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Posts posted by biere

  1. jeu le plus précommandé de l'histoire.


    Jeu le plus preco sur amazon. Normal car amazon le vend avec une baisse de prix sympathique.


    De plus SWTOR ne passera JAMAIS en F2P et le pourquoi tient en une personne : Georges Lucas. Il ne laissera pas sa licence passer en F2P. Il laissera mourir le jeu comme pour galaxies.

  2. Ive said this before in these forums but this seems like a good place to repeat it...


    I watched the guild summit, every minute of it. They stated that they are watching the economy closely and that 82% of the population has less than a million credits. Then they proceed to make the legacy stuff so expensive that you have to have several million to buy all of it. You have to have a couple of million to buy "some" of it. Less than a million? That doesnt get you much.


    I am one of those people in the 82% bracket. I will never have time to grind out enough credits to get ALL the stuff, so fine, I can live with that. What I am having a hard time with though is that I probably wont see ANY of it. Maybe one or two things.


    I am a SWTOR lover. I have an absolute blast playing this game despite the few things that bug me. The linear questing most notably. But the price of Legacy stuff is making me actually consider unsubbing, I am going to finish the chars I have started then rethink my position on how long I plan to sub to this game. It was definitely longer when I thought I could take advantage of at least SOME of the Legacy stuff.


    Sorry but I am just not a grinder. I dont mind working for things in a game but I can NOT go grind out the credits it will take to get the things I want from the Legacy system and call it fun. They screwed the pooch again IMO..




    PS They DID lead us to believe that it would take EITHER credtis or Legacy to obtain this stuff. I dont mind doing what it takes to get my legacy up but I DO mind grinding for creds. A lot of people who play like I do feel the same. I dont care if it takes me a month to gain one Legacy level because I dont have as much time to play as some others do. But I DO mind having to grind out stuff I dont enjoy (dailies for example) to earn credits to BUY the stuff. Hate me all you want for it, but I was simply expecting them to stick to what they said.






    I couldnt have said that better than you. Just like you , and many others i am sure, I thougt It was legacy level OR credit to get the perks... Now its both.

    I was excited by the legacy system but it was badly designed.

  3. Il a également évoqué les maintenances impromptues. C'est fou le voir que le niveau argumentaire sur ces forums équivaut à citer LA phrase de la personne en face dont on va se servir pour tenter de ternir sa crédibilité.


    Un avertissement injustifié, j'en ai également eu un à SWTOR, et bizarrement, jamais à WOW ou Aion pour des motifs si ridicules. Et comme le disait la personne que tu critiques, voir des majs sans être prévenus, aux heures de pointes, et tout ça pour un week-end gratuit censé attiré de nouvelles têtes pour faire du bénef' à EA, ça fait mal.


    Qu'ils pondent déja une vrai zone de RvR sans lag, des WZ équilibrées et un vrai PVP, et on en reparle.


    Ensuite la simplicité du PVE HL de ce jeu, c'est catastrophique, Millenium avait tout clean en à peine 3 semaines de jeu.



    Il évoque UNE maintenance. UNE seule. Va falloir apprendre à lire toi.

    Et UNE maintenance imprévue oh mon dieu quelle horreur.


    Chaque compagnie a SA politique / code de conduite pour les forums que tu as accepté, je te le rapelle.

  4. Marrant y a 5 semaines on a fait des test a l'atelier pour monter une nouvelle machine pour jeux.


    Passer de 4go a 8go de RAM


    Win xp32 ou 64 : aucun changement de perf

    Win vista ou 7 : négligeable...


    Cher les 5 fps.




    Pas de différence entre 4 et 8 GO de RAM?... Tu rigole? tu troll c'est pas possible surtout si tu vend des pc depuis 10 ans. Je sais pas change de métier, sérieux.


    Je suis passer de 4 a 8 go de RAM il y a un peu moins de un mois et j'ai pas eu besoin de faire des tests de pro pour voir l’énorme de différence.

  5. If people devote their lives to this game and are the worlds best guild with world first kills on all bosses, do you not think they deserve recognition? Once again the 'ball in a cup' example is applicable. Why would anyone want to be best at 'ball in a cup' and not spend their time on something else?


