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Posts posted by CkMobster

  1. Does Force Slow work on golds? For some reason I've only used that in PvP so far. If it does.. I'd imagine anything would be a cakewalk with enough room with Andro and just kiting with Force Slow/Speed and the two taunts.


    except a lot of golds are ranged droids or trooper types which means it's not too useful and your combined damage(if you are doing it properly) will be more efficient than trying to kite.




    im currently 42 and have never felt "underpowered" although i have only leveled deception(which is stated as the best leveling tree) so you may want to check your talents and see if you can go more hybrid style builds to increase dps and/or survivability.

  2. Na we are not terrible at all. I can't speak at all for Madness though. I've been leveling as Deception and can kill full blown yellow elites even +1 with not too much problem.


    You need to be able to swap agro with Khem. I'm 34 and you are higher so you should have both taunts (mind control and mass mind control or whatever). Usually you only need the single target one. Let Khem get down to about 15% then hit that and keep agro. Usually you can down an elite in that time.


    For the adds, make use of your your Mind Trap ability to CC one. Usually the hardest one and finish the little guys first then wait for full force and start on the harder one. Of course save electrocute for the hard guys and don't forget your 20min cool down for the especially tough fights (world quest bosses etc). In situations where you need mind trap make sure you manually turn off Khem's 2 aoe abilities or he will break your CCed target. One of them annoyingly resets every time you get on your Rascal or zone or whatever.


    Lately I've been using Andro in DPS mode to kill elites as well. I sick him on the mob, let him run a full round of abilities, by then he's probaly at about 50% health and you start in on the mob. When he gets down to 10% Mind Control and you should hold agro for the rest of the time, use your 50% defense buff and Andros DPS is so high that you will easily down the mob before you die.




    isn't it amazing what a little common sense and using your class abilities does?


    if you are leveling deception Khem and Ashara seem like the only questable companions you can roll with and Ashara only if you aren't fighting a gold mob. make use of your def. cooldowns(they have a very short timer) and your cc abilities(mind trap, shock, low blow). And you should be fine. If you have biochem it's very beneficial to get a reusable force adrenal as that gives you 2 50% reduction cooldowns which reduces down time and makes things easier. Will you die? yes but you shouldn't feel underpowered, only challenged.

  3. 35 Years of age, lawyer since 10 years back.



    Taking in concern





    And the millions they made on a lie.




    Off topic, ive been on 8 different launches of big MMO´s and this is by far the worst launch.



    approx. 1 milion people left unsatisfied&angry

    How can Bioware ignore this?


    you sir are a giant bundle of sticks. Your life is a sad existence and you will never know happiness. just step off the ledge already.

  4. maybe you didn't get one because you have no friends and no one likes you. I bet bioware was looking at your name while sending out ye ole mails in e format and decided "nah **** that **** he doesn't deserve it. In fact lets do all we can to make him rage quit our games for ever"



    at least that's what i'd do to you.

  5. Something that starts bad ends up even worse ... Murphy


    Next LotRO i predict :)


    In 6 months this game will be free to play with this many pissed off customers , 16 year olds or 40 year olds , still customers.

    The fact that those who ordered on 21-22 of july didnt got in is annoying plus the fact that they couldnt release a graph , or to announce everyone when they will get in ... at least by dates of preordering if not personally ...

    So many MMOs have lunched till now , but it seems big companies still have things to learn.


    No matter what you say/do this will get you more unsatisfied customers than long queue or stability issues.


    Dont do a pre-lunch if you cant handle it ....


    This formality with "UP TO ..." is something that crooks do in my country at street corner to fool ppl with money ... and rob them.


    Well you achived it , you made many pay 5 euro/usd more for 1-2 days extra , and you say you are cheaper than WoW , well you aint sadly , good trick i'd say ...


    Many will be left with a bitter taste after this ..


    My 2 cents ...



    Edit: PS: waves is good if spread over 24 hours , spread over 7 days is crap :)



    but you didn't pay 5 extra dollars......

  6. Okay... I've tried to be calm and rational regarding these successive waves of BS...


    Allow me, if I may, to point out a few things:


    1) This is EARLY GAME ACCESS, not launch.


    2) The ORIGINAL early access was the 15th, not today, ergo, NONE of you should be complaining.


    3) The releasing of the early access in waves in respect to when you redeemed you early access code is fair. This has nothing to do with "their money must be better than mine" horse hockey. If they pre-ordered on July 21st and you pre-ordered in October, they SHOULD get in before you since they pre-ordered and redeemed their code before you.


    4) In consideration of point 3 above, I would remind you children that LIFE ISN'T FAIR! Deal with the harsh reality that life is often very UNfair. Don't think so? Ask the Zebra with the pair of Lionesses on its back if life is fair?


    5) The self-entitled BS spewing forth from the fingertips of the denizens of this forum discussion is sickening. Honestly, how the hell do you live with yourselves? Do you actually LISTEN to the crap oozing from your pie-hole? Please try to remember that this is A GAME! It is NOT REAL! You are ************ about a game? At THIS time of year?


    5a) Okay, if you are an Imperial or Sith character, go ahead and be a ************, cuz, after all, you really ARE ************s. You'd use a lightsaber to make your masterpiece sculpture, "Sith slaughtering 17 puppies" and then complain that the puppies bled on your new Sith robes. But, if you are a Jedi and you behave like this? As Yoda would say, "Quit being a whiny *****, you must."


    Now, I am CERTAIN that I'll miss page 500 because of all this typing, but just in case, please, people, let's try to be civil...


    Go call you parents, talk to your children, play with your nieces or nephews, visit a sick friend... Just go do ANYTHING productive and stop festering like an arse-boil.


    But, um, Bioware? Yeah, that whole, 'no EU servers are up' thing? Poor form folks. Get on it. They paid just like we did on this side of the pond.




    how DARE you bring Horse Hockey into this, this is way worse than that wonderful sport.




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