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Posts posted by Sakushi

  1. So Imperials have taken to a new habit on Ilum on my server. They heal NPC's you are trying to kill while doing dailies. If that weren't enough, they will have stealth using classes laying in wait that will be flagged and rush into your AOE's, then forcing you be flagged, ganged up upon, and ganked. This type of behavior continues in just about any way they can, specifically targeting people who aren't flagged and who are usually alone. This is becoming quite an annoyance.


    You arent going to find an answer here, the only people who will answer this, are those that expose this mechanic themselves.

  2. The keyword here is how the content is challenging and what it rewards for it's challenge. The thing is nobody should possibly expect a person to still enjoy a content one has done a lot of times already. In time it will get repetitive, the person will master the tactics of the content and will look for ways to avoid it if he/she can. It is natural human behavior nothing so over the top or unacceptable.


    The reason why people ask for more flashpoints is because they hope, naturally that the new ones will provide more and a new type of challenge.


    And a mistake you seem to be making is that thinking people skip - reap rewards - and skip again on FP content only to do more FP's again in the future, in the same manner. This idea if flawed because also a very good reason people engage in this behavior is because they do not see Flashpoints in their sights as the content they are having fun with. Most of them are doing FP's merely to prepare themselves for the Operations they want to do quicker, this too, is natural and intended.


    There is No challenge if you skip all the way to the boss, End of!

  3. There has always been some kind of mobskipping in either small or large scale in flashpoints but the latest trend is simply wrong.


    It seems that teams doing flashpoints skip some of the bosses and have no respect for the ones that are signing up to get better gear.


    Please respect the players that join flashpoints with groupfinder to gear up, it is enough to wait for ages for them to pop.


    Alternatively Bioware could make the flashpoint not complete unless all bosses are dead (the way it should be)




    Is it fair to ignore players in the team that needs gear and steamroll through the flashpoint not listening at all?


    I agree Its pretty dam sad that Mob skipping seems to be the latest trend going on.

    Why do people ask for more flashpoints/Content when all they do is skip mobs, All the mobs that are skippable they skip.


    and all the excuses that i see is "I don't want to do it, because ive done it 100's of times".


    1.So you find more enjoyment running past mobs?

    Where do you get your enjoyment?

    Whats the payoff? the Rare item from the bosses...?

    So you get your rare item from bosses only to do more FP's to skip more mobs and bosses..


    2. Ive seen people Rage-quit after a member of the group pulls an enemy 3 times.

    Now when I see an over-geared player that are in my group from GFinder, doesnt matter if they're healer DPS or a tank, Those are the type of players that I look out for because they're the first ones to say "Spacebar, Spacebar!" and/or "we Skip!"


    3. I even had to give away a purple item that was dropped from a boss once because the fully geared player moaned and whined about it, mind you that throughout the run he already did get 2 purple drops before hand, Maybe im too kind? lol


    Flash-points should not be finished until enough mobs have been killed.

  4. koool. I quit before january and after 4-5 different games ...i have now re-subbed about 2 weeks ago.


    I recommend that 'as you mentioned'..make a character and start from afresh. because if you loaded your main character, you'd be pretty overwhelmed by the new patches and stuff going on.

  5. I agree.. I came back after a year of absence and found some of my gear in my inventory were missing.

    I only have battle-master and centurion gear which are all worn by my character, while the gear that I use for PVE have totally disappeared from My inventory..which im now building back up slowly.

  6. I agree aswell...

    What were the devs thinking really.


    Old Project: Kool looking Telekinetic rock emerging from the ground using the force with nice hand animation movement, almost makes you forget about the delay of damage.


    New Project: Looks like a jedi lifting some pebbles off the ground right next to the target.


    Legacy Project: WHY did they put the old project with the LEGACY PROJECT??

    Or am I seeing it wrong?!

  7. So you have finally solo'd your way to 50, because its hard to find groups in this game.


    You've done so without any advice or anyone helping you figure out how to build your character or what gear to put on it.


    Now, you're just excited to finally be able to get a group because you made it to 50. Awesome you think to yourself!


