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Posts posted by Chirru

  1. Thank you for letting us know your thoughts.

    the present choice of the Developers to fiddle with companion stats is substandard (to say it mildly).

    Many quicker and easier solutions to the problem have been suggested.

    my solution...simple:

    Provide an overall optional Companion buff available to all classes. Players then have an option if they

    wish to make their companions more powerful or not.

    The present Companion-gift option is...well, a pain in the nectar.

  2. Character level 65. Sorceress Healer spec-ted. Needs strong DPS or Tank Companion. Right now Companions do not manage enough damage to complete some boss fights. Example. Manaan-Cyborg Stivastine 4 minute time limit.

    The requirement is not possible to complete with a healing Sorc because the DPS companion takes all the Argro and it is not possible to draw the Cyborg into the flames that destroy the shield.

    In order to complete this mission I had to respect to lightening. With the respected lightning Sorc the flashpoint could be completed relative easily. This shows that things are not level even within one class. Please provide an option that allows for such differences in classes.

    I understand that you can not test possible each and every class and player stile. So there (in my opinion) must be a relative large margin in companion abilities. In other world... make the companions powerful and provide an option for those who wish less powerful companions to have these.... or do it the other way around. the present companion gift option is... well, substandard, me thinks.

  3. You are not supposed to do all the damage - the fight has a mechanism to get it done very quickly (under 2mins), if you only look.


    Yes I know...we are supposed to draw the cyborg into the fire...yet with a Healing Sorc...or sage... the Comp draws all the agro and it is not possible to lure the cyborg into the flames. Not sure if you ever played a dedicated healer... by the way... i respected to lightning and did the cyborg in 3 minutes flat without flames. but this is not the point.... the point is that there is a class that can not do this (and other bosses) except by fluke or respecting. So why does this class exist at all if it is not viable?

  4. title said it all.

    The DEVS fiddle constantly with stats...especially Companion stats.

    Do they test the changes they make? I do not think so.

    Example: Solo- Flashpoint Manaan Cyborg Stivastin...time limit 4 minutes. Can not be done

    with a dedicated healing sorceress and a DPS companion+ combat droid. Impossible...

    Had to respect to Lightening Sorc and did it easily. this tells me clearly that they did not test things at all.

    I found the same mechanic with other Bosses... This is (in my opinion) not good enough.

    At least...if the Devs are too xxxx make respecting easier so it can be done on the spot and in the instance.

  5. The Changes made now are only partly good news...

    By changing the game balance again you have not taken in account many of the heroic and flashpoint bosses.

    How do I know?

    Solo flashpoint Manaan - Cyborg - Stivastin with a timer of 4 minutes can NOT be taken down in 4 minutes by a dedicated healing Sorceress with a DPS Companion + a combat droid. (you never tested that...did you?)

    The fact is that by constantly changing companion specs (and other specs) WITHOUT testing these you mess up a lot of things that you did not intend to mess up but nevertheless do mess up.

    please stop twiddling stats and concentrate on a solid game-play, for right now things are in a MESS...indeed...more a Colossal MESS.

  6. Diners and whiners. Snipers and gripers.

    Will you guys ever stop this. There are at least 20 threats about this and in all the bulk of posters tell you the game is mostly okay now. But no... you keep at it! If it is not the Companions then it is something else you gripe about like in this post. Really, REALLY... get a Life. If things are that mind-numbing for you then take a break and come back when the brain is not numb any longer.

  7. I do not know what the Original Poster means by 'lots' of Alts. But i run one for every main class because of the Story content. To me every one of the Class stories had some good some mediocre and some boring parts, but how would i know if i never played these tales? So, it is worthwhile to have at least 8 Alts to me.


    In addition I run a few pure Grafter Alts and a pure Storage one. As for having too many Alts... Me thinks that there is the danger of burnout. I have already enough with running the 8 Main ones reasonably... but that is me....

