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Posts posted by achtungbabies

  1. I cancelled my sub last night. I’ve still got 30 days remaining but I doubt I’ll log in, and it isn’t because I didn’t enjoy playing the game. My only reason for cancelling is server population. My guild was put on to Hex Droid EU and out of around 25 very active players at launch, I’m the only one who hadn’t un-subbed until now.


    On a good night now there are 30 players on the Imperial fleet but usually it’s little more than 20. I was levelling an alt (got her up to 44) and I can count on one hand the number of other players I’ve come across while levelling. There is nobody around to run flashpoints with and the only heroic missions I’ve done are ones that I managed to solo.


    PvP with my 50 sniper consists of warzones with the same handful of players. I really enjoy the PvP in this game and the sniper class is fun to play... it’s just the lack of players that makes it repetitive and predictable. On quiet nights it can take over half an hour for a WZ to pop and it’s not even worth queuing in the day.


    I was disappointed when ranked warzones were pulled last minute from 1.2 but it’s probably just as well they were. Until there are server merges / transfers or at least cross server PvP there’s absolutely no point in a ranking system with so few players.


    Server merges or character transfers are well overdue. Bioware should have addressed this much earlier, the fact that they didn’t just cost them another customer.


    Cheers then!

  2. The change to scatter shot is welcome, a 20% healing debuff will make us slightly more useful in PvP.


    I'm a bit underwhelmed by the rest of the changes though. Changing imperial assassain to a 3 point talent for the same effect is good but the introduction of 'seige bunker' is pretty meh.


    They've changed sniper volley to increase energy regen as well as alacrity but energy management isn't really an issue with marksman anyway.. it would have been nice to see something more useful there like a small damage increase or crit buff.


    The 3% crit reduction from 3/3 lethality is annoying.


    Calculated persuit looks interesting in engineering. 6 seconds of energy free overload shot is enough time to use it 3 times? You could potentially keep popping in to cover to trigger the proc and just run round spamming overload shot. Granted its not our highest damage attack but it would give us a lot more mobility.



    It's a shame to see no changes to shield probe or evaision but at least they've fixed the root/cover bug!

  3. I've been specced MM since launch, valour 56 at the moment. I tried a bit of engineering and lethality in beta but I prefer the burst and big crits of MM. The big damage mitigation against geared heavy armour players (especially those who can heal themselves) is frustrating but I do good damage against anyone in light or medium armour.


    I read a lot of posts on here saying they never see other snipers on their server but that certainly isn't the case for me on Hex Droid EU. It isn't unusual for me to be teamed with another sniper in a WZ - last night there were 4 of us on one team! However I can count the number of gunslingers I've come up against on one hand.


    Generally I enjoy playing my sniper but there isn't anything particularly sniper-esque about the class. We aren't covert or sneaky in any way. Our shield flashes red and advertises our position. Our 'ambush' attack paints a red reticule on the target while it charges giving clever players time to pop a shield or other defensive cooldown. We've got sniper sounding abilities but the class plays more like a rifleman with a portable shield.


    I've seen the roll to portable cover suggested a few times, I think it’s a great idea. We could use it as a offensive ability to get us in to range quicker and an escape ability to create some range between us and our target when we get caught in melee.


    Shield probe could do with a buff, it doesn't seem to absorb much damage at all in its current state.


    I can't take cover while rooted - SO ANNOYING. Surely this has to be a bug? Switched on players know they can root a MM sniper and it's basically as effective as a stun.


    With ranked PvP on the horizon my concern is that we won't have a place in the 'optimum' team setup. It seems everything we bring to the table other classes can as well... admittedly with less burst but without the lack of mobility and squishiness, and for someone like me who bought this game for PvP it is a bit worrying.

  4. I feel a bit sorry for people who put the time in to get BM before this patch (not me). Give it a month and battlemasters will be ten a penny.


    I don't like that you get 3 kills towards your ilum daily regardless of whether you win or lose the warzone. I don't like that everyone is leaving the WZ with the same valour after you get your easy 4 medals, regardless of your contribution.


    On the other hand, being able to purchase BM commendations is definitely a good change.

  5. What is happening in 1.2 that will make us not need medals


    You'll only receive valour for the first 4 medals you get. 500 valour a piece I think.


    More medals will show up on the scoreboard but you won't gain any more valour from them. Hopefully it should put more emphasis on the objectives and winning instead of earning medals.


    On the down side, 4 medals are easy to get... you could join a WZ near the end and still manage 4. Everyone is going to be leaving the WZ with 2k valour. Players who really contribute won't get any more reward than those who were just making up the numbers.

  6. Bridge battles!


    Sneaking around bridge battles! lol...


    Boss battles in th middle of a pvp warzone!


    Upgradeable troops! Earnable uber pets...


    and enough room to wind up in small and large skirmishes everywhere!


    Exactly the reasons I enjoyed AV so much.


    Good mix of PvP and PvE in the same area, different objectives with capture-able spawn points along the route to the enemy base. Ilum is far too big (especially width wise) and the terrain too open to provide the sort of action I saw in AV.

  7. I'd love to see something like AV out of WoW. You'd get these epic battles lasting hours that could turn around just as it was looking like one side was winning. I was hoping that's what Ilum would be like but unfortunately not.


    Fingers crossed something like that gets implemented in the not too distant future. It took blizzard a good 6 months to patch in AV and WSG and a 8-9 months for AB though so I'll give bioware a chance.

  8. Once you're pitted against players with 18k+ health, heavy armour and damage reduction from expertise you'll notice a big drop in how much of the HP bar you go through.


    There's a way around it though - target the heavy armoured players last. You'll still do good damage against light and medium armour wearers.

  9. I'm all for it.


    If you have to go afk and leave a warzone for whatever reason, tough luck. You're leaving the rest of your team a player down and at a disadvantage until someone else joins. I think it's only fair you incur a penalty.


    30 minutes is over the top though, I'd say 10 minutes max. Just enough to deter people from quitting as soon as it looks like they may not win, and since most WZs last 10-15 minutes anyway it would make more sense for players to see the current one out rather than quitting and re-joining a different one.


    If you get booted from a WZ / disconnected / crash then a 10 minute debuff is hardly the end of the world.

  10. I can't really comment on how our bonuses stack up against other classes because I only play sniper but when I look at BH gear (PvP and PvE) and see big bonuses to crit chance I can't help but think we've been overlooked.


    An extra 3 seconds on orbital strike is 1 extra tick as far as I know, alright for PvE but not a massive deal for PvP where most players will just avoid the AoE.


    I suppose it has a bit more use in voidstar / civil war where you can drop it on a door or capture point and people are more likely to get caught in it.


    An extra 5 meter range on interupt and takedown is pretty much useless. Most of the action in PvP isn't at maximum range and I can't say I've even noticed any difference having the bonus.

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