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Posts posted by laanie

  1. Hi Eric,


    In the last live stream where you all covered the new guild perks/guild leveling system, you stated that you would go back to the team and clarify how the perks work when the requirement is ''In a guild group".


    Can you clarify what is the requirement for the perk to work via a standard group vs an operations group? This would be extremely helpful in determining which combination of perks are best for my guild.



  2. Eric:


    For Conquest:


    Can we get a clearer explanation on how the targets advance? I am trying to figure out why I have different conquest objectives on one toon over another toon. If this a bug? Or how do we know if something is tied to something else is we can't see the objectives in the next phase?


    Thank you!

  3. Hey folks,



    • The following Objectives have been added to every Conquest:
      • Complete any Chapter (repeatable)
      • Complete any round of the Eternal Championship (repeatable)
      • Complete Round 10 of the Eternal Championship (daily)
      • Defeat enemies anywhere, you must complete step 1 before you can complete step 2, etc:
        • 1: 100 Enemies (daily)
        • 2: 125 Enemies (daily)
        • 3: 250 Enemies (daily)

        [*]Obtain 8 badges in a Warzone (repeatable)

      [*]The following Objectives have been removed”

      • Defeat Imperial / Republic Guards

      [*]Guilds will now earn a small bonus on all Conquest points earned once they have committed to a planet. The team is trying to balance the bonus % between offering incentives to Guilds for committing early, and not “planet sniping” but we also don’t want to punish Guilds who don’t immediately commit. I am still working with the dev team on locking down the exact bonus but will get it for you next week.




    Can you clarify the section regarding adding 'Defeat enemies anywhere'? Is this in addition to the planet rampages already in the conquest system?

  4. This does need some attention paid to it. Guild leadership NEEDS to have time to see what the final conquest gains were by members for the previous contest. We used to have a whole day to do that, now it happens for 1 hour during a time when no one is available.


    I can see both sides. I like that we have another day, partly because the conquest gains are between 10x and 20x times too low right now for whatever stupid reason. But guild leadership needs to see what the conquest gains were from the previous contest.


    Can we have the best of both worlds and have them add a scores from last contest tab? Basically similar to the who list where it shows name, legacy, conquest total, simply a static report saved and linkable for guild members to see. The report could have another tab to break it down by legacy with total, just to add value.


    I feel this is important, without something guilds will stop having contests and stuff for members and participation will drop dramatically.


    Yes, anything that can track legacy data would be wonderful. My guild has been trying to work on ways to adjust our contest and rewards for top conquest participants but it has been challenging as all of our leadership is working our full time real life jobs when the reset happens in the middle of a week day (work day) now. There has to be some solution that the 'powers that be' can come up with to help guilds track and maintain this information in a less tedious way.


    It is hard enough to keep guild leadership active in a guild due to the buggy guild window, member and officer notes that have to be clicked on over and over in order to type 5 letters and no easy way to track guild participation other than looking at every member one at a time for sometimes hours on end due to filters adjusting, the window bugging out and high membership. I log in to a game when I get home from work, to do more work out of obligation to my guild and to hopefully make the time my members spend online more enjoyable at the expense of my own enjoyment. Much of this is attributed to a guild system that does not think about or support what it takes to maintain a guild in the background.

  5. I agree a new cap is in order but maybe in a different aspect. After the server mergers the toon cap for subscribed members went up by quite a bit. Many people actively play 4-10 or more toons throughout the week filling DPS/Healing/Tanking spots in FP's, Ops, etc. Or this toon is their PVP toon and this one is their GSF toon etc.


    What ever the play style is for people, many also enjoy their guilds. My guild for example is always near cap with 7/14/21/30 day inactivity purges based on ranks and we do them regularly to get people in who want to join in on our community. We are continuously around 450-500 accounts which leaves little to no room for alts.


    Keep the 1000 cap but make it a account (Legacy) cap. Alts should not count toward the membership number and this would allow guilds to grow and those who like to play multiple toons would be able to join the community they enjoy being a part of and contributing to.


    On a side note: if legacy's could be updated/grouped together some way in the guild window, that would be awesome! Many members in my guild have the same legacy name so trying to figure our who's toon belongs to who can sometimes be a real headache.

  6. I knew there was going to be some positive changes for this patch and I was really looking forward to what was to come.


    However, the following is a complete shock.


    The end of Conquest review period will now begin on Tuesday at 1100 GMT / 4AM Pacific (back from 1200 GMT / 5AM Pacific on Monday) and lasts one hour (down from 24).


    I do kinda get why the change was made but this greatly and negativity impacts many guilds who track this information in area's like the officer notes and provides ranks based on some the weekly information on a toon. Now that there is this tiny little window, on a Tuesday when most guild officers/leaders are working, we are going to miss our window to reward and track our members.


    Can we get an option to view legacy data on our guild, like a drop down menu with a week conquest week so we can look at the activity/notes from that week? Or can we pull the information from somewhere? Can we update multiple people at once? Select XXX number of people and add note or change rank?


    We do contest, rewards, ranks, etc in my guild and have over 900 members to track. I really hope something can be done to make ranking, notating, managing guilds, using the guild window, etc. As it stands right now, me and two other high level officers spend 3-4 hours each every Monday updating ranks, member notes, officer notes one at a time to keep our information as up to date as possible. Then you add on a very bugging interface system where you can not have any window open to type as other windows randomly start popping up and a guild window that has to be clicked on sometime 5-10 times to complete one note on a member because the cursor will not stay.




    Totally worried guild leader! :(

  7. Can the powers that be look into some simple guild window updates that would go a long way in the management of a guilds community? I am a part of a guild that tries with all their might to make sure the people in our community are active and that our community is thriving for new people and our long standing members.


    We are always around 450-500 qualifying accounts. If everyone only has one alt, we are constantly at the guild limit. Would it be possible to increase the guild size to 1500? If that's too much to ask, this is low on my wish list but I hate to turn alts away for those who are very active within my guild.


    For the window. We use the last column to it's fullest but with us always at our cap, updating 1000 members by having to constantly flip between the drop down menu to view member notes, officer notes, conquest totals and last log in is very time consuming to say the least. We have 3-4 officers in our guild who do a weekly Monday clean up which takes hours to update every member.


    Would it be possible to add these same four options in one more column so we can view two of the four at the same time? This would make updates to members and the member/officer notes so much easier. In addition, there in a fairly large box that pops up for editing notes on a member. My guild for one is tracking multiple things under officers notes for retention, guild contest, recruiting contest, etc. The characters cut off on the first line of the box, could we get one more line of character space just for the officer notes?


    This is a long shot but hey, if you don't ask you will never know. Could a edit multiple notes be implemented? Not something that overwrites anything up something that does an add to the notes for all members selected? Or something along these lines to make adding a repetitive note a bit easier. As it stands right now, any typing often triggers other windows or random scrolling so even when editing one member note, I find that I have to click in the window 1-4 times as I type a new note as certain key stokes cause the game to try to open or scroll or select something outside the text box.


    This would go a LONG way in a very cumbersome and time consuming process that guilds face when managing the guild window.


    Thank you!



  8. Is there any plan to randomize the planets in the yields? Being in a guild that is only going to go for large yields week to week, it gets a little old going after the same planets.


    Also for those who never had the chance to get certain conquer planet achievements or the Galaxy Conqueror title, as it stands now we will never get these. Either guilds are too small to try to take a planet that they need for these achievements or they are too large and they will never go for the small/medium yields after 5.9. I would like to see people in my guild and in the community have the opportunity to get these achievements.



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