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Posts posted by dirtyklingon

  1. spammming LF1M HEALER THEN G2G MUST BE GEARED NO BH QUICK RUN over and over and over again is surely a sign of a solid community.


    especialyl when actuall chatter on the fleet is told to go die because it's ruining the visibility of LFG spam.



    the only community that exists on my server happens outside of prime time when there's zero hope of getting a group together.

  2. wow is barely supported on osx and runs like **** on the platform due a variety of factors form **** poor kernel to **** poor drivers on OSX to being openGL, though ont eh last note, wow does run alot better on *nix with nvidia hardware than it does on osx with the same hardware, let alone typical mac builds.



    now let's get this straight. you bought mac. idk what you bought your mac for but back up a bit, and think about what you planned to do with it. chances are linux or windows on teh same hardware for cheaper would suit your task better, and do it better faster adn more relaibily with a better UI.


    but let's pretend you intended to play games on it from the get go. w t f were you thinking. you overpaid for a mistmatch of hardware that doesn't suit gaming by any measure when added up, on a os that doesn't do gaming well even when game devs support it natively, and not just because apple limits the ability of both devs and hardware makers to properly suppor their hrdware adn apps on teh platofrm effectively.


    the very best efforts of a dev making a cross platform game run natively on mac results in half assed end product, that you will inevitably only qq about then take up even more CS man hours demanding support for from teh dev's publisher.


    so ultimately, you got what you paid for, and fools are easily parted with their gold when it comes to shiny but worthless trinkets.

  3. back when VIP CE EDITION LOL@U LOOOSERS sigs were all teh rage the rest of us were being told how the statue alone was wroth the price of the CE.



    now here we are and you all bought it for the dinky in game store and supposed gameplay perks.






    tbh though give the VIp store some love. idk why i should even bother going up there except to have private *** space with vette right now.

  4. i'm already bored to *********** **** and back of dailies. can we not have to do boring **** every single *********** day to get **** in this game?


    like i mean some *********** variety of **** to do so i don't feel like i'm doing the same two dimensional **** day in and day out wasting my *********** time as i semi afk mind numbingly grind credits and comms wether it's pvp or dailies or raids?



    i seriously feel like swtor goes from the great story from 1-50 into basically playing aion suddenly at cap when the story is finished.

  5. OP you must be new to SLI



    also, skyrim si filled with textures so low rez and so bloomed and alhpoa blended up an n64 could run the game at 30fps and 720p. saying your ssytem gets 62fps in it is not a good a thing in favour of yoru system.


    there is somethign wrong there.



    i7 2600k

    480 gtx

    8gb ddr3

    ocz vertex 2 for mmo's only.


    i get 40-90fps in swtor, typical off day in ilum with 80 people on screen 25-40fps. fleet just fine maybe random sligth stutter near the cargo holds.


    i get like 100+ fps in skyrim. haven't played since before swtor launched so no idea what performance on hi rez pack is now. it did crash relaibly after 5 alt tabs though. only had hodler textures twice.


    i added a 2nd 480 to my box and went nvidia surround. similar performance as above. downgraded due to heat issues beyond expectations under swtor on my card(was basicalyl gettign temps as if i was running a furmark burn in run)

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy3oDbI4PNM


    i realyl cba to grind wz's for pvp gear. or do my dialies every day. in fact i ahven't finished one wz daily since hitting 50, and only the ilum daily once and i had to spend a half hour pickign up the boxes to finish it.


    out of the 3 or 4 bags i've gotten i've gotten no pvp pieces.



    w/e idrc.




    as you can see, baddie player like i am, i do just fine without pvp gear, with a columni piece and a tionese piece that was a vaguely an upgrade and a 128 saber that was such a poro upgrade i had to transfer mods to it to make the str and end stats equal to my previous dailie comms hilt orange saber.


    video is pretty much an average match for me. i totally just derp around beign a baddie, and getting proven that the average mmo player is worse than i am. i don't play to be pro though. i play to have fun, and fo rme just ignorign objectives mroe or less and derping aroudn jumping platofrms is fun.


