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Posts posted by pjskull

  1. I’ve been playing Lost Ark of late, but want to check in on LotS. Sounds like people love the content, excited about some UI upgrades?


    In all seriousness, I do need to download the patch / DLC and I’m now very much in the mode of “lower your expectations before you log in”. Whether on forums, guild Discord or in gaming press, it’s tough to find any positive praise…


    It’s too bad, I’m a OG founder who had left for many years, came back in December. (I had been absent so long my max toons were level 50, for reference.). I was really enjoying playing through the expansions, getting guilded up again, and new game features. But 7.0 sounds like a disaster, and it sounds like there was plenty of feedback and warning, hell I read it in these forums, based on PTS play, and it was all ignored. Man, I hope it not as bad as it sounds, lol.

  2. I don’t believe that “project managers” are responsible for strategic design decisions, that sort of authority usually resides at a higher level within an organization. In many current organizations, the entire notion of a “project manager” role has been revised in favor of a more agile pod based structure.


    Regardless, blaming design / functionality decisions on lower ranking backlog managers is a mistake. Somebody making a much bigger check likely either drove the decision or gave the go-ahead.

  3. That is very slick. Thanks for the tip...


    To the OP, I just PVP dailies with my alt "mules" and then just do the class quests when I am way OP to get more Companions. Having a grip of companions is the key to crafting dominance after you reach endgame and cash is no longer an issue. (You could also do space, but space sucks.)

  4. or you could delete your lowest toon, and roll the other faction you need for the HK 51 mission, after all if you have 8 of the same faction your not really going to bother lvling 8 more classes are you, when you only need one for the mission.


    I already deleted *EIGHT* toons levels 20-30 when I was (lets call it what it was) forced to move from Vrook Lamar to Bergeren Colony. Those were my Republic toons. I think I have deleted my share.


    It's not a lot to ask, nor to accomplish, to allow 1-2 more slots or more. BW encouraged alts through Legacy over and over. Many people I know have already filled their 8 slots.


    Again, I am willing to pay an appropriate fee (although I don't think I should have to) to gain the extra slot(s). I am not going to delete any of my toons at this point. They have been a lot of work, I have all 6 crafting to 400 and the others have gathering skills at 400 I need.


    I won't quit if they roll HK without more slots, I really like this game. But it will be a big, big pack on the camel's back that will eventually be broken by the straw. It would just show (again) an inability by BW to think strategically about their customer base and the future of the game.

  5. Oof, lost the energy to see if this is a repeat, if so, I apologize...


    With the game 8 months old and only 8 slots at launch, many of us have filled all 8 of them with alts (which was encouraged by Legacy). With upcoming Cathar availability + the fact that HK will require both factions (and many have filled 8 slots with all 1 faction --> no trade between faction at launch), what are the chances we'll get access to additional character slots?


    Paid or unpaid, it seems like new content may be gated for many without additional slots.

  6. For what it's worth, the last few times I've killed a bonus boss it's dropped either a tionese or an exotech item, 3 crystals, and a bio alloy. Some of them even dropped a token, if I remember right. All of the loot drops in hardmodes got bumped up slightly since 1.2.


    Thank you! People are QQ'ng about the bonus haven't done the bonus lately. They haven't dropped only one crystal for a while now. Know what you're talking about, at least.

  7. Except that doesn't apply to many companions.


    Agreed. I speak of design, not perfect implementation. Remember, the OP wanted his Pubbie to dress like a Sith. I responded to him. There are Imperial companions like Gault that come in Smuggler green gear and then I can't keep his original look as you level. I wish they would change that.


    That does not change the fact that the OP asked for a fix that was not broken.


    (Had to fight urge to use ironic caps again.)

  8. It's not PVP and it's not broken so (ironic caps alert) THERE IS NOTHING TO FIX.


    The devs have said repeatedly that the Empire and the Republic have different "looks" and "feels". This includes music, art direction (think "sets") and costumes. They want playing different sides to feel different. (remember, story, story, story...) Immersion was very important to what their design teams were after...


    Semantically, your request should be "Please change your initial game design concept and allow my Pubbie to dress like a Sith", not "Please fix what is not broken."

  9. The trailer BioWare revealed at ComicCon for HK-51 got me thinking.




    They have made abundantly clear that you'll need access to toons of both factions to complete the quest. However, many of the players I know have their 8 slots used up and many of *those* have 8 Imperial toons or 8 Republic toons.


