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Posts posted by Smashnbash

  1. This, IMO, is an example of how you do NOT post praise. When you insult other forum members in your praise post the post itself smacks of propaganda. I question the OPs intent...was it genuine praise, or just a counter to criticism and therefore not worth of attention or consideration IMO?


    Naturally the reverse it true...posting negative posts to counter praise is just as low IMO. It presents a suspicion of disingenuous intentions IMO.


    Oh hello doctor, come to dissect my brain?


    I wasn't 'insulting' other forum members, it's a known fact that everyone is not happy about the 2.8 changes and have been lashing out.....So I guess my intent wasn't clear enough when I was giving praise to the game. (?)

    The 'insulting' I guess you are referring to is a 'ignore those who complain about every little thing, there are people like me who actually appreciate the game'


    The reason I actually made the thread was to say, as the title says, thank you. I am not going to make a freaking ticket or whatever and annoy the GM's just to say that. So other than giving them the money, I thought I'd try this approach. I am not sure if they will/ever read it, but it also is something I am curious about to see if other people agree/disagree.


    I'd say if I actually wanted to attack those who were criticizing the game, I would probably more focus it on them than the game, no?

  2. No this is not a sarcastic 'you f'ed mah gamez, thanks bioware'

    This is as an actual thank you for making this game and continuing to keep it going. The game is great, not only the fact it is Star Wars (who doesn't love a good star wars!) but the thing that led me away from it from WoW, is the fact is it is challenging and takes a lot more effort than i'd say most of the MMO's I have played.


    By that I mean, in the leveling 1-55 I have died HEAPS! Mostly from a dude patrolling the area that I didn't notice, or pulling the mob a few meters away. Normally I would say 'ah f****, that's just stupid, QUIT!' But comparing it to something like WoW....Even with limited gear that is upgraded....I would never die. I could literally sit there and **** before even needing to think about it, it wasn't challenging and neither was Op's (or raiding). My biggest problem there was 'NERF NERF NERF' due to people saying 'it's tooooooo haaaarrrddddd' or because they want people to get people geared to see content etc etc. Which is fine, but what Bioware have just done which I really like, is not nerf the Op's into the ground, but make the gear easier to get.

    Because anyone can have the gear, but if the content is still challenging, all the gear in the world won't save you. A perfect example are those explosion droids in DF after the second boss. BRILLIANT, it can bring those fun 'aha i'm gonna kill some guildies moment's' and it can just point out those who need to pay attention more. There should be more mobs/boss's that are like this, I mean there are already, but yeah.


    About this whole 2.8 hell that people are crying about. Yeah I was annoyed being kicked off, waiting in FP's for players to load etc. That was yesterday, today, there are still problems, but it's nowhere NEAR as bad as yesterday....One day, one bad day, I think I will survive one day to many great. Plus I love the new content, yeah gambling is never fun and is really bad to do, but it's in a game, I am using fake credits which I can easily get again to get a RANCOR! (which I still haven't gotten yet *sadface*). I love the class changes too, as I am a sent, *drool at dps increase*


    So all and all, thank you Bioware, please keep this game going, it's got sooooo much potential to keep going for years. Keep doing what you are doing, I wouldn't mind a little more content faster.......but I only have one 55, so I have MANY alt's to go through to keep me entertained :p

  3. Doesn't really have much to do with the OP, but in terms of so much to do....

    I was just having a bit of a day dream about this game and the class stories. So I was like 'yeah I want to play all the class stories' Which of course would include a bit of side quests. Then I said....ok hang on, since I like to play the stories and not just skip skip skip....this will take a very long time! It took me long enough just to get through the JK story....I have a feeling I am gonna be needing many nights where I lock myself in a room and shut out the world :p

  4. It's simpler then that in my view:


    Bioware has been getting relentlessly beaten up on the forum here for not having lots of little content nuances that people crave. Of course this is no pleasure or importance to the hardcore OPs crowd.... but that goes directly to the point here..... SWTOR is a broad appeal MMO.


    The challenge with broad appeal MMOs is they tend to not meet the expectations of hardcore-niche players. But they do offer play diversity for a broad audience.. and broad audiences is where the revenue is in MMOs (WoW made the market chase broad appeal). You can go broad appeal, or you can tune for niche players. In today's market... you make broad appeal content, and you let the hardcore extreme need players find that in an MMO designed specifically for their desires.


    SWTOR plays best for players that take time to explore and play all parts of the game, not just one or two things. Thing is.. many MMO players really do not understand the difference in design philosophy between niche games and broad appeal games. MMO players are their own worst enemies when they continue to play an MMO that simply does not provide the niche content they desire.



    I tip my hat to you! If everyone was like you man!

  5. So I just finished the Jedi Knight main story. I was rather pleased with it. Don't get me wrong it feels a lot like KoTOR....But is it just me, or is it when you kill the Emperor you don't really feel that powerful?

    I know you aren't suppose to feel like a Sith, but it terms of the story telling me I am a powerful Jedi, I don't really feel it. I correct myself. I did once, when I broke the Emperor's control on his ship. Then I felt somewhat powerful, but other than that....Nope!

    Not saying it's a bad thing, it's just weird how the story isn't saying it that much, then I kill the Emperor....


    Ps. Why does killing the Emperor finally make me a Jedi Master, the 50 levels of planet saving, life saving **** I just did wasn't enough?! Thanks Jedi *****.

  6. Well I say this is a chance for ToR to pounce, since it's also taking my wife to get pregnant and pop the little thing out before the content comes in WoW. Sooooooo that leaves it to this game to start poppin the content out which will get the players back in and Pew Pew'ing. We must remember the thing that was not favorable to people when this first launched....the end game. Let's learn from that hey?
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