    i don't use a fotm spec, in fact every other jggg i've comapred notes with finds my spec very odd. it's something liek 3/19/19. i don't feel gimp, or OP, i don't need buffs, i was unhappy witht eh change to surge because i now do less dps than i did the minute i hit 50, but


    i am viable.



    what is this thread about again?



    oh right expertise.



    yeah pvp stat, kidna required in wow clones, mostly because eventually pve gear becomes so op compared to the pvp gear. at least wow gives you a super easy to obtain res set that allows you to be viable the day you hit cap in cata. not sure swtor needs one like that right now, simply because well, as you can see, i do just fine against pvp gear players as a baddie jugg(a class everyone claims is bad in pvp, especially in dps spec).



    now if you said jugg was bad in ilum, yes, yes it is. i think our main weakness is getting ran away from within 10m but more than 4m and havin to stop wait for charge cd to come back up and then get back in the action.


    tbh my lowbie powertech is alot more effective though, adn a lot mroe flexible, adn without worrying too much abotu energy management, at least compared to jugg which in my spec/stance i barely look at my rageunless i can't do anything adn then i have to use my TWO builders in melee range.

  7. thing is nothing about STO was ever worth $15 a month. it is was and always will be a corpg trumped up as an mmmo with a AAA mmo sub price. the relentless cash shop development was insult to injury. the content development has always been a joke and still is.


    teh foundry? it's down more than it's up.


    conintual combat revamps? each one a half assed joke, i thinkt eh last one for ground combat added fps mode and bazookas/RPGs to a freakin star trek game.



    i like to joke that PWE/cryptic might as well add ships from andromeda/firefly/babylon 5 to teh cash shop at this point because they can't make it any less star trek ish.


    it should've been gw1 model from the start, or $10 sub price for what is was back then, has been since, and has become. teh fac *** took so long to get to f2p status is laughable,a dn the f2p model they are going with is even more lulz.


    don't get me wrong, for about 6 weeks for 1-3 hours a night, i ahd a lot of fun playign the game at launch. i liek their random auto PUG system on normal missions, i liekd hte ship combat. i liked leoanrd nimoy's voice over bits even though eh was totalyl slackign on them. i liked the 2 or 3 missions that had anything to do with the tv/movie lore instead of comics and novels teh entire game continually dry humps.


    they've added i beleiv eabout another month's worth of very casual game play time in term sof missions. in around 2 years of post launch development. this is because they've mostly been focused on pumping out $25 auto win ships and $5 rp clothign packs or autowin crew member packs.


    i was thinking for a long time i shoudl resub for a month but always been too busy, and now that it's f2p, the restrictions on my account are so hilariously dimwitted compared to a normal f2p game(of which i've played a number and spent money on a couple due to being worth it- not just for pay2 win, but because the games were fun and worth spending money on).i figured i'd play it for a month, bang out all the content they've added to the game or until i got bored of the 2 dimensional repeitive game play.


    i mean as a dumbed down sequal to SFC series, it's a lot of fun, if you can ignore the ground stuff as much as possible, but if you were looking for an mmo worthy fo the star trek IP than it's pretty lacking. given that it's pretty medciore overall in terms of the often just awful star trek games to begin with(star wars suffers from this too).


    swtor on the other hand... great levelign experience, small con here for overtuning of mobs of equal level to players to and increasing degree on solo content. the crafting is fun to learn and does try somethign a bit new which is nice, btu falls flat on endgame, and has issues that naggle you so much with ui and interaction and such that over time they wear you down. but overall this is a game that deserves a $15 a month sub, though i think the box price tag was too high in retrospect.


    th difference is, i was subbed to both for roughly 2 months(well i'm paid for a 3rd month in swtor), but i got a **** load more /played hours in swtor and never had to spend a 3 hour night grinding out suicide pvp matches with no chance of winnning or scoridng a single kill because of massive content gaps to teh tune of 4/10 levels only being covered by actual content in some tiers liek i did in STO.



    STO fun? sure for a while, but too lite to be an mmo. swtor? mainly lackign in fun/fresh endgame stuff or well thought out endgame crafting, too many naggling issues. but overall swtor wins hands down as an actual mmo that's worth a sub while you play it.

