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Posts posted by Gileam

  1. Actually one of the nicest things, I started what i called the goody bag in that other game that we no longer play. Just head to the beginning zones and hand out bags and money for a few hours to new players.


    Only worked cause of the honesty system, but it was kinda cool.



    Meet a few of them a couple of months while pugging and learn they passed it on. Then one day leveling my Warlock alt and try having someone do the same for me.


    Pretty cool stuff.

  2. Sometimes I wish it was real.


    I work in the Customer Service Industry.


    It would be nice if i had a little choice that said


    This customer is annoying me.



    1) Force Persuade + 10 Light side points.

    2) Continue Listening

    3) Force Choke +10 Dark Side Points


    It would be nice. Oh well time to take another call.

  3. Wait so they are bringing Maul back.


    Hmm Wont that just break the Rule of Two


    Since he already is a Sith Apprentice and Dorku is a sith Apprentice.


    On a more humorous side.


    Wouldnt it be nice if they brought Jango back.


    Windu did not cut off his head and that would just be so utterly cool

  4. Actually I am reading the Darth Plaguias book and according the the author.


    Palps was also conceived by the force because his father said. "you werent my son"


    So did the darkside of the force coceive 2 children through the method described in Episode 1?

  5. Well lets be honest about the whole Sith thing.


    To the Sith, They dont see what they are doing is wrong.


    Being Arrogant, Prideful, and all the rest of that stuff. It does not hurt anyone. It just hurts the person who honestly believes they are better than someone else.


    I find those people um amusing is a nice term for it.


    The Sith in this game. They are not sneaky. Sneaky would be convincing one set of enemies of an objective to kill the enemies of the next objective. When and If they put that into a game. That would be interesting. You would not actually kill bunnies but your minions would kill them for you and you gain the experience.

  6. I disagree, I think you should proceed and consult with an attorney.


    Afterwards, you can come back and tell us the following.


    1) His consulting fee

    2) His response


    Because if I was an attorney and you came into my office with this claim. I would probably laugh in your face and thank you for coming in.


    So how much do you have to pay someone to laugh in your face these days?

  7. I think there is plenty of class forums for this.


    But if you are playing a juggernaut. Remember the fun starts when you get your second companion. You get your own healer. I find out this on accident when changing out my gear and all of a sudden that imperial was healing me.


    I was like "OMG!!!" Then i stood up in my chair and tossed my arms out and screamed "I am Invincible!"

  8. I've been following this game for a while, and I was willing to wait for certain things to be added, post-launch. The main thing I want is Rated PvP; but that's not in the game yet, which is understandable. What's not understandable, is that there's a major overhaul being done for PvP... but BioWare is not adding Rated PvP.


    While I can live with this, and just play the game for the story for now; it's accompanied by a host of other issues. Bugs, ability delay, etc., just a ton of stuff that should've been fixed in Beta. Nontheless, I am a patient man, and I know that no MMO is fully polished at launch. Between the many problems SWTOR has, and the lack of Rated PvP, I have been considering cancelling since Early Access; but had decided to stay loyal to BioWare.


    This has changed, though, as BioWare has decided not to stay loyal to me. Customer Support for SWTOR is awful. I expect poor customer support from a free to play game, or Wal-Mart; not from an MMO I'm expected to pay 15 dollars a month for. Even if you call support, they refuse to let you talk to their supervisor, when their own command of the English language proves inadequate. I have never had this problem with Blizzard, I just tell them "I need a Senior GM to do X", or that I need to talk to their supervisor, and they immediately go get their boss.


    So that's that, I will now just continue to play World of Warcraft, at least until something better comes along; perhaps Guild Wars 2, or Diablo 3 will convince me to unsubscribe; but SWTOR is just not good enough. The game is average overall, there's no Rated PvP, and Customer Support is abysmal; this is not worth paying 15 dollars a month for.


    TL;DR, I'm quitting because SWTOR is average, there's no Rated PvP, and customer support is bad


    Add Rated PvP, and get real Customer Support; then I may consider leaving World of Warcraft for SWTOR.


