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Posts posted by faztazfuk

  1. Hi folks,


    Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:


    • Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.
    • Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.


    To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.


    THANK GOD its a known issue. When will we get an ETA for this fix for the 6900 series cous i have a 6950 and im having huge fps issues in the fleet. I get about 15fps in the fleet... just standing.

  2. I have exact result with my 6950 as the original poster, and i have a amd phenom II x6 3.2ghz


    and its driving me insane idk what to do to up my performance... im thinking about crossfiring the 6950s... but idk if it will be worth it.

  3. Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3

    AMD 1090T

    XFX 6850 Black Edition X2 (Crossfire)


    (75-110 FPS)

    1920x1080 all high settings with exception of shadows set to low. Sliders at 50%


    Asus P67 Sabertooth

    i5 2500k

    EVGA 560ti


    (75-110 FPS)

    1920x1080 Same settings as above


    Two completely different setups and pretty much exactly the same performance...


    Does crossfire work for this game? Is it supported, would I see an improvement if i buy a second 6950?

  4. this post made me think of quitting... im running a great rig with 8gb ddr3 ram phenom 2 x6 and a radeon 6950, and here i am thinking i have to buy another vid card to crossfire... but its obv not my comp, this games servers are just horrid. no wonder its all instanced and ****. sadly theres no other mmo worth playing now... GG
  5. Please allow us to unbind this key. Ctrl + A. I use Ctrl key binds and more than often click Ctrl + A while using my skills and trying to move, and keep toggling my Ambience on and off.... IF there is a way to unbind this key.. let me know, so far I have not found a way.
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