  8. I saw plenty of fps drops on your video.


    Perhaps you should turn on the fps indicator next time so that your point is based on actual data, and not just your perception of what was happening. Some people can run around only seeing 15 fps and think it is fine, while others will notice if their fps significantly dips below 60.


    as you can see from my otehr videos, i always have mumble + fraps fps meter on. no idea why it doesn't show up in that video. i didn't even turn it off. or back on later.


    onyl reason i downgraded from nvidia surround was temps hitting 107c on my gpu #1 under swtor (480 gtx). had nothing to do with fps.


    in fact when i show these videos around, people remark how unsuually smooth they look. then i ask them what hardawre theya re running what settings what resoltuoions.


    almost always they tell me they are running setting and res that don't suit their hardware, especially running AA on pre 400 series nvidia cards or pre 6xxx or lower than 6900 amd cards. or running amd cards in general that i see a **** tonne of qq in every new mmo and even 7 years later in wow.


    dont'g et me wrong, i canceled my sub today. ilum is 2 dimensional, aggro reset bosses are annoying, the solo dailies are so incredibly boring that if i try to do them i just log out mid quest and go read a book. world pvp has dried up. HM FPs take way too long, and i've gotten everything decent out of my crafting. at this time i'm waiting to see what if anythign itneresting 1.2 will bring.


    common thread in this thread and otehr performance qq threads is:


    amd/ati cards.


    so the next time you tell someone :buy this 6770, it runs this game super awesome with no fps issues, adn i never had a single driver issue/bug/TDR, remember this. and remember the next mmo you go to and get **** poor fps and gfx bugs and poor aa performance and such.


    and most of all remember that one time you qqed abotu performance in swtor in ilum with 200 people on screen in teh next mmo you try to do this.


    or just youtube up some daoc warhammer aion lineage 2 or wow mass pvp videos. where yes, you will see much the same stuff in those videos as you do in ilum in swtor.




    again, there is anotehr ilum video on my chan, in which there are 150-200 players ons creen in combat and there is low fps dropping down to 3-9fps, which again, is totally to be expected from any mmo in that scenario.


    as for the guy sayign warhammer fps improved so many years later, well in warhammer so many years later the mass pvp was alot less massive. same with aion. as it is you search warhammer mass pvp videos, you will find alot of them are sped up and still don't hide the stutter and fps drops. similar goes for aion siege videos.

  9. All these posts from people saying "it doesn't happen to me" just shows how dumb this community really is.


    If you're not having FPS issues then it means you are playing mostly the single player leveling process or you're not pvping in Ilum.


    Try to read the complaints first people.

    >click to last page

    >see ilum video in nvidia surround without low fps



    yes, mass pvp in ANY mmo, will have low fps with hundreds of players on screen.



    welcome to mmo mass pvp bros. as of 14 years ago. nothign has changed for mass pvp in that time.



    don't want to look like a clone? want a large variety of customization options adn different looking gear? then mass pvp is going to have low fps. regardless of engine or game or hardware or interenet connection.

  10. every single mmo reacts the same to this scenario of many players(ie mass pvp) in combat with low fps.














    across a wide variety of engines.




    stop. using. the. word. engine.



    **** about engines. unless you are talking about he mileage in your v8 being ****.



    it goes liek this:



    2 game use the same engine.


    game a is bad because of the engine.

    game b is amazing because of the engine.


    both games use the same engine. player blame/give credit for either game beign good or bad based on the word engine.


    PS: skkyrim performs like **** on alot of people's computers that claim those computers are high end too. they also claim the LAA flag allowign the client to use 4gb is a miracle cure for their fps and such even on PCs that it would not be a good idea to use such a thing.

  11. From 3mins in, your framerate drops, Just like I experience. This video does not show great FPS on ilum.


    what are you talking about? i not onyl see no fps drop there, i was there and experienced no input lag, no vlag no stutter and no fps drop.


    some of the animations in this game are **** and look like 3 fps, but others look like higher fps even when you really are getting only 3 fps.


    there's another ilum video where there's about 100 imps in one blob and another 100 pubs in another blob where my entire guidl drops to 3-5fps... which get this... is completely normal for any mmo in that scenario. and something every single mmo gets qq about then later the next mmo is held up as an example of perfect mass pvp performance.