  8. Seriously I wish people would engage their brain before posting.


    Let's look at that logically. There are 3 'difficulties' in the game (or were in the game).



    Hard/very hard - dismiss your companion and fight alone (pre or post patch)


    Moderate challenge - fighting with your companion pre patch


    Utter faceroll - fighting with your companion post patch.



    So now we are left with hard/ impossible for casual players post patch, or content so easy you don't even need to join any of the fights while leveling.


    Can I please have the midpoint back, you know the way the game way played for the previous 4 years.


    Just did the final Illum battle slaying the false Emperor (Solo Mode).

    Soc level 63... Kehm level 8 influence...and the Battle Droid. Equipment: average 55 gear.


    Facts: It took me 15 mins to whittle Malgus down. The fight was slow and tedious and at one stage I wondered if I just ought to bail out.


    Sorry to say this.... All those crying that the companions are Overpowered it is your own fault.

    you gear up to max and have high influence with your Companions and then you complain the fights are way too easy. OF COURSE fights are easy that way. In any of the Twenty or so Games i played Fights were always easy when being overpowered. So please stop the crap comments for the Companions are fine and just right for the majority of players.

  9. Yes I'm making another thread on this, but for constructive purposes only please. We have enough useless whiny threads on both sides of the argument as it is.


    Now, no one in their right mind could say comps aren't OP right now. The real question is whether this is good or not. Since this has been discussed to death already, I'll not cover that here. However, in the current state, everyone can get what they want with a little creativity.


    All you need to do is disable some of their abilities on your companions (right click on them so the icon in the top right is black, not green). The level of difficulty desired can be achieved by playing with role/ability combinations.


    It's an amazing thing, everyone can be happy.


    If anyone has found combinations that feel very "3.0ish," do share. Might shut about about 1% of the yammering on the forums (maybe I'm being optimistic here)


    no one in their right mind could say

    This is not only harsh...it is outright insulting (to me).


    I have read the suggestions you are making several times in other posts...points being, it is not new and you are not the first one to think of it.


    The (as you call it) yammering will not shut up as long as those insisting that Comps are Overpowered will not stop rekindling the topic with new posts.

  10. It's old "gameplay versus story" then? My problem is, if I want story, i go and watch movie or read a book. I don't come into game for story. It's good to have one, shure, and it will definetely give me reason to play more. But ultimatley, I come for gameplay. And if it sucks, no amount of story will keep me.


    And here we argue with people who, for some reason I can't understand, want to have story-only in a computer game. Why not remove gameplay at all then, and turn TOR into interactive web-series? Is this really something modern gamers prefer? It's somewhat of a riddle to me


    Maybe i read this wrong... if i do ...i am sorry.


    To me it appears that the writer (and the one he responds to) equate game-play with erasing NPCs. and clubbing things in the game. If this is the case i would suggest seriously to engage in PvP play. Plenty of clubbing there and plenty of challenge.

    To me PvE games were and are always first about the Story... the fighting computer-pixel-people comes last and is more of a nuisance on the way (for me) to achieve what I wish to achieve.

    To make it clearer what i mean... One title gained as an achievement (to me) is more worth then clubbing a 1000 pixel NPCs.

  11. EXP is too fast. I didn't have early access so I was 60.99 when I started the expansion. A couple hours later I'm finishing Chapter 5 and I'm already lvl 65. No EXP coupons either. So, the EXP is too much. There should be some grind between levels not capping half way through the new expansion.


    Also, in Solo mode at least mobs are ridiculously easy. It's not so much that companions are overpowered perhaps as that when you're in an instance with a companion, you're probably in Solo mode and the mobs are a joke. Even elites are easier to kill than strong mobs should be. They cast slower than usual and less frequently. They basically stand there waiting for you to kill them. This could be worked on maybe.


    In all the above you forgot one important statement: 'IN MY OPINION....' that is in your opinion....


