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Posts posted by Amazen

  1. Ronin Elite

    I cannot be restrained …I am Ronin




    We're a laid back and friendly guild. We enjoy helping each other with questing, crafting, PVE/PVP and everything else that comes up. Although we are on daily and all have multiple alts, we fall in the category of "casual gamers" and seek to level our characters up for end-game activities all the while building our numbers. Ronin Elite is heavily populated with groups of Real world Friends and Families, military and civilian. We abide by the Golden Rule and hold the utmost respect for all of our members. If you're interested, please visit our site and send us a message.



    Ronin Elite is a reformation of Ronin, a guild on SWG pioneered by “DrewDrew”. After Pre-Launch of Star Wars the Old Republic, Ronin was reformed by “DrewDrew”, and “The Comet Family” on Ajunta Pall. When the servers were consolidated we moved to Jung Ma and came together to found Ronin Elite. Under the leadership of DrewDrew and Omegacomet Ronin Elite has grown into a prosperous gaming community.


    To Join

    You can either send any Ronin Elite Member an in-game message or perhaps visit our website and contact us. Please don’t be hesitant to ask us questions.

  2. Sounds great i just wonder what is coming around the corner. Would be nice for at least some info on what kind of direction you are going. Any info thats says we are looking into improving on this or helping with that. But neways thanks for the update.
  3. Recruit gear is fine if you are playing your class+role correctly. I had two DPS's fail at their duels on story mode Eternity Vault this week. The problem was a combination of recruit gear, and trying to be a DPS while spec'd as tanks. (Fortunately I realized the problem, and had the other tank and I switch targets with them. Both of us were overgeared, so we got through it easily)


    Yeah. Seems like this one will Be okay as long as we are coordinated.

  4. Just a little reminder to Bioware : this is a mmo.


    Any can post here why they think swtor is not a mmo.


    No Support (Ireally mean NO support) = never had any professionnal response on anything. Had to resolve THEIR problem on my own.


    No support (srly)


    Bugs in game that i haven't seen in any BETA since Ultima Online or T4C (1998 guys, 1998)


    =cant enter instance

    =cant talk in group/guild

    =lags with top ace computer and internet connection

    =no support


    To conclude, the only positive point of the whole game is the Star Wars licence.


    Adding to this, and forwarding what I've already read on this forum : My swtor experience end with my free month time.



    So sad. Let's hope someone COMPETENT will exploit the SW licence soon enough :(



    SERIOUSLY : never was so mad/angry about a game. It remember me this game " The fall". Legendary epic fail. Searching work already ?




    For someone who really does not care for the game at all, I find it odd that you would come to the very forums of the company you hate. I mean seriously you hate the game but you just love to be on its forums. Which is it, you hate the game and everything about it? Or you love to be in its forums so that you may post and read all about the game that you hate so much.

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