  12. Yeah, targeting in general is a pain because of that. Feels like trying to a catch a fly by throwing darts at it. Bigger hitboxes or at least having a clickable nameplate/health bar would help alot. Of course that needs a bigger health bar as well.


    idk if a bigger hitbox would even do it, since i am literally clcikign right in the middle of these players without moving my mouse


    10+ click = nothing

    11th click = selected.


    had similar issues in rift and aion.


    no issues in aoc or warhammer or wow or an upcoming mmo that's in beta i can't name.


    no issues on the desktop or other games including other bioware rpg's.

  13. used to happen in mor eplayer driven mmos before wow, before hard player factions. before everyone stopped doing things that didn't give points or badges towards shinies.



    and people fought back against these guilds. and everyone had a meanginful interesting player driven political pvp experience that are still legendary for the players who took part in those wars.



    now we have the 3 month wow clone mmo and a lot of poorly made sandbox mmo's that just don't stand up in any metric to those old greats.

  14. well i'm getting pretty annoyed by this along side the missing features like ToT and easy marking in pvp. so much that i cancelled pending `1.2 fixes/stuff to do at endgame.



    what is my beef though?



    it's that i god damn *********** have to click on a player 10+ times to *********** target him in pvp even if i'm standing still and he's standing still.


    it's worse than rift and only slightly better than aion.



    it's not me or my pc. i can sit around in wow in orc at prime time, running zig zag circles clicking players running by at random paths and get nearly 100% hit rate on mouse targeting. i've been mouse targetting in mmo's for 7+ years. i've been mouse targetting in rpg's for longer than bioware has been in business.



    frankly it's obnoxious to say the least.standing still trying to click people, clicking directly on top of them over and over and over and over and over and over again and not selecting them. it takes the thrill from pvp having to do this.



    please fix.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u43RANCBj4



    look at those fps bros. must be the engine.


    thats' 3860x1024 resolution btw. in case it's not clear.


    btw, every single mmo in teh last 14 years has **** poor performance in mass pvp situations.


    let's name some







    lineage 2


    ALL have **** performance with more than 50-100 players on screen in combat. easy to find videos showing this for all of them.



    if you are having low fps in warzones, it's a problem with your pc. it's funny hearing from guys claiming they have specs even close to mine say they have 15fps in wz's and it's the engine's fault. first off, then call me a liar for saying i have great fps in wz's.

  16. glad all you guys are datamining population numbers and posting them up on your websites and then linking to them as proof of yoru grand claims rather than foaming at the mouths because you have a perception of your own servers regardless of what the reality may be even locally for your server.



    PS welcome to hard faction games. whoah, faction imbalance? really? crazy! who'dathunkit. 2004 called, they want their horde qq back.

  17. ROFL


    Can you please, point us an MMORPG that you think is not a WoW clone please?

    I'm terrible curious about that, since every time I see someone with your kind of argument, I really need to check what game they are talking about. People with that argument say it about Every game.

    Funny, not many say WoW is something else's clone. (And you know it is)


    Also, All driving games are clones of another Driving game.

    All RTS games are clones of another RTS.

    All <insert genre> are clones of another <insert genre>.


    It's called Genre Basics.


    lineage 2 clones that are in spades.


    action rpg mmo's like tera or gw2



    games that don't copy pasta entire skill lists from wow would be less wow clone than this.


    the wow clones that are out there are:


    runes of magic







    errr i know i am forgetting one.


    *aion is a hybrid of wow and l2, all the worst parts of both.

  18. Okay I have read more of your post. You really don't know what you are talking about if you equate Hyperthreading to extra cores.


    Hyperthreading is an advanced method of ordering instructions from two different instruction queues in an attempt to maximize effeciency of a processor. It never has and never will be the equivalent of 2 processors. I use to build systems for a living and we use to turn it off because the applications we were running actually ran slower with it on. Now maybe it's improved but it no way doubles the performance of a core.