    Well, IN MY OPINION Grinding is the death of my enjoyment and i avoid grinding whenever I can.

    Running 14 chars I personally am happy for fast leveling and i miss the 12X EXP because there are so many other things for me to do and enjoy. Leveling is just a VERY minor part of the overall game experience FOR ME.


    Yes... Elites APPEAR easier to kill if you measure difficulty in the time it takes to erase one. Taking a long time to achieve something does not automatically translate into more difficult. It just makes it more tedious and boring in my opinion. My understanding of more difficult is to give Elites more skills that can take half a Player Avatar's health away. But how many people will like that? I would not...


    Well... all that I wrote is of course MY OPINION (which appears to be shared by many other players. But maybe I am wrong).

  12. I don't want it to be harder then it was before, I just want it to be at least somewhat difficult. For example no point in having elite's etc. now if I can LITERALLY do nothing to beat them other than chat whilst my companion ( who I haven't bothered getting influence with ) does it all automatically for me.


    Yes I suppose I COULD get rid of my companion but I never had to do that before and for an expansion that seemingly puts so much emphasis into companions and our relationship with them that never using them would seem counter intuitive to the great story they've produced.



    Yes... i suppose you could get rid of the companion. however... you do not. Why? Because then you can not chat?


    please define 'Somewhat difficult'. The game was not particularly difficult before the update either for there were always ways to make things easier.

  13. Are you sure about that?

    This is how you get rank 15 Lana killed.




    Nothing has changed.

    Sorry, I had to start fighting otherwise this fight would take forever.



    Yep... I got the same problem with Maelstorm Prison. Kira and the combat droid hammered the final boss without even making a dent in his armor. I watched the spectacle for 3mins before getting sick of it. It was my Avatar that did all the damage in the end.


    Overpowered NPC Companions... come on... they are just right now to be somewhat useful.

  14. The NPC Companion Overpowered or not Overpowered Forum-War has been going on for a week now.


    How to solve the issue?

    Here is an Idea for the Developers and Players to ponder.


    Do away with automatic level advancement and...

    Introduce Player Avatar and separate NPC Companion Trainers in order to advance in levels.

    Then every player for himself / herself can decide how difficult they want the game to be by advancing a level or not advancing a level.

    This also would do away with the need for automatic level adjustment.


    Okay ... now I will not read the forums for a week to escape all the flaming.

  15. Sorry but you haven't proven a thing.


    I ran through the story chain the morning servers came up and was 65 in under an hour, and all combat consisted of run / speeder as far as possible, duck behind an obstruction, and force storm everything including elites and mini bosses (several times without companions as they would not reappear when I dismounted).


    So the 'problem' you are documenting is the story content of KotFE is stupid easy, not that companions are overpowered.


    Also story 60-65 is most likely intentionally tuned to be very easy as they are trying to bring new players into the game who will not have years of experience, and who are being targeted with 'epic story', not 'hack and slash grinder'.


    Also a player who isn't a total window licker should be able to complete H2s solo, as I've done since launch.


    Again, saying companions can solo parts of H2s doesn't prove companions are overpowered, it simply proves leveling content has been nerfed.


    Make a video of a companion solo-ing an HM boss or Heroic Star Fortress (without Alliance buffs), and you might be on to something, otherwise all you are showing is leveling content is tuned super easy.


    I agree. The problem is NOT the Comps but the easy Content (I expect the content to get more difficult eventually).


    As for the Comps... even before update 4 I used my Comp Treek only as a healer and now I do so with all Comps. So it does not matter to me how strong the Comps are or not. The comps either heal properly or they do not. Using comps as Tanks (too me) is just lazy game-play.

  16. Well, first you are being called a troll because your opinion differs from others and i personally am fine with the companions as they are in 4.0, i can use any companion i want now, instead of.....i wanna vette.....but no....she is a dps, so useless.....treek here i come....every single character.....i used treek, the rest were crew mission do'ers unless the class quest required a specific companion to progress.


