with a group that still has greens, screenshots or its not real. GF.





    Edit: you spelled "four" wrong.


    Spelt not spelled...just saying. ;)

  3. I would think you'd be better off holding on to it until you can use it. You can file a ticket but I wouldn't hold your breath on getting a response any time before you're already able to use it ;)


    That's what I thought too...I'll just hold on to it until I get to 50 - only 23 more levels to get through. haha I stole £6,000 from my alt and got a bog standard speeder for now. Shhh don't tell him! haha

  4. I saw the awesome looking speeder that sells at 55k credit, saved my credits and got mount ability and then bought it without reading the description properly, unfortunately i'm only level 27! I really wish they would put a lock on these items so you can't buy them if you're not high enough level.


    Apart from selling it back at 5k credit to the vender, would Bioware take the item off me and refund the credits? It's not a major hassle, just wondered.


    Tanks in advance. :)

  5. Why does this always happen in MMO's, they make travel so static and boring? Why, why, why, why, why?!?!?


    I just don't get it!



    I have this story:


    My mother cuts off the end of the pot roast, I asked her why she did it. She told me to ask her mother, so I asked my grandma why she did it. She told me to ask her mother. So I invented a time machine to ask my grandmothers mother why she cuts off the end of the damn pot roast.


    So I finally got to ask her, why do you cut off the end of the pot roast???? D'you know what she said? Because it didn't fit in the frikkin' pan!


    Is bioware sticking to this static speed buff thing because all other MMO's did it? And that it caps off around the 100%+ mark because all previous MMO's did it? Do you even question if it's a good thing?


    I'm having such a bad day today argh!


    Is it faster than walking/running...yes - Stop your moaning! haha

  6. Why do people like you always say that dissapointed customers should just play something else, instead of asking for improvement?


    If you've written constructive posts asking for improvements then this post is not directed to you. The disappointed people i'm on about are the ones that post, this game is gonna fail, WoW has this, WoW has that etc. No offence to anyone being constructive

  7. For all those people moaning about this game and slaggin' it off...why don't you stop and go play something else, no one is forcing you to play this game. Now I know I'm gonna hear, but I paid for it! Yes you did and like everything else you buy you either like it or don't, you don't keep doing something you don't like. Coming on the forums and having a go at the devs is not the correct way to handle your disappointment.


    I've played the game in beta, pre-launch and now after launch. I've got a few toons, my main is a level 19 Juggernaut and I'm taking it slowly, enjoying the story lines, questing, finding Datacrons, exploring the planets etc. I don't have loads of time to play, so far i've been managing about 3/4 hours a night and I'm enjoying every second.


    Anyway, hopefully bugs will be fixed, new content will be implemented and people will eventually stop moaning and just have fun.


    Flame on moaners!



    He answers a lot of questions.


    Some of the issues discussed are character responsiveness, hoods, neutral gear, GTN, and many more.


    I don't know why this stuff is done on Reddit as opposed to the official forums, but that's another issue for another day. For now, enjoy getting some feedback on heavily discussed topics.


    Edit: Oh. Please bump this to help reduce the creation of redundant threads.



    Good read! Thanks. :)

  9. Those that are new to MMO's may not fully appreciate this topics title. Let me explain. In most MMO's the "Real" game does not start until you reach the highest level and begin running the "so-called end-game content". Take the king of MMOS, WoW, as an example. The road from 1-85 is an excruciating one where nothing you do will have any impact on your toon at level 85. It is called a "grind" for a reason. WoW is not the only culprit here. Most MMOs follow this same broken paradigm.


    SWTOR breaks the paradigm and sets a new one.


    In SWTOR the "Real" game starts the moment you see the first cut-scene of your character. Starting at level 1 the decisions you make FORM your character. Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact. The game starts at level 1 -- not at the level end-cap! People, this is HUGE! It is genre-setting! It blows away the current MMO paraqdigm of grinding to end-cap levels.


    This is why SWTOR succeeds. It is ground breaking in its approach. It amazingly combines the single player aspect with the MMO one. Dont let the complainers fool you either. There is an absolute TON of group content in this game. Yes -- It is an MMO in every aspect of the word EXCEPT it breaks the grind.


    Your SWTOR life begins at level 1.


    Well F'ing said!!! Great post!

  10. Hi to all first,


    I've been following this game for some time as most have and managed to buy it the other day, now I've had the game for 3 days and I've managed to play yesturday for 10 mins before crashing. So as yet after 3 days of owning this mmo, I've not been able to play at all due to constent crashing and bsod and my pc keep being rebooted. I've gone through the forum and made sure I found out any problem to which everythig on my pc is up to date and good enough to handle this game on full settings and in 3d.


    But sadley I'm not able to get at least a couple of hours without something happening to reboot my system due to faults with swtor game. Is there any chance there is some sort of fix on the way that will give me a chance to play swtor mmo.


    Please bare in mind I'm not new to mmo's and know the rigmarol to what happens on new releases. Just that most mmo's allow you to play at least a few hours before crashing or rebooting your pc every 5 mins.


    Day one installed and couldn't even get into character creations for 2 hours. then it wouldn't even get passed animations at start, so gave up, day 2 again tried all sorts and couldn't get passed the intro after creating character. day 3 yesturday I managed to finally start and got into the game and played for 10 mins and it crashed my pc, so gave up again... I've got christmas shopping to do today and will try again later. But other then that I hope if it continues to crash that there is going to be some sort of extention on the 30 days free, because so far I can't play swtor.


    Thanks for reading





    Whats the rig you're running it on? I've had no crashes what so ever so can't be he game.

  11. Seeing as I paid extra bucks for collectors edition of this game, I'm going to write my QQ post.


    I am hugely disappointed by this game. Let me tell you why:



    1. Space combat is horrible
    2. No real incremental improvement over other MMO's in the field
    3. Severe lack of social options -- come on people this is STAR WARS!
    4. Clunky HUD
    5. Lack of customization of your character
    6. 4 classes to select on each side (?!!?!) And yes I know they branch out...but still
    7. No real difference between each race (anyone play Everquest in 1999?)
    8. Auction house. Nuff said
    9. Glitches galore. I can honestly say I have never seen a game where the autofollow bugs out 90% of the time


    I feel like Bioware had the opportunity to make some serious strides with this game. Combat is the same recycled garbage that we have had for years now... Why not make something like Vindictus? I hear that Guild Wars 2 will have an innovative combat system.


    I know some people that love this game IRL and they rave about the interaction in questing and the options.


    Sorry, if I wanted that experience, I'd go play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


    And before anyone starts their rant on features to come, I'm not going to operate on what MAY come. Let me remind you that Star Wars Galaxies promised a first-person shooter experience in PVP when it first came out. Yeah...


    Bioware creates some great single player games...and this feels like a single player game where I see my friends walking around.


    Simple....dont like it, dont play it.

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