    They dont deserve any recognition whatsoever. If you devote your life to a game the only recognition you should deserve its from the nearest psychiatric hospital because you need serious help.

  6. Le premier débit ne se fait qu'a la fin du mois gratuit. Donc si vous enlevez vos infos avant la fin du mois gratuit vous ne serez JAMAIS débiter.


    Maintenant si papa / maman veulent pas vous laissez les infos. On est au 21eme siècle quand même.

  7. I think something is smoking, but it isn't your computer.......


    EDIT: Anyone that says they don't get frame rate drops or lag is simply lying. How do I know? Because under certain circumstances halt commands are issued to the rendering engine itself, resulting in a period of 0 FPS. When new data comes into the field of view of the player a halt command is issued until that data is retrieved, and when you open menus. These are the two currently confirmed instances of halt commands being issued to the rendering engine.


    That is why you can jump in the air then open and close your menu extremely quickly and you get a lovely slide show effect. Want more proof? Run a resource monitor and watch your GPU resources, then do any of the above.




    Oh another pro..Sorry to burst your bubble but i am always between 60 to 100+ FPS

  8. Let me first start of by saying I loved KOTOR, KOTOR2 (even though you didn’t make it), ME, and ME2. When I heard SWTOR was coming out, I couldn’t believe my ears! Bioware making an mmo! Wow just wow was I excited, a nearly endless game filled with story and MMO elements who could want more?

    Then the beta came out… I got into the beta weekend and was pretty amazed granted I only achieved level 10 on both sith and rep sides.

    Then the game came out…. And well here is where the problems start.



    The game was (and still is) filled with bugs that should have been fixed in the beta. (I honestly feel the beta was more promotional than anything)



    The questing according to you, this game was supposed to be an MMO changer, instead it’s the SAME EXACT THING kill 10 (fill in enemy), kill (fill in boss), gather (fill in item). The only difference is it has cut scenes, which I find extremely uninteresting and now skip through 70% of them.



    The story is actually pretty good, but where those plot twists, moments of suspense, and past decisions you made coming back to bite you? I loved your games for this and SWTOR just does not feel like a Bioware game.



    Side imbalance…. really you didn’t foreshadow this? Something as simple as putting limits on each side and you couldn’t do it?



    Class imbalance… every MMO has it and yes they will never be 100% equal, but common its 2012, if you couldn’t make the classes have somewhat of a better balance then you should have kept this game in beta, until this was achieved.



    The PVP… just look at the pvp forums



    No individual server forums… even with the community asking nonstop for them, you will not add them?


    The reason I’m making this post is because I’ve waited years for this game and would log on every Friday for the update, and frankly I’m disappointed. I really hope this game will be fixed and SOON or at least give everyone free subs until the game is fixed I’m not paying just to be in what seems like a beta!

    Also please don’t ever compare this game to vanilla WoW or vanilla anything. SWTOR has had hundreds, if not thousands, of MMO’s come out prior to it. SWTOR is a product and should not be treated any differently from any other product in the market place. (for example if Microsoft came out with the ePad an equivalent of the iPad with the same price but half the features and with tons of features broken. Would you buy it just because it was something new?)




    If you go on WoW forum now, you will see QQing all over the place :


    there is no content,


    class imbalance,


    side imbalance,


    PvP suck...


    Doesnt that remind you of anything?


    Yes this game have problems. Now please show me a game that as no bugs, no imbalance, no problem at all....There is none because that simply doesnt exist.


    If they would have held the game for another year people would have been crying because they wait too long to play the game and menace EA / bioware that they would go play another game is SWTOR is not release fast.



    You cant compare hardware, ipad, to a software, swtor, a program is a lot more complicated to make.


    lets go with comparison. Why people dont go crying to the car dealership because their car is not the same quality as rolls roice??? We are in 2012 all cars should be rolls roice quality.

  9. lmao...


    Yeah lets stop voicing our opinions about this average mmo that fails miserably in endgame content and pvp period.


    Lets stop talking about the horrible looking gear, the low server player populations, and the lag fest everywhere.


    Lets stop talking about the pve bugs that make raiding a joke.