    To be clear, Priority Number One for BioWare needs to be:


    — Rated PvP


    And no, you can't have my "stuff", I already gave it to my friend; ask him for it when he quits


    I kinda like the idea of rated PVP. It is a good concept to input into a game that has been around for a while.


    But lets be honest, It came out on the 20th of December its now the 5 of January.


    You might want to ask them about fixing the so called ability delay that people keep talking about and i have yet to experience. I push the button and the shiny stick waves back and forth.


    On the other hand, Hope ya enjoy your rated PVP on that other game.

  9. Yup that might mean something but lets take a look at the companies


    Microsoft - These wonderful people released an operating system with projected driver support. It was called Vista and who can forget Windows ME (Many Errors)


    NBC - They do not like people downloading Torrents of TV shows what were on Public Television. Course that is another funny story but can not go into it.

  10. Break down of the Prequels.


    Episode 1 Can be simplified. "Palpatine Elected!"


    Also the Midicholorines was absurb. They took the mystery out of the force and made it a science experiment and totally forgot about it in the original series. its the force and its well unable to be explained. Yoda told it best in Empire. It surrounds us and binds us verse its a bug.


    Episode 2 - Pretty cool action and got to see the start of the clone wars.


    IE people fighting for about 10 minutes and thats it.


    Thats a war?


    There is more fighting watching Bambi than a movie titled "The Clone Wars"


    Now on Anakin. It really called for the suspension of disbelief on Amidala. Here is a confessed murder telling you that he slaughtered women and children because his mother died and she says "Oh thats okay Ani." This coming from an upstanding person who has led her people for years and says that is acceptable behavior.


    Next is that whole business with Jango and making him some second tier character.


    This is the warrior's warrior and he dies to an guy wielding a shiny stick.


    And then we come to Episode 3


    Villain that sounds like who should have quit smoking.


    Plus he is about as menacing as kittens playing with string.


    And the count. He reminds me of the guy from the cereal. I liked him in The Man with the Golden Gun but as a star wars villain. He did not bring his A Game


    Ventress would have been a better villain instead of Grievous


    She would have been my choice for a villain.


    Now thats just the story


    Prequels were about look nothing more or less. It had to look great and it did.


    But instead of choosing what type of camera to use. They should pay more attention to quality of the story instead of giving us pretty pictures with terrible prose.


    thats why the prequels were not any good IMHO.

  11. Alright I love these posts about exhaustion zones.


    Which would you prefer.


    1) Endless Landscapes but there is nothing to see but you on a mount rushing across sand.




    2) A promp that says "There is nothing out here"


    To be honest, I rather watch paint dry than just drive my mount to nowhere.


    And please dont say "but if its there then there has to be something out there"


    Exhaustion zones are there to tell you in no simple way "There is nothing out there"


    Its that simple. Why make an issue about simple things?


    On the Warcraft comment, This is not warcraft.

  12. I am actually starting to enjoy these kinds of posts. It reflects the basic psychology of a person that is a gamer. Sometimes it makes me just shake my head and other times /forcechoke would work on the forums.


    I see all these wonderful posts about people quitting cause it does not have this or it does not have that.


    Personally I think that is a wrong mentality and people are just looking for reasons to dislike the game that is only 10 days old.


    10 days.


    Im going to do the reverse and look for what the game does have.


    1) Vocal Player Base.

    2) Great Graphics

    3) 16 Excellent Stories

    4) Well Built Classes

    5) 0 learning curve

    6) Heroic Battles

    7) You can level as a healer

    8) Voice Acting

    9) Star Wars


    Those are just 9 and that right there will keep me around for a while.


    If you dont like voice acting. You have never played a Bioware game before.


    People love their comparisons to wow but lets compare this to KOTR instead


    Which was a most awesome game. Same with it's sequel.


    If you look for things you dont like. You will always find something and that just creates stress and dissatisfaction.

  13. I have cybertech and have gotten to grenades. However when I try to Reverse Engineer them. They do not highlight and do not have the ability to learn a better type of grenade.


    I like the idea of reusable grenades but how can someone learn it? Is it a discovery and if so is discovery broken for grenades?

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