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Posts posted by Afoaa

  1. I'm thinking they're losing their funding or whatever. Skeleton crew, not enough to do more than build a couple room interiors, call them palaces, and try to maximize the coin spending on this "next expansion" with "the palaces."


    Yup, the fact that they spew out more and more on the cartel market and never ever fix bugs clearly shows a game in desperate financial trouble.


    I can understand their point of view. If the game is going to collapse financially unless they can generate some kind of easy money then why spend time fixing bugs, even though many of those bugs are caused by the very money scheme they are trying.

  2. Hey everyone!


    I know that this issue has been a really big one for a lot of people, so I'm really happy to be able to let you all know that it has a fix coming next week in 2.5.2. The fix won't just affect the Relaxed Vestment Chestwrap, however, and will resolve fur/skin color on many pieces of gear that have revealed skin.


    - Tait


    They didn't fix the reversed leg graphics on female legs they put in on December 17........


    How hard can it be to inverse the inversion, it should take them about 30 seconds to fix the bug yet it has made real money gear idiotic for weeks.


    Sub is gone now....

  3. they're not looking at it, it just gets in the way when they are trying to look at other things. and covering it up with pants is impossible because they've been running around in underwear since day 1 and it would ruin their game if the character looked different :(


    Sort of ruin when you just spend 70% of your money on new upgrades put into the bugged clothes......


    Hope they fix it soon, my sub runs out in 2 weeks.

  4. I checked this out on my Mara, you can see there is more to this bug than just the butt area. If you look at the legs of my char they are miss colored. This reminds me quite a bit of the Relaxed Vestment's bug. If its the same type of issue good luck ever seeing this fixed.




    Someone identified the problem. The colors on the legs of the female toons are reversed so the knee is on the rear of the legs and the hip rip is caused by the fact that it is the front side we see from the rear.


    So yes it is a bug, I just fear it will take 6 months for them to get around to fix it.

  5. Submitted a ticket yesterday about this.


    ticket number is #11141908


    What has occurred is that someone working with the textures and meshes at bioware has accidentally rotated the textures so that the knees of all female toons now point in. The 2 black marks and the discolored buttocks area is an additional symptom of this. Those black lines should actually be located underneath the underwear but have been rotated around the hips for each leg so that they are now visible.


    Ah that explain why every step your toon takes just look wrong.

  6. Huh...change pants. Running around in your underwear was stupid anyway...getting upset about this is a bit creepy to me.


    If a game change something I like to look at I leave the game. It was the same in Star Trek Online when they broke the color scheme of my B'Rel spacecraft which I had paid real money for. I waited 6 months for them to fix it and when they kept ignoring it, well on to the next game.

  7. After the December 17 patch he hip joint on the female human body is broken.


    It doesn't matter which body type you use but try to equip any of the dancer bottoms and look from behind.


    There is also errors with the texture down the thigh, with light reflecting in the wrong way.


    Here is a pic of how it looks now: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12181624/hiperror.jpg


    The bug weren't there before December 17 where the thigh were perfectly smooth.

  8. Your ****** must be really sore to go so far over a small bug.


    My free month was about to end and I play the game for the story, so I just figured that I would wait with paying a sub until the bug that stopped my characters story was fixed and then resub once I could get back to the story. :)


    No need to pay while my char is stuck on that starship.

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