    Upto 7 cores, maybe but games are not good examples of parallel processing and never have been. The designs are to linear to make use of multiple cores. While I haven't tested it myself people these boards have been claiming that SWTOR mostly runs on one core.


    look at the screenshot.


    swtor uses an average of 40-60% of 7 cores on the 2600k.


    if you read my post i specifically talked about virtual cores. also core =/ processor. and whiel virtual core doesn't quite = physical core, it's close enough that i need not specify 4 phys cores and 3 virtual cores.


    maybe you should take a look around and update your knowledge base before you start giving advice.

  19. I stopped reading right here. TDLR


    I know and I never contractdict this. So I don't know why you are gettting into this. All I was trying to say is that the AMD processors play the game fine and that I know why the intels are faster. .


    You know that use to be the other way around. AMD use to do more operations per cycle. But Intel aways claimed that their processors were still faster because of the faster clock speed.


    i'm not talking about what either company claims, and couldn't give a **** about their marketing.


    i hear nonstop complaints from people using amd cpu's about low performance in swtor, even on high end phenom 2 quad cores and hex cores, and as well using amd video cards. the common thread wether they use amd cpu + nvidia gpu or intel cpu + amd card is amd products.



    wether it's an archetecture issue for the cpu's or a driver issue for the video cards, it ends up being a big hassle for these people.


    and unfortunately saying the game runs great on this set up when it's a pretty common complaint that that level and models of hardware get low fps in wz's and fleet(ie any tim eyou aren't solo in teh wilderness) is a buit silly.



    if you want high settings at 1080p, buck up, spend $1000 on a decent modern pc that will run this game at high at 1080p, and last you longer at a better rate of return that your old pc, and have a more immersive and visually pleasing video game experience without the headaches these people complain about in every game while defending the brand to death.



    it would be very nice if amd would get their **** together and be competivie again. it would be better for the market and consumers and for innovation. but right now amd is happy with releasign an entire generation of worse than previous gen cpu lines, after 2 generations + of sub par lines, while innovating in gfx hardware, but ultimately failign to give it critical support with stable high perfromance drivers that adequately support new games within a reasonable time frame of those games' launch windows.


    game devs have been letting people slack by cutting back on eye candy and such and using xbox 360 textures and levels of eye candy to perform on 5+ year old hardware that looks idetnical to xbox 360 versions.


    meanwhile swtor is a great looking game in terms of tech and demands modern hardware.


    citing the costs, well i have a high end pc that i bought myself despit ebeing aon a fixed income. simply by managing my money effectively and cutting back on other luxuries in order to afford this level of hardware.


    as a result in native pc games i have an excelent, immersive, adn less hassle filled experience when i game.

  20. This hogwash. There isn't a Phenom II made that isn't fast enough to play this game. While Intel has and has had the faster architecture for some time now, AMD processors have stayed competitive by providing better value.


    If I wanted to build the fastest, most expensive gaming rig out there. Yeah I would be buying Intel.


    The advantage i3 has over Phenom II is better performance at a lower clock speed. How that effects games is that most games don't make good use of multiple processor cores. They tend to primarily run on only one core so the fastest core wins out over most cores.


    For example an quad i3 could out performance (in games) a 6 or 8 AMD processor if the i3 core is faster than the AMD core.


    That's nothing new and has been around since they started building dual processor machines way back when.


    Can AMD stuff handle this game? Most certainly, check out my specs, just over recommend.


    Phenom 2 940 (3.00GHz)

    4GB of DDR2

    Radeon HD 6770 1GDDR5


    Plays the Game at 60-120 FPS


    Only have problems in WZs occasionally which people are saying is actually caching issue and not related to either the GPU or CPU.


    intel cpu's do more per clock cycle. while amd cpu's have higher ghz, they are slower per clock, and as such, a hgierh ghz amd cpu is slower than a lower ghz intel cpu. this is because intel cpus process more data per cycle.


    core i cpu's are never slower on a per cycle or per core basis than anythign amd is sellign right now.


