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Posts posted by voldroth

  1. I am not going to get into the ridiculousness of open world pvp (alas, free for all pvp) with no rewards for killing enemy players with valor or something else, but I do have a couple other things that I hope someone up there in the high seats will read.


    Gree Event: Cool - Love the WB's, the quests, its all pretty cool. Especially the Gray Secant. Easy and fun. Great work on the idea. Not really world pvp tho. See below.


    Repair costs: Really? When my gear was in need of repair before, I had maybe 30k total in costs....120,000 credits? Come on guys...thats ridiculous....people are GOING to wipe in raids, are you trying to make us all quit the game? I do not have 4 hours a night to dedicate to dailies. I have a life. Please respect that by not penalizing me for dying three times.


    Reputation Lockout: So, basically, if you dont have multiple toons, good luck buying any gear until the next time the event shows up. Sorry. Oh yeah, I forgot. NOONE will be able to buy the top level weapons on the reputation vendor during this event because the reputation is going to cap. What are you doing even showing us the rewards in a vendor then BW? We cant obtain them anyways. Brilliance.


    Standard Community Gripe: More reskins. I may be wrong here, but I have never seen a game, after a year of release, still push out recolored items as "new" and expect us to be excited. If you guys have learned anything, its MODELS we like, not new skins. NEW ARMOR MODELS!!!! (shouts from rooftop)


    Lastly, a small but serious item to note:

    GTN broken. Again. Its a new patch...I get it...but this should be a basic thing that was patched internally. Sloppy.


    Im sorry guys but you owe us better than this. The IDEA was great, honestly. But even halfway through the first day of play people are going nuts about not being able to actually get anything by doing these quests. You talk about listening to your community - Walk the walk.

  2. I am sure this was hashed over but I guess i harbor some rare hope that a dev will see this and actually make something happen.


    Why, on God's green earth, is something as ICONIC as the Revan armor set something you get from loot bags??


    ( Enter, the all illusive and never mentioned Legendary items)


    I am so sad that the cool new gear, weapons, and items available in the cartel market are never going to be items you had to actually go out and earn. A quest line to get the Helm of Revan? Awesome. Long chains to have a chance at getting pieces to a full set of cool new armor or lightsaber crystals that took effort (like the magenta) would have been and meant more to the community than bioware turning into a cash hound.


    I guess i hoped for better.


    The "immerse yourself in the star wars universe" idea has been put out to pasture. Buy your new toys, rookies.



  3. And I've yet to see any definite answer to this simple question:


    Has anybody tried of pulling the big froggy miniboss thing, the so called "chest" mob, inside the cave and kill him there?


    It definitely would fit with the "only what you bring with you" hint.


    i dont think so, but the more i think about it the more this seems like a good idea

  4. I didnt read any of the previous posts, but I think they need to bring in a dynamic system like the GCW (swg content) in this game, to make the "war" with the opposing faction matter..



    .give us the ability to control areas of a map and have invasions of certain areas, where people can interact with certain items to spawn vehicles, turrets, npc infantry, etc which would be more available to the faction with less players in the area.


    ..it would be a lot of fun and would pull in great world pvp. People might actually care if there was a scoring system to say "Oh hey, Empire is controlling this planet, lets go fight there and see if we can take it back!" and then let there be a PvP chat channel notification that Republic forces are attacking - it will bring people into the fight.

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