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Posts posted by ExileZab

  1. As to her reply there is your answer, they have no new info and when they do they will share it. What more do you want from them? She said when they get new info they will share it. While the Disney take over may not scuttle plans for this it may put them on hold if any restructuring ect is to happen to the staff.


    There shouldn't be any restructuring of the staff. Disney isn't taking over BioWare or EA, they're taking over the Star Wars IP. That's all.


    The SGR "gag order" has nothing to do with with Lucas or Disney. That's all on the EA bigwigs.

  2. Anakin uses a green light saber while walking the plank on Jabba's pleasure barge in RoTJ because the blue one he usually uses would not show up on the bright blue sky of the desert that they were filming in. He returns to a blue saber once the fight scene is finnished..


    You mean Luke. Sorry for being nit-picky.

  3. What I find even more disturbing is that the OP completely refuses to acknowledge the fact that he has continually CHOSEN to keep making these dark side choices.


    I do not see the use of the shock collar on Vette as being sexualized in the least. In the context of the game, it's torture for the sake of torture.


    OP, YOU made the choice to keep the collar on Vette. YOU made the choice to continue torturing her, and YOU made the choice to keep her in slavery. You do realize that you had the option to remove the collar and treat her as an equal, don't you?


    It seems to me that you're at odds with yourself over making those decisions and are now trying to lay the blame on BioWare for having those options in the game. YOU own those decision, not BioWare.


    If you can't deal with the choices you've made in the game, you have three options... Roll a new character on the Republic side, roll a new Imperial and choose light side options, or simply move on to a different game. Whichever you choose, however, you need to stop blaming others for your choices.

  4. Two of the original members of that forum and developers of the language (myself and Mireth) are working on getting the language project going again. We should have a dictionary and a new forum up by the end of the week.


    If anyone is interested in joining us, please let me know. And I will post links here once they are up.


    I would most definitely be interested! I love what all of you accomplished previously.

  5. The problem with her nose is that you drew it as if it is seen from full front view, however, her head is posed so that her nose should actually be seen in more of side view (I think more like 3/4 side). So, only one nostril should really be visible. Otherwise very nice job! :)
  6. The thing is though, I really feel I'm not capable of taking this up myself. First of I'm not that good at learning languages at all, making them up... That would be even harder.


    The reason for this thread is actually to highlight the existance of such a project in the first place, for those who doesn't know about it, so that it can be used by Zabrak RP'ers out there.


    That, and to perhaps encourage people who actually are capable of picking this up, to do so if they're interested.

    I don't really intend to learn the language all together and be able to fully communicate with it, it's really more for a few key phrases perhaps that would add a little spice in any all-Zabrak conversations, just for fun.


    For the most part that's how I used it in SWG. So, unless you want to communicate entirely in Ul'Zabrak, there's really no need to create new words. The language as it stands is not insubstantial.

  7. It's nice to see TOR Rpers wanting to take this up. While I wasn't one of the creators of the language and culture, I was one of the many who implemented it in my RP when I was playing SWG.


    I haven't really started RPing as of yet in TOR, but I do fully intend to keep alive what Malin and the rest on the Zabrak Society came up with, when I do.

  8. Nope, it's a Zabrak "right of passage" custom. All young Zabrak go through a trial of sorts when they reach puberty and receive the tattoos upon completion, showing that they've moved into adulthood.
  9. After reading a few more replies, I've come to realize this is just a giant "wahhh!" thread.


    Sorry if your precious little feelings were hurt that there are a few women in positions of power in this fictional game universe, boys. Too bad it doesn't cater to your fervent desire for Manly Men to be in charge of every segment of life. :rolleyes:


    A bunch of whiny little boys complaining because "men are marginalized" by all of THREE women in charge of things in a pretend universe. Wow.


    That's just sad. But by all means, keep sulking about it. I'll be off playing my FEMALE trooper, blowing the crap out of things and laughing it up with Garza about how we've finally accomplished our goal of turning men into househusbands.


    I'm a male, and I endorse this response! ^


    Really, it's pretty sad to see males so insecure about women in power.

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