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Posts posted by Kandel

  1. I would love for the main cities to be hubs but another way i would like to see it go is:


    If/when they implement Guild capitol ships they should become mini hubs for guilds. GTN terminal, mailbox, bank storage, training dummies and access to your ship. I also think that they should incorporate a way for your guild ship be the one that drops your guild off at OP/FP run planets via drop pods. No difference from the Ziost now but would add greatly to guild RP for those that do.


    The fleet would then become a place for shopping and training. For example, I would still need to go to the fleet for purchasing gear with comms and training up my crafting and skills. For RP'ers this would also be a visit to the cantina or whatever their character would need to socialize with people outside of their characters (unit) guild. This is very similar to how a real life military unit would act.


    I also think the players on the guild ships should see trade and general chat. This would be how the guilds would not completely segregate from the rest of the community and still allow un-guilded players a chance to find a guild or just communicate with guilded players, for grouping or advise. For immersion sake it could be considered reading the text on a terminal or whatever you could think up. I think this would be little difference to seeing the chat of whole fleet when your only in one spot and your hearing isn't THAT good. The guild ship terminal would be similar to a Galactic twitter of sorts.


    We are already broke down into fleet instances when so many players are on fleet. This would aid in game performance for those with low fps due to player density. The chat is there, the players are there, just not the toons. So in the end, little would change for the community and get us all off that damn fleet like horses waiting to race.

  2. I got an orange tech staff while leveling. I don't remember where it dropped but it does exist.


    I am also sure that I saw a orange tech lade on the dromund Kaas commendation vendor.


    The hilts are an issue but as it has been mention the strength ones work, increased damage, endurance and the the strength increase will still help. The aim/strength difference would be very marginal.

  3. Did BT with just me lvl 12 and a sith assasin lv 10 and we didn't even come close to death. I was tank and the assasin and his beast were dps.


    Can imagine it mattered much but we both used +20 something presence boosts to give our companions a little more kick.

  4. @ oMGitsree, most 2008 or newer Macs will be able to play the game, but if you have an integrated card you will most likely have to stick to low settings. Also at least 4 GB of RAM is recommended based on the reports I've seen. In the old thread (90+ pages) we had lots of people posting their results... apart from the usual driver issues, most people were getting really decent performance once they found the best settings for their GPU.


    A Mac Pro will certainly have no trouble at all with the game, though. I'm on a 2008 MP, it rocks.


    @ ghosthawks, as I (and others) have said it's most likely a driver issue. If you can post your machine's specs we might be able to help you further. We'll need more info than where you bought it ;) - CPU, GPU, RAM, year and model would be great.


    I am running on an early 2008 mp as well. I am having a difficult time getting my fps to a good place. Would you mind sharing your nvidea settings? I have tampered with them and it is better than it was but still very difficult to play, fps ranging from 20 standing still to 5-10 running around.

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