    Lets st..........nevermind






    Lets give them another six months to finish what should of been finished before launch.. Defend it some more there kiddo lmao...



    And if someone dare to voice an opinion different than yours than they are kids.


    Its impossible to have a discussion with people like you unless the person thinks like you.


    I think the one that should stop being a kid and grow up is you.

  10. Oui je suis d'accord avec toi ,mais pour le cas du sith lumineux je trouve que c'est beaucoup plus cohérent que les Jedi. Parce que genre tu dois sauver le monde mais tu es coté obscur , c'est contradictoire a mon avis.



    Non c est pas contradictoire pour un sith de sauver le monde.


    Les siths veulent dominer le monde pas le detruire. Donc sauver le monde pour avoir quelque chose a dominer est normal.

  11. Salut,


    Je comprend qu'il faut regler les bugs donc je ne parlerai pas trop de la fréquence des maintenances qui devrait s'appeler Quotidienne et non Hebdomadaire...


    C'est plutot sur le temps que ca dure 4h a 8h...


    Il serait peut etre temps de retourner les singes de BW au zoo et engager des êtres humains pour continuer le jeu.


    Sinon a la limite, garder les singes mais enlever les pause repat en plein milieu du temps de maintenance ?




    P.s: Post un peu a la blague car en fait j'aimerais comprendre pourquoi c'est si fréquent et si long a chaque fois.


    (Au moin cela rend ma copine heureuse :p)



    Pour un MMO qui vient de sortir c est normal.

  12. So let me see:


    3 weeks into release and 2 million customers are playing SWTOR, the server cap is maxed out and new servers are created. The server list reads full/heavy for 90% of the servers.


    6 weeks later we are told 1.7 million people are still playing yet when we look at the server list it reads Heavy for about 10 servers and Standard/light for the other 90.


    Even the most idiotic person can see that there are nowhere near 1.7 million people playing. I would estimate 500k and that's being generous.


    But I do understand that many people are younger than me that play this game and they are very impressionable, EA figures released will be believed by these young adults. I however have been playing games since Airbourne ranger on the old Atari console, I have been in business for 25 years and know what PR is all about.


    Anyway you fanboys keep thinking this game is doing well. I am off to level up my new Bountyhunter and Operative as I had to ditch my 2 high level guys and start again because the server became too empty I could not even do heroics. Yeah this game is booming alright :rolleyes:




    WoW another super dev / financial expert / analyst with great experience who base is expert view of a game by the wind that come out of his ***. :mon_trap:

  13. et les pve boys continuent.... ce n’est pas le sujet mon petit. le sujet, c'est un truc pour grandes personnes, genre contrat commercial à respecter. Pas étonnant que Bioware n'hésite pas une seconde à tondre les moutons que vous êtes, qui vous attachez à l'accessoire au lieu d'aller à l'essentiel.



    Ah parce que tu l'as lu toi le contrat que tu accepte avant de pouvoir jouer???


    Apparemment non.



    Et puis faut que tu arrête de jouer les avocats alors que tu n'y connait rien du tout.

  14. alors ça râle a cause des bugs, ça râle a cause des maintenances.


    En gros ça râle pour le plaisir de râler.


    C'est normal pour un MMO d'avoir beaucoup de maintenance en début de vie. Une beta et une release ne peuvent pas être comparer a cause du nombre de joueur.


    100000 joueurs ( c'est un exemple, je ne connais pas les chiffres exact ) durant la beta ne verront pas tout ce que plus 1 millions de joueurs release peuvent voir.


    Plus le jeu prendra de la bouteille plus les patchs et maintenance seront court et espacé.

  15. Translation: Most companies rip their customers off, and most companies should continue to do so.



    Welcome to capitalism. If you are not happy China is that way ----->


    On a side note all MMOs have problems and they work it out. Finding a problem is one thing finding teh solution is another.


    Yes SWTOR had a very good launch. Other MMOs were horrid ( WoW anyone ) and still they are here.


    The customers just think they are king and should get as demanded..no sorry as ordered.


    Edit : I worked in several customer services and the amount of stupid requests and demands i have seen is amazing.

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