    But really, you need to spend another month grinding dailies on Belsavis until those same people who refused to group with you on the way up will even consider grouping with you now. Oh, yeah, go do it by yourself. What do you think this is? A game where you group with people? If you can't solo it, don't group with me!


    So begins the "you're not good enough to play with me" wars...


    We would be better off if the ability to look at someone else's gear was removed. To me, when Turbine added that feature to DDO, it ruined a large segment of the populace.


    Yes, its a rant, but after 10 years of playing MMOs, I'm pretty sick of this elitist, bs attitude. I'll assume that the OP was even and actually trying to be helpful, but even in a post with advice, the attitude that you are wasting someone else's time in a game because you have not yet done 30 runs through the level 50 content evident. And it saddens me that it is already so.


    Lol When they start To Implement the Combat logs.. It'll get even worse.


    Watch out for the "I don't want you in my team because you cant DPS above XXX number"

  8. I think they waited until March to Implement the 'Legacy' System to entice players to Subscribe again.


    Why March?


    Well lets see...

    Christmas has just gone, the game was launched right before December 20th

    (at this point Most players would have bought 60-day gametime cards as The CCard Billing System is so Awful)



    • 1 Standard Star wars: The Old Republic game WITH a Free 30days
    • 60-day gametime card = 90days


    This would Last you until March 20th More or Less.


    I hear they are releasing the 'Legacy' system at this time(March).

    Do you think that this is CLEVER marketing Strategy? or Selfish?


    I mean 30 Days AFTER Launch (when CCards are cancelled before they are billed) they make a big thing about how Special the 'FOUNDER' Title is.


    right Now its February 19th, I wouldnt expect them to implement new patches or Mention anything new about the game. Why Would They?


    But When March 20th Comes (the Month where most of the 60-Day GT subs run out).

    I guarantee you guys that, This is when they'll Start Paying a lot more attention to the sales. They will Want to Keep gamers Enticed.


    I wouldnt be Suprised if March 20th is the day that the Legacy System would Finally be implemented.


    Please Don't Say the Generic cliche... "Oh Other MMO's do that all the time.. its Normal".

    Other MMO's didn't make this so Blatantly obvious to see what they are doing.


    Now problem I have with this is that single player rpg are not this much repetitive. Not even close. Take Skyrim for example.


    I just logged in to Skyrim and checked my quest log. I have about 20 quests there. NOT EVEN ONE quest involved killing random number of enemies or collectiong random number of crap nobody cares about. NOT ONE !


    Whats saddens me is that bioware has made games which are not this boring or repetitive. Not one of their singeplayer games has side quests which consists only of those 3 templates I mentioned. Not dragon age,not mass effect none.


    Dont get me wrong,of course you have to kill enemies,its just in another games its not so blatantly in your face repetitive. In singleplayer games,you kill enemies to survive,to achieve some other objectives instead of killing enemies. There is no any counter which counts how many enemies you killed.


    Now I am not bashing just this game. I realize all MMORPGS I like this. I already mentioned WOW has same problem.


    What MMORPG genre needs to do is clear : They need to make sidequests on the level of singleplayer game. If single player games have managed to add variety to sidequesting,to make sidequest interesteing not just because of dialogue,but because of the stuff you actually do,I dont see why MMORPGs cant do the same things. What the problem exactly ?


    Huh? Did you just CompAre this game to SkyRim??


    Also you cannot make and MMORPG anything like a Single player game...


    Its obvious that you have come from Console gaming. I see a lot of Console gamer frustrations and suggestions in your words.

  10. Thanx for your replies guys. Probably on Monday i ll have an 8 GB RAM extension.


    Tbh when i bought the pc i never thought that the i3 would have caused me any trouble :s. Anyway i ll wait for 1 more month to see how the game stabilize and then i ll upgrade that as well.


    I have 8 gb ram. This wont make a difference.

    Also i surprised that people are finally realizing that the problem is the game, Not the PC.


    Because if this was 45 days ago. you'd get flamed.

