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Posts posted by djurot

  1. It's really silly sitting on a mount that is hovering (hoverchairs, thrones, skiffs, Deslers...) and seeing that your cape or part of the robe is falling *through* mount.

    Lets be honest and fair to admit, that a lot of people enjoy having mounts and a lot of credits are being spent just on mounts. Top prizes in NiM OPs are mounts too!

    So why do we have to look at our capes dragging on floor *through* mounts? It is really....silly...


    Another thing that annoys me as a player, and I believe many more who get DC from time to time, is red loading screen that you get after you lose connection and which loads indefinitely.

    It came with 2.8 or something like that and has never been fixed since - can we just get back to server choosing screen with a message that connection is gone?

    With this annoying red screen we have to crush client by force (Alt + F4 does the job), open the client again, enter our password and one-time security key and wait to get to a screen which we used to have before this bug in first place.

    It's very annoying and time wasting - can we please get back to normal that we had before?

  2. Few days ago I saw a tip on loading screen saying a PvP box can give you rare re-usable PvP consumables, so I started wondering...


    After doing some research on both forums and other SWTOR related sites, many people say they never saw such items and/or suggest such items don't exist (anymore?).


    Now, are we talking about PvP crafting boxes that cost 1.000 Warzone commendations? If they are, well, those aren't cheap (as in - not cheap enough to do experimenting and only to get rubbish cheap mats I cannot use)...


    I wrote a ticket asking if they can confirm if such items do exist and which are they, but I got an answer 2x that I should turn over to forum in hope of getting devs attention to get a game support.


    So here I am...

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