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Posts posted by OldMarmy

  1. Loving the influx of new players on Jung Ma this last week, and am already getting to know many of them. We've had three planned server events (a guild summit, a dueling match, a multi-planet world PVP event). Along with seeing many names I recognize, I'm getting to know new people (and new guilds) as well.


    Just my opinion, but the only way to build community is to get to know each other. The only way to do this is to see each other in PVP, in events, around fleet, and in FPs and Ops. Oh, and the forums too. Server forums are likewise key.


    If instead I was PVP'ing with random people from other servers, this would be much harder. There'd be little chance of seeing them around again. Also, I've witnessed about a half dozen instances of a new player being mean to others (usually in PVP matches), with other players saying its' not appropriate, etc.


    Being on the same server, such player-regulated remarks and inevitable ignoring really do make a difference, especially on a matureish server like Jung Ma. Having random trash-talkers from random servers pop in and sully things while PVPing or group finding would suck, especially on a server like Jung Ma.


    Just my 2 cents ... Thank You Bioware for sticking to your principles and not caving to cross-server LFG'ing.


    Wrong. Cross server Pv P = True Ranked play and more fun. The larger the queues the more chance that you will be grouped with people of your class and capability which = more fun. Leagues of Legends understands this and Bioware would be wise to build PvP around the same concept for WarZones.

  2. Why is there no body type 4 companions of all the humanoid companions?

    This is an outrage, I'm tired of all these skinny tiny little companions.

    Id be all for companion customizations that add a little bit of weight to our companions.

    Or just flat out make some of them bigger.


    No thank you. Khem Val gets in my way all the time when I try to loot. I can't imagine more of his size... arg...

  3. I would be happy with a garenteed option like:


    Change the RE system to allow for multiple items to be RE'd at the same time. If you insert 20 items you have a 100% chance for schematic. If you only insert 10 items you have 50% chance. 5 = 25% 1 = 5% chance.

  4. It would have made much more sense to use the skill level-based system already in place of using crew skill crafting to RE to research green gear to blue gear, blue gear to purple, and finally purple gear to orange gear and augmented orange. Simply using this method, which is what many players thought was the new system, would have satisfied crafters far more than the random lottery system of collecting orange schematics than what has been implemented.



    I thought this was exactly what we were getting... lol

  5. The irony of complaining on one of the sites that reliably says EXACTLY when the patch was dropping, since, you know, it's the game's site and all, must be hitting you in the face rather hard.


    It wasn't a mystery of the release of the patch. There were posts from users and BW themselves a good 24+ hours ahead of time. If you missed it, tough cookies.


    Stop blaming them for your laziness.


    Yes. Because I live my life around this game and check for news consistently in my real life time that might help me while I play in my goof off time...


    Tell us in the game or it doesn't matter that you told us at all... You have to read the 20,000 posts on the forum, that point you to the twitter, that point you to the... bah... humbug....

  6. Somone has to have their finger on the pulse of when the servers will be back up.


    Just throw a "countdown timer" on the front page so we can see it count down. Even if you have to adjust it... This way we can have a quick look-see point to determine if it's even worth it to try and log in.


    Good luck...

  7. It's why many people are going back to Leagues though... Most people who like to PvP, just want to PvP on equal ground without the investment of time.


    Really, the investment of time should be more for the uber PvE stuff. And then more people are happy. Keep PvP and PvE games on a different playing fields. All PvP gear should be easy to get and and fast to get, and then let the game be about picking skills, picking the items that are easy to get, and learning to play more skillfully.


    shred away...

  8. wow. On my second toon I skipped the level 40 pvp set and was just banking for the level 50 set. Seems I screwed myself over.


    I wonder how much the champion packs will cost? Right now it's 200 mercs and 200 wz.

  9. I read in one of the 1.2 updates: "Items with Mercenary Commendation purchase costs have been removed or converted to have Warzone Commendation costs.


    Players can still trade Mercenary Commendations for Warzone Commendations. 10 Mercenary Commendations can be traded for 10 Warzone Commendations.



    If I am not mistaken, this means the Warzone coms I have been converting to Mercenary are at a ratio of 3 to 1 is going to be lost? I think I pay 30 warzone coms for 10 merc comms? Please tell me I am remembering wrong... Does this mean I have lost all those?

  10. Spec'd as lvl 50 full healer I have a love/hate relationship with my agent. I love him for pve 100% of the time, and hate him for PvP about 75% of the time. I can go from having a match with 250k heals to a match where I have 40k heals. I find that against the right people, I can be shut down way too easy. I just wish I had picked Sorcerer as my main first. :(
  11. I agree.


    It's one thing to allow respecs its another to allow all out class changes.


    I understand your issue...i won't roll an assassin now bc I have a sorc and wouldnt level a sniper (even though i want one) bc i have leveled an OP.


    I still will say...No to AC reroll! Unless you have to pay $$ for it and it has a multiple month cooldown.


    I actually would pay... but for what reason? Why not have people be able to flip between classes? How would it harm you if I switched? Not being smart.. Just trying to understand why you are against the idea...

  12. It's a non-issue technically, but your choice of AC should be a meaningful specialization. I hope they don't allow it.


    Why not? I really don't have a lot of time to play, but I would enjoy flipping over to the other spec without having to roll another character and go through the same storyline again...

  13. Except that this would be easily done in SWTOR as long as your main class doesn't change. Its just a value in a database that determines your advanced class.


    Same class...

    Same story line...

    Same companinos...

    Same class... (oh I said that already...)

    Non issue... :)

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