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Posts posted by McKaby

  1. I rarely post on forums (seriously, look at my join date and post count)


    But I have to agree, I do see the whole "Cash shop" as annoying, but alas, it's the bad bits of MMO's that people are grasping onto and pinning their hopes and futures for it, I see it in Star Trek Online, went there, they thrust lockboxes at you to make you buy keys for them, ships over there costing what I get a week in welfare in the UK (currently jobless, hoping that changes soon), and I have not played WoW, but I hear people going on about it happening there.


    I was in EVE Online before I lost my job, I was there during "Monocle-gate" as it's called.


    But there is one thing I see that Bioware has done right so far, so far, is that the cash shop is NOT a pay-to-win, it's a pay-to-look.


    I do hate the cash shop system that MMO's are getting, but I am glad that Bioware has gone with the lesser of two evils in their MMO, as trust me, if this game was a pay-to-win, PvP would be worse than it is now, and people would be moaning about content, from what I see an hear in Fleet local chat, it's often people moaning about PvP Content and players who have not learnt the game properly.

  2. As a, Legitimate Freighter Pilot, I do find that having a C2-N2 droid is not required that much in my line of work due to other factors.


    However, hearing about the latest round of updates that you will be releasing for the C2-N2 droid, may I ask when we will be able to use him as a defence unit in case of, pirates?.


    Also, thank you for the semi-automated response, I do hope to hear from a certified tech soon, as I am already tempted to void the warranty and upgrade the product myself.

  3. This post contains on topic and slightly off-topic information, you have been fore-warned.


    When I did Black Talon with a group a couple of days ago, a BH got her armoured top after 6 runs, we were with an Inquisitor and he did not get anything drop for his class, but we did get 2 Op Jacket drops, for the 2 Imp Agents on the team.


    However, the Esseles for Republic seems to have the same interesting thing, I ran it a couple of times earlier on my Lvl 38 Smuggler as I wanted to get the Trooper top for Akaavi, and ended up getting a Jedi Robe.

    Honestly, I think it's a random drop chance, it might have a 4% chance to drop an orange per run, and that would, in theory, mean a 1% chance to drop the class you are playing.

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