    as for value, low and mid range intel platforms offer equal or better price to performance values at some times lower prices, espeically if you don't buy an sli board or need the features of a premium board.


    as for games andmutli core support, almost every single game made in teh last 5 years has used 2 cores, and the trend to utilize quad core cpu's better is growing among devs.


    whiel even games that use only 2 cores benefit greatly from quad core cpu's, as it helps a great deal to have a 3rd open core for background and windows processes to run on teh idle and active cycles, even if that core is downclocked with speedstep or speedboost technology(ie downclcking some cores to overclock other cores dynamically).


    as well there is no better OS at schedulaing processes across multiple cores than windows 7, and vista is a close second.


    as for swtor, it will use up to 7 cores, which makes an intel cpu with 4 phys caores and 4 virtual cores optimal for performance in that game, especially at 1080p with maxxed out settings and AA.




    that's on an i7 2600k with 480 gtx. i'm now running 2x480 gtx in nvidia surround @ 3840x1024(using 1680x1050 screen while waiting to buy 3rd 1080p monitor) maxxed out.


    in the old set up from that screen shot, i could get lows in swtor of 15fps in heavy population areas. and people with better hardware than yours complain of unplayable fps with limited number of players.


    why waste money on an outdated uncompetitive cpu platform that i sgoign no where when you can spend the same amount fo money on a cpu and mobo that will outperform the former in every gaming scenario for mmo's.


    phenom 2's haven't been bang for buck winners since h55/p55 platofrm with teh core i5 and i3 first gen cpu's came out. stop clinging to severely outdat4ed assertions that have become little more than fabrications.


    as it is due to the complete fail of bulldozer for pretty much every purpose, phenom 2 prices have risen, and as they are at EOL stage now, that iwll only continue as people seek to save a few bucks by upgrading their cpu without upgrading their motherboard.


    meanwhileforthe mid and high end ranges intel has a full set of features that amd chipsets just have no competition for on any level. for the gamer with more money to spend, there's a lot of quality of life and performance enchancing features that improve quality of life that amd just doesn't offer, and at comparable prices to mid to high end amd chipset boards to boot.



    teh idea that amd cpu's are better bang ofr your buck is antiquated, both in terms of retail prices, but also in terms of the fact that the tech is 3+ generations behind and hasn't improved at all since the phenom 1's beyond clock speed given marginal performance boosts 3 years ago. ultimately amd has failed to innovate effectively, and intel has pulled a head in every area by a large margin.

  21. cool story bro.



    i personalyl liek the fully voiced over npc chatter at different quest hubs and in towns. i like how the fleet has alot of people just hanging out. i like how different quest hubs even when i go back to run lowbie guildies through or play my alt has random players running around takign quests at them. i like running into random players on random questing areas. i like how the critters in this game vary in shape size and form, from epic beast to humanoid refugees and other area appropriate npc types. i like how there's plenty of mobs patrolling.


    i enjkoy how the music isn't overwhelming and doesn't play nonstop out side of cantinas.

  22. how do u tell by the fps numbers in lower left if its gpu or cpu bottleneck?


    you don't/ the cpu would be the bottle neck in his system in mmo's games, especially one as heavily threaded as this one.



    the archiecture of the last 3 generations fo amd cpu's just are no compettition for intel in gaming, espeically mmo gaming, and as such if you game in mmo's heavily they shouldn't even be a consideration.


    in most mmo's core i3 dual core cpu's are far superior to the fastest amd phenom 2 for mmo's, however swtor doesn't run well on dual cores. so as such i recomend quad core i5 procs or better.

  23. Why did you choose an Engine that wasn't developed to your exact specifications? I mean, EA and BW make enough, you could have outsourced your Engine development and made the engine fit your game.


    Instead, you chose the lazy way and are trying to make a game fit an engine. Not only that, you picked a terrible single-threaded engine that can't even process commands before animations finish, hence all of the ability delay rage you're seeing.



    Seriously. Blizzard built an engine to fit their game, they're billions (trillions yet?) richer. You didn't, and you're missing out on Billions in part due to this decision.



    swtor is heavily threaded, more so than absolutely any other game ever.




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