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Posts posted by NeonLightz

  1. Wow vanilla was pure open world so pls take your fanboy face and walk away.

    I m not with wow nor with starwars.

    I liked wow vanila because it was awesome but seems like nowdays there is no awesome mmo.Everything has something to turn u off and thats why a lot of people turn back to wow.


    WoW had an exhaustion system, too. So, no you're wrong.

    If Blizzard didn't want you going somewhere, you didn't. Same with this game.

  2. I hope they do away with phasing all together. The populations on the FULL servers (Other than the few select super full ones) is TERRIBLE.


    My server has a Queue every night and there are less than 100 people on Coruscant and all the starter areas.


    Last night in our 10 minute queue I did /who on the entire spread of levels and came up with about 500 people...


    This is absolutely insane...


    Protip: 500 is the max the /who function will show you, not all the people on the server.

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