    A little background on my situation. At launch, many of you remember, Legacy was not in play and you could not send emails or gear between your own toons if they were different factions. So, I created 8 Imperial toons on 1 server and 8 Republic toons on another. (Yes, lol, I like to play a lot of alts.) Well, BW's miscalculation on the number of servers folded, you got it, the 2 servers I played on into each other. I played my Imperial guys much more than my Pubbies, so with little choice, I deleted 8 toons at server merge and kept my Imps.


    Anyway, since I have 8 Imperial toons, I appear to be locked out of the upcoming HK content.


    I think we'll need more slots 8 months after launch. It just makes sense. You can charge me for them, give them to me, whatever. The server merge was a pain, lost 8 toons, 2 names. I love the game, please don't make this another fiasco. Give us access to more slots. Doesn't have to be a lot, but you need to do it.

  10. I agree also that more slot should become available. Not only just due to Cathar, but many people I know have their 8 slots filled with alts at this point. This will gate their access to other content at some point.


    The devs have stated you will need both Republic and Imperial toons when the HK companion becomes available in order to achieve it. Without the ability to get more slots or buy more slots, some people will either go without or have to delete a toon.

  11. Why I applaud character transfers in general, I think they were needed, my worst nightmare has come to pass.


    I have played the game since launch, and as many of you remember, there originally no interaction, even with your own toons, between factions. Let's also remember the game launched without Legacy. I like to craft, play a lot of alts, get synergy between my alts. So, with no interaction, I chose to put my Imperials on one server, and my Pubbies on another.


    I chose two west coast RP-PvE servers and I put 8 Imperial characters on Vrook Lamar and 8 Republic characters on Begeren Colony. Now, Vrook is being folded into Begeren. I play my Imperials more by far and away. While I know some will say I am not being *forced* to transfer to Begeren, those people are just being disingenuous. The population was already insufficient and that's why transfers were made available. The problem is there, so the solution is being put forth. My guild and everyone I know is going to transfer.


    I love this game, so I will transfer also. But I will delete 8 toons that I put varying degrees of work into (some were quite a bit). And that leaves me feeling like I got hosed.


    A simple solution would have been to up the slots to 16, or even like 12 or something. It's not going to matter, because these transfers are happening fast, and I am going to need to act.


    I am just very frustrated about having to delete 8 characters.

  12. Can you give us some insight as to why you chose to raise the level cap so soon after launch? I apologize for not being more constructive, but level cap raising just seems to indicate a bankruptcy of original ideas. It's the MMO equivalent of the movie Battleship. It's a bad idea and I am wondering why more people didn't say so at some part in the decision making process.
  13. Hello, can you tell us if the "exciting development" in space is full 3D space? I don't know anyone who is using space anymore and I have a high degree of confidence that your own metrics confirm this... If the "exciting development" is more same-type current missions that I stopped running at level 20 on my very first toon, I think you are misjudging what people want.


    When I think about the iconic moments of Star Wars... when *you* think about the iconic moments of Star Wars... What comes to mind? What environment did *all six* movies use for their opening scene? Space?


    Star Wars is X-Wings (TIE Fighters) and Light Sabers. You're halfway there... Please, please go the distance.


    (While I am sure it's irritating and chafes to hear this, but JTL was phenomenal as a stand alone and well integrated into an MMO... Sorry for bringing this up... :) )

  14. Liked: pretty much everything about it. Rewards were good, Vendor was good. Got the Cointainment Officer Title and had to fight off a Reb Ops Group in the Outlaw Den for rights to the Bantha World Boss. (They showed up at the exact same time and it was like 15 on 15 open world PVP.) Effing awesome. Most fun I've had in a while.


    Disliked: The progressive armor process is set up wrong. I don't mind it being progressive, making people cme back on another day is fine, but being 6/9 is too short. Why not 6/14 or more? Give people a chance to get at it. Also, when you choose after a while between, say a 4th set of gloves or DNA, you only get 1 extra DNA? Why not 5 or more?


    All in all, however, I have loved the event. Much fun.

  15. I don't think that my OP was overly negative. I am enjoying the game immensely. I think the Rakghoul event is fun, and I *love* *love* my new UI setup. Most of 1.2 was great, and I appreciate the Unify OPtion for my lower level characters.


    However, any careful thought ahead of time about the Unify Colors function would have revealed that players would want it for their companions as well. They did not include it, despite the fact that anyone with foresight would see that would cause complaints... And I find that lack of foresight irritating, as I stated in my original post.


    The questlines, PVP gear, end game gearing is designed to get your character a matching set. It's the companions that look like clowns and stoplights, and I am curious as to why the mechanic was not carried over to the companions.

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