    Now, i can be fine with using Vette or any companion and be comfy with it...instead downtime, downtime, downtime....it got tedious....


    No, I am apologizing. You are NOT trolling at all. that came out wrong... sorry.


    Yes, a great many things could have been done different... but they were not. Yes, they could have buffed player avatars... if they had, i guess people would cry by now that the Avatars are too powerful.


    I for one am grateful that the companion NPCs are as they are because:

    a) Before 4 I only played with Treek as a healer and only with my healing Sorc would I take a Comp as tank.

    b) now the Comp actually heals my Avatar instead of healing themselves.

    c) there is really now no reason to use a Comp as a Tank ever ( unless one chooses to play a healer) and with that the argument that Comps can solo high-end NPC's is mute to me. My avatar does the fighting and the Companion does the healing. That is it.

  17. Fair enough, I just felt the need to post this because I felt that the vast majority of the "complainers" were not properly voicing the opinion of others, or just me, who are not fond with the new companions in 4.0. They kept complaining about challenge...when that, to me, isn't the problem at all.


    look... the entire issue is mute anyhow.

    who cares if the companions can solo a double gold star NPC

    either put the comps on passive.... or, just have them healing. then players can be the heroes they want to be.


    But no... next comes that the Companions heal way too much and so there is no challenge either. Roflol.

    Why do some people want to be clubbed? Question in my mind: are they Masochists?


    The answer to me is obvious. People are so bored with the game they 'Troll' on the forums just to stir up things a little. Easy solution: go somewhere else and Troll.

  18. i dont have early accesss. i just leveled from 59 to 60 by handing in only a few quests and killign some random npc... i felt like what?? ive only been playing for 1 hour how can i level from 59-60 so fast... meh anyways.... i think they need to nerf exp..


    but to the point once i reached 60 i thought id be able to do ziost and i wont gain any exp until KOTFE is released.. but strangley im getting exp and at the same rate i went from 59-60.... by the time i finish ziost im gonnna be above 60..... and i dont want that to happen.. cause iw ant to level up playing KOTFE...


    so can i just not accept quest rewards until l later so i dont level up and still finish ziost?


    there is an easy solution to that. Do not hand in your quests and instead grind your way to the top if you 'FEEL' cheated out of grinding. Yes i know... but what you described happens seldom enough and only if one collects quests rewards until the very end. Happened to me also. and i was happy for it.

  19. People don't understand the failed business model of the past. I hated it when companions were not strong. I always seemed to have to fight someone a level higher then me if they weren't higher then they were elite. At least now I don't have to spam general asking for help.


    People have the OPTION to turn it off. People making videos. People making polls. It's not even a majority of people doing it. It's a very small fraction who don't speak for the entire community for some reason instead just not playing with their companion. They have this twisted obsessive need to nerf the companions for everyone. They think if they make enough threads and complain about it enough. It will get done.



    spot on... Thanks

  20. I for one hope they don't nerf the companions. As people have said there are many easy in game way you can do, to make it more challenging if you want it to become more challenging, don't wear top end gear, put companions on passive, etc. I suppose it'd be nice if they add a debuff for those wanting it, but that would take time and there so many easy fix in game.


    Another factor mentioned by others in this post is that not everyone is getting the major buff from datacorn, max companion, completed the stories ect vets are getting. Any nerf could make things too hard for new players, after all they often over do there nerfs. Just look at the many feature or skills they complete ruined because people scream for nerfs. I just wish people would simple fix the problem for themselves through the many means listed through out this posted. The sad thing is we can all have what we want, if some people would just fix the problem through one of the mean listed above, instead of complaining about it.


    Another thing I don't like is the fact people keep talking about challenge, nerfing the companion is not going to make the game more challenging, the same argument was used for level sync. All it does is make thing more tedious and slow.


    Well spoken and spot on... Thanks

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