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Posts posted by Venoom

  1. From what I hear, Merc healer is currently the best in PvP. Sorc healers got nerfed recently and Mercs have become more mobile healers with a certain tactical.



    Thank you for sharing this.

  2. What class excels at healing in pvp? A long time ago operatives were the kings and i am returning to swtor and wonder where healing classes are currently? How would you rate the healers in pvp?
  3. I doubt a lot of people care. In fact, I'd say people like you are in the extreme minority. Most just want quick queue's and don't care about factions, they just want to play pvp.


    Maybe then it's just the few of us. Fact is Bioware run this game to ashes. When it came out there were massive word pvp battles that lasted for hours but then again different server pops.

  4. Who gives a damn? Prior to this change, pub pvp queue times were twice as long as imps. You have pve for story, and if you want to get your RP jollies on for imp vs pub pvp then join the pvp instance and do some RP wpvp.


    A lot of people care. It's not just about YOU because you can't get your head out of your own ***. It has nothing to do with RP either. I mean it proves how arrogant you are and selfish to point at RP'ers the moment someone dislikes faction mixing. I have not played on a RP server in any game my entire life. What exactly is your point? If you want a mix fest then by all means go for it but give a choice to do so and don't force all players. You people would bend over for a $1 and self your own self for it cause you don't want to work for anything but rather have stuff given to you on a silver platter. I can say "If you don't like long PVP q's then don't PVP then"

  5. Take away mixed teams and players on the republic side would hardly ever get to pvp. It’s why they introduced it to start with. The story has nothing to do with it.

    The change was to stop pvp dying faster than it is.

    If that’s too much for you to deal with, then don’t pvp.


    It's not about wanting to PVP or not wanting to. It clearly does not make sense in terms of what STAR WARS is about. Have you seen a single episode when Empire decided to just hang out with republic and be best friends? This is not WOW where Horde and Alliance joins up to gang up a common enemy ( story wise) in PVP you can choose if you want to fight for the other side to speed up q's! I know that you are probably used to that because of WOW. It makes no sense story wise. There have to be boundaries and not some free for all.

  6. Not sure if Community Managers make the call for changes. What if the guy is feeding the information but someone does not give the green light on updates/changes. Not sure what structure they follow. However community have talented people who voice what is wrong and what needs to change. I hope there is still a beacon of hope and that they will start listening and making changes otherwise they are slowly hanging themselves.
  7. I found this Guide and i am not sure if it's outdated or not. But it gives you and idea on gearing. I know that there is a different ideology on gearing especially on our friends on EU side between Force Bound and Fearless.
  8. Did I not answer your question? A tank is not a dps. Theres a simple answer. If you want the current fotm dps its deception sin. If you're looking to competitively play a juggie learn to tank or be prepared for a lot of misery. Is that simple enough?


    Who know maybe at some point someone from Bioware will end up getting pinched in the nose and realized that certain classes need a buff. Maybe i will roll a immortal jugg since now i see that they are viable 9 not for kills but help entire team. I had no idea that threat reduced damage taken in pvp and thought of it as a pve only skill along with Threatening Scream being like an damage reduction aoe i can see them being able to save someone from dying.

  9. If you cant see the benefit of a tank, I'm not going to spell it out for you. Guard, taunting, survivability, there are uses.


    The people saying mercs are tanker than juggs are comparing dps juggs and dps mercs because comparing a tank to a dps or a healer to a dps or a healer to a tank are nonsensical and unfair


    I don't see what's so difficult here. Juggie dps suck, juggie tanks don't.


    Relax pal.. i only played few months when the game came out and have not touched it since so that's like 8 years ago . Back then jugg's could dps as immortal and they were doing very well.. If you have a problem with questions what are you doing on a post with a question?

  10. Because the people saying juggernauts suck are talking about dps juggies; immortal is the tank spec.


    No i know it's a Tank spec. But i even heard that mercenary is more tanker than Juggernaut so i assumed the meant it as overall. How beneficial can immortal jug be if he can not kill anything? People won;t even bother attacking you since you're not very much a threat. Only use i can see him as is stunning heals etc

  11. Question is how is that Immortal Juggernaut is listed as a A tier where everyone else says Juggernauts sucked and to not waste their time with
  12. Hi,


    I am a returning player that will probably mostly pvp since that what for my time allows. I am not sure if there is a tier list what classes stand where. I am hearing a lot of shouts on Snipers/Gunslingers being rather top damage but where are sorcerers now? what's their place in pvp? Of course it all depends on a skill also as sorcs can be hard to master but generally speaking can someone shed some light on them in the current phase of the game?:rak_01:

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