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Posts posted by darthkargtor

  1. Yeah I never really understood all this Revan fan boy garbage. How many times did you die before you finished the game? You can't add Revan to a list of other SW characters when you are the one playing Revan in a video game. If you can.. then why not just add every single character in SWTOR... you just cant. The guy that has no girlfriend, lives in his mom's basement, and eats pizza and sucks down mountain dew every day just wants to be someone special for once in his life..and Revan was the key,it's sad really. The Revan craze is nothing more than people with low self self-esteem,living vicariously through through a video game character. Sad indeed.


    Although ill admit some of the revan fans make him out to be a god ensuring his overrated the blame falls on those who enjoy bashing everything to do with him much like Justin beaber the most common reason for revan being known is due to revan bashers and haters.


    To me revans simply a Jedi turned sith who won a war-to alot of people he is the devil as it would seem with more reasons then there are sins,the same can be said to the Exile fans, then their are the Lucas Lorebies who will crush anyone opinion and view beacuse it deviates from the majority.


    as its commonly known its Hip to hate

  2. Do you have any factual evidence to the contrary? he barely managed to defend himself from T3's flamethrower, Meetra could have killed him on the spot, Revan managed to blast him across the throne room and Scourge would have done very well with the sheer amount of emotions being blasted back and forth.


    A t3 is a driod and their for he couldnt predict what his actions where going to be let alone avoid an attack from fire somting you cannont block or control with the force.


    The Exile wouldnt have been much help here and the only reason he didn't do the same to them as he did the jedi strike team is due to him being daised from failing to retake revans mind.


    Revan was not going to win vs the Emperor due to the emperor being able to counter anything he could have done.


    Then take in mind that the Entire Imperial Guard where breaking down the door so even if they had lasted longer it wouldn't be long before an entire army of elite soldiers where attacking them from behind.

  3. snip![/i]



    That was the sith plan the Imperial plan was to ensure the republic didnt have a hold in the seat of the empire, much like the republic needing to retake the core worlds, beacuse without them corusaunt is only a short distance away from the empires front lines, while the empires capital is safe.


    When you know your outnumberd not only by humans but also by thousands of other races the one thing you need to do i ensure the heart of your land is safe beacuse that is the core of the war effort and moral look what the sacking of corrusant did to the republic if Kas fell how long until the Imperial army splinters into groups while large portions of the empire and the population surrender to the republic.

  4. Everything that made her interesting was stripped away in the novel, but I doubt you would even understand.


    I do you hate how she was shown as a robin in the novel and all her achievements where not recognized just so she could be shown as his mindless follower yet again.


    But worse things have happened in the world of Literature.

  5. Be thankful he even got that.


    Yes we all know her death was awful and she shouldn't have been in that book, but she was in the story long before drew wrote the novel,we all knew she was going to be dead long ago, but in the end now he can become Kealthas 2.0 and it seems he is becoming that already while the exile gets a semi respectible death much like palpatine who was also betrayed.

  6. The Exile is like batman's Utility belt no matter who she faces her condition allows her to miraculously win.


    and as much as they don't like to believe revan is why the Exile won, She would never had saved Ondaron nor gotten to Nihlluis without Candrous who would never had been Mandalore without revan handing him the mask.


    She wouldnt have gained her Special Ability without revans war and the events at Machalore V

  7. The issue here Lucases defnition dosent work well with the EU beacuse its not ment to, theirs no way that the order would have survived that war without being corrupted but as always the Jedi get away with mass Genocide without any repercussion however one person murders some one and falls, its utter nonsence.


    If that war never happened their would be no ultra corrupted force users due to the lack of a thousand generations being raised to the idea that the jedi will stop and nothing to eradicate them fueling their hatred

  8. A light side SI beats a DS si because a dark side SI would end up like the

    dark council member lord scourge kills

    from the revan novel becoming a shell having to spend a large amount of time to build up enough power to use one ability due to the massive corruption, where as a light side SI would be less weakened by age and corruption and their for able to fight effectively.

  9. Uhm... No. No it isn't.


    The Sith version of slavery is quite a bit worse than the Belsavis version... Especially if you follow that quest line to its ultimate conclusion.


    Also, you can't possibly point to Belsavis, a lone super secret prison that not even most of the Republic knows exists and compare it to an open and common practice throughout the entire Empire. It isn't like the Republic does that to every child of every prison in the galaxy.


    Now I am not saying it is right, but you have to consider the scale. If you are stretching that far to reach a conclusion then your argument is already lost.


