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Posts posted by Crueltysheir

  1. Mouse over is diffrent to Healbot and Decursive those addons basically did half the work for you.


    Mouseover is a very basic ability that should be in and its a very handy thing to have. Since the UI they have provided is terrible at end game mouseover binds would semi solve the problem of possibly the worst UI in MMO history >).


    Well maybe not that bad but hell LOTR was better and that was pretty lame.

  2. Its entirely gear dependant you cant not do Hardmodes with out normal mode gear and you can not do Knightmare mode with out Hardmode gear.


    I played the end game raid in Beta and we was given pretty much best gear available at the time. It was just like WoW early day raiding in Molten Core not much thought invovled a lot of moving out of AoE and genrally just a pumped up 4 man experience.


    Most MMO's end game on a new release are boring and basic this is nothing diffrent.

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