  11. Maybe there are just a lot of people quitting this game?


    I've never seen the same person posting he is quitting this game over and over. Can you show me an example of the same poster saying it over and over again?


    In any case, seeing so many "I quit" posts should serve as a warning to Bioware, and maybe it will light a fire under their asses to make this game better, so it may could do some good - more good than complaining about the "I quit" posts will do.


    Anyways...it's just a game, why should you care if other people are letting BioWare know they are quitting? Dont' take it personally - and if you don't want to read the posts then simply don't read them.


    you are being quite ignorant now. you really are ignoring everything you read.


    I have seen many of the SAME people post over n over about quitting the game... when i find a match il mail you...

  12. I find most of the crtiscism on this forum both informed and constructive :)


    But in any case, my point makes perfect sense, and if you don't like reading negative comments you should just stay off the forums, because that is what forums are designed for - to give players a forum in which to voice their opinions about the game, both negative and positive.


    And there is nothing "constructive" about fussing about other players on this forum not liking the game. So why don't you set an example of what you think forums should be and try to be more constructive yourself. Because just wishing people who had problems with the game would just "go away" really doesn't bring anything of worth to the discussion now does it.


    lol all you have been doing basically is telling people to F*** ***... out of here.

    and what you are saying is veerryyy constructive huh.


    that makes you better than everybody else..

  13. How as it "disingenuous in the extreme" to suggest it's pretty silly for people who don't like to read criticism coming to hang out in a forum? lol That makes way less sense than people trying to tough out a dissapointng game they invested money into.


    It's basically like going to a bar and fussing about people drinking alchohol. It makes no sense.


    If you are wanting to read about strategies I suggest going to a class-specific forum, as that is a better place to discuss topics like that. General forums is usually a place where people discuss their over-all impressions of the game, both positive and negative.


    But to be honest, if reading critiscism offends you, it's best you just avoid forums all-together :)


    If you do not like this game then....I think you are thinking Backwards on this


    If you DO like it then your Point would make more sense..


    ...Again 'Criticism' and 'construcive criticism' are different. Constructive criticism is what DeVs are looking for.

  14. To the OP.


    Do you think that the current Lolum status is acceptable?

    In terms of lag, it is unplayable.

    In terms of objectives, they are unchiavable (if you are PvEer, imagine that you make a 2 hours dungeon to find that the boss is not there...)

    In terms of gameplay, there´s no point. The current status makes a zerg vs zerg play. Adding really interesting objectives and bonuses to the control points would split those zergs.


    What you consider just whines, are complains and demands to fix the game where it´s failing. From a different point of view, fanboys are ruining the game, as they make BW self complacent.


    In my opinion, the PvE part is acceptable. Nothing new, coming from BW. But the PvP part is just a bad joke, which in a franchised called Star WARS is a disgrace. What you call "whines" are a meaning to improve that part.


    There is a huge difference between 'Whining' and 'Constructive Criticism'.


    Have you ever seen a Tough great game - go Down in the dumps because the Devs altered the game to be made easy?


    WoW isnt the only MMO that have suffered this. Jus Sayin :)

  15. Because we've just passed the one month free sub point if you bought within 3 weeks of launch. :D


    Just wondering how much longer people who are dissatisfied plan on being here. If you are in that category, how much longer do you plan on renewing?


    I don't ask to be argumentative, but I would rather have a forum of people who want to continue playing the game rather than those who continually remind everyone that they'd rather not be here and aren't renewing. It would be nice to have a community full of people who are in it for the long haul rather than constant negativity in every 3rd thread.


    It hasn't bothered me until now. There were times during the day where I just avoided the forums due to the fact that I was enjoying the game and didn't want to be brought down by negative vibes.


    I totally agree with you.

    I'd say its more of a psychological thing.. people dont want to lose their friends over new games. so they post Depressing things on the forum..there are few other reasons too...anyway its sad and its Quite Stupid.


    In-game community are wayyyyy Different(and better) than the Regular everyday forum Community post'ers. YES there is a DIFFERENCE..


    Its best to stay in-game and get feedback there.

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