    The Empires Practices might be considered morally questionable but for the majority it allows a better way of life with the worsening of others, where as the republics operations on Belsavis benefited the minority at the suffering of many not the majority the empires actions their for are the lesser of two evils.

  10. The Force is how the creator intended it , no source is as accurate, the EU is other peoples opinions combined into one has the fans try to rationally combine the thousands of suggestions into their own little understanding no one is right no one is wrong, you cant question them you cant say you know anything as no one knows anything we are simply unable to truly grasp the original idea that sparked the creation of the idea that we know as the force.


    Should you ask Lucas even he would not be able to tell you what it is, as the time where it was created when it truly was what it was at the beginning is gone.

  11. I do think this two rituals are somehow related. In Revan's book, it's said that the emperor gives the impression of being talking with the millions of voices of the people trapped in him, and it has a dark glow arround it's body, similar to the one that our inquisitor has when he summons the power of the ghost.


    I think the ritual of natheema, forces the people who suffer it to become one with the force (explaining the empty clothes scattered arround the dead planet as described in the book), and then instantly binding them to the user.


    That would explain why the emperor took the effort to collect the tombs of so many enemies and notorious sith lord in the dark temple, that seems to be some sort of summer palace of the emperor in dromund kaas, to have a healthy suply of ghosts to eat.


    In any case, it would be interesting to see if the inquisitor tries something similar in future expansions. Who can resist to eat an entire planet?


    Some one who dosent want to eat most of the already near noting number of imperials when fighting a war agesnt not one but thousands of diffrent species.

  12. Emperor vs emperor- Endless war as both escape death with their endless immortal tricks.

    Army vs army- GE although they have the advantage of sith there leaders do not care for them and they also like the early GE cannon t sustain a war with just humans that they currently have.

    Navy vs Navy- Although the SE has a lot of firepower the GE has the advantage beacuse the writers of the post ROTJ believe bigger is better this is why we have incredible sized battle cruisers that are bigger than planets most notibly the Eclipse so big it cannon t be destroyed not even by its own death star lazer, but only by luke skywalker who will not be involved in this scenario.

    Sith vs Sith SE wins with numbers and a large ammount of powerfull lords who rival those of the GE vader would bt able to stop them.

    Imperial guard-Draw although the GE;s are more trained the SE are driven by the will of the empire and will fight to the last man to bring victory as such they will be able to fight the GEs guards.

    Population-the sith empire wins as they have a loyal people where as the GE would have massive revolts and defections much like the roman empire allowing the SE to overwhelm the GE during the early states of the war and most likely aquire advanced technology to even the battle field.

  13. Seriously. I just don't get it. In many of the "Vs" threads that have popped up, i've seen many people say that Revan would lose hands down, without any contest, and i'm just a bit confused as to why.


    My personal guess? All of his buildup in the Revan novel, combined with the toning down of The Exile, has simply gotten some of the people who were ambivalent about him to now dismiss him as a complete joke when compaired to other, better-known characters.


    Any thoughts?



    people who love the exile hate how she died and non of her story was told in depth in a story shared between revan and lord scourge TWO main characters needed for SWTOR more than she was and so she had to assume a secondary role and after Kotor 2 where her special ability allowed her to best three sith lords they didn't like her being a side kick companion , as most do not see the importance of her death reflecting lord scourges progress and relevance further on in the story line.




    The rest are the results of OLD CORE VS NEW CORE fans trying to keep there vision of star wars relevant.

  14. ..? Force Walking




    Force Walking was an ancient Sith technique used to bind restless Force ghosts to the living in order to utilize their strength.


    Severing the force would temperately disconnect a force user from being able to feel the force although they would recover to some exstent by bounding force ghosts you are able to d

    efend your self like Kallig did when he died

    by haveing force ghosts within your body there essence would shield yourself from the effects of being serverd from the force.

  15. I don't trust Kreia ever... she is the symbolic leader of Revan Fanboys.


    On a serious note, wouldn't that put Meetra in the top 3 for most powerful Force Users since she could do that ability to just about anyone?


    Not realy as there would be ways of stoping it if it where to be expanded as a force power such as force walking, the effect wont last forever on a powerfull individual such as luke

  16. They were in the process of it, hence the energy beams latching onto her, then Kreia came in to stop them and killed them all.


    Yeh, she did it to herself instead of falling to the Dark Side like the others did.


    It wouldnt of worked anyway her current state would leave her impossible to be disconnected by that technique + i dont see how she would have turned to the darkside she cut her self off from the force due to her natural connection to the ones around her and beingable to feel there torment as they died.

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