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Posts posted by Eviscerater

  1. Arenas will be same as WoW's.


    99% of teams will have the same class setups.


    I'm waiting to see just how ridiculous arena balance in SWTOR will be. It's what ruined WoW's balance a crap load.



    You must have played a very difference version of WoW than I ever did. I don't remember at any point in the history of WoW that there was even a remote sense of balance when it came to PvP.

  2. It definitely is cheaper to not be a subscriber and purchase the content as a F2P player in the long term. What comes with that however are the F2P limitations. Neither the subscription model, nor its value, changes as a result of charging for xpac content. Nor does the value of F2P increase or decrease.



    Except after having been a paid customer i'm not limited to all the normal F2P limitations. Also If all there is is 5 additional levels to advance, then I don't need to worry about the limitations of being a f2p player as there isn't anything for me to take advantage of as a paying customer.

  3. The problem is people dont realize it isn't $9.99, it is $14.99 + $9.99 for a total of $24.98. It is actually cheaper to not be a subscriber and purchase the content. You know the content that was originally supposed to be supplied for free.


    Also I agree, there isn't enough to entice me into "pre" ordering the thing 4-6 months in advance. For a mere 5 day headstart, so what I can wait 5 days to not in an over crowded section of a map and take 99 times longer to complete something than it should.

  4. I've been bored since 3 months ago.


    Problems that caused this are:


    1) Too many damn servers. BW made the mistake that all new MMO's are making they are making ENTIRELY too many servers at launch so people don't have to wait in queue. I personally don't give a crap if I have to wait for 20 mins for the first 2 weeks the game comes out, as long as when the newness wears off I am on a healthy server.


    2) Poorly assigned servers for guilds that registered. My guild for example was put on a server that of the registered guilds was, 47 Republic and 234 Empire guilds. That is a huge faction imbalance before anyone even rolls a toon on a server at all.


    3) Because of reason 1 there is a dire need for server mergers. It is taking far too long for them to do this.


    4) BW made the HUGE mistake of overly catering to the casual player. So much so that both the 1st tier of PvE and PvP gear was not even ever used. In the case of PvP that gear does not even exist anymore.

    Making the game for casual players is fine, but you can only do that when you have the content in game to handle it.


    5) Space is an utter joke, and I started numerous threads telling them to remove it from the game before release and introduce it in an Xpac or patch properly. Much like SWG did.


    6) The utter lack of alien species. One of the biggest selling points to playing Star Wars is playing an alien race. In the current game you playing as either a blue human, red human, green human, a human with metal bits clinging to their face, or get this a human.

    Jawa, Wookie, Trandoshan, Droids, Ewoks, Gammoreans, and a plethora of other alien races should have all been consider before most of the current lot.

  5. Word! I expressed my concern to the powers that be only to be told it was my fault for selecting a low pop. server.





    Tell those people it isnt your fault. It's BW problem for making too many damned servers in the 1st place.


    I was assigned my server and as all servers at launch have a Queue time to get onto the server. BW made the gross mistake that all modern MMOs are making. That is limiting population on servers and making vastly too many servers. So what if people need to waiting to get into the game at launch, I would rather wait for 10-20 mins at launch to be on a healthy server after the 1st 30 days when 20% of the people quit.


    I cancelled my sub to the game because I play MMO's to play with get this other people. There are 56 people on my server at peak time. That is *********** pathetic, and BW is high if they think I am going to continue to pay them to do nothing.

    Yes I know I can reroll, but why should I reroll when I have 3 toons in full Rakata gear and Champion gear, when it isn't my fault they didn't provide the tools necessary to maintain a healthly server.

  6. Because, it doesnt actually make you a better player.

    There are MANY more things that you can be doing that DO NOT add to your dps meter, that actually constitute being a better player.


    DPS meters are nothing but a cancer, if you want to become a better player you need to start playing better. Not worry about whether or not you are hitting 1,2,4,2,3 in the proper millisecond.

  7. How does it take so many people so many toons to get just to legacy level 15-25?


    I had legacy lvl 37 just off one toon. I could have easily gotten to legacy level 50 had I cared to try. I am currently at legacy level 43 and can add a level a day w/o even trying.


    I am really disappointed in what they are offering and for the prices they are releaseing it for. About 30% of what they are offering as part of the "legacy system" are things that should have been in the game as a free launch feature.


    The legacy system is nothing more than a money sink that they needed to implement so as to control the economy in some form or fashion. They could have spent more time on making all of the crafting professions equally useful to take and not solve it the poor mans way by just nerfing the one worthwhile profession into the ground.


    Most of the features that are even remotely intriguing aren't even coming out until patch 1.3 or later and there is no expected date for those. What did they say they want to release 1 per quarter. So another 3 months before you seen any of that, I find myself hard pressed to care to continue playing throughout the summer.

  8. I would say this is more an issue in Alderaan than huttball.


    There needs to be MORE incentive to stand gaurd at a captured point that has no action going on at it.

    I can not tell you the sheer amount of times I have seen a team 2 cap and then EVERYONE abandons one of the points cuz they have the brilliant idea of capping the third, just to have someone walk up uncontested 10 seconds after they leave.


    Defending points should be worth more than taking them. You will get all of the other medals if you are actually defending the points, cuz the enemy then needs to come to you to take them.

  9. Your server must be slow. On my server, it's rare that I see teams on either side with more than two Sorc/Sages any more.


    That's probably because on your server they are barely more than 2 people on the server at any given time.


    I know this because I play on that server and am deciding to reroll on a more robust server.

  10. ahem...*cough* *tries to keep a straight face*






    Your post makes no sense and then you wonder why people make claims that you and the rest of your team at bioware does not play your own game and you are just pulling ideas out of thin air.


    You dont want it to be as important as class abilities? What? It's a medpack...thats on a 90s cooldown...thats used in emergencies...Are you telling me that single 3.6k medpack is sufficient for boss fights that can last 5-8 minutes? Seriously, what rotation are we putting medpacks into? Where are you pulling this nonsense? People get hit by a crit or get pounded by something and pop a medpack to help the healers a bit. No one is putting medpacks into a rotation on a freakin 90s cooldown...seriously...


    Why are you guys over there on this nerf rampage? Erm, excuse me "re-balance." This is just excessive and I question your reasoning to doing so.



    We are clearly putting it in the rotation with Tracer Missile Spam.


    Cuz you know they needed to nerf Tracer missile because, " They wanted to make bounty hunters have a more varied rotation."


    I have an idea, if you want Arsenal Mercs to have a more varied rotation, don't have the entire spec/class revolved around proccing off a single skill.


    I'm glad I unsubbed and I'm not even lying about it. Along with about half my guild.

  11. Sorry man, Someone needs to be the top ranged dps and someone needs to be the bottom. Sorcs sure in the hell don't need to be the top healer AND the top ranged dps.


    Sorcs have a lot of utility that Sniper and even Mercs don't have, again they do not need a dps buff. I mean seriously you say you TIED the Sniper for dps, so why do you need to beat a class that can ONLY dps in dps?

  12. Yes you are totally correct the VERY FIRST Operation content in the game should be impossible. That always makes for a fun game.


    Yes it could be a little more challenging, but no it doesn't need to be that hard. Molten core back when it was fresh and the ONLY raid in WoW was complete and utter *********.


    Get over yourselves and let the game mature, it's a two month old game ffs.

  13. I personally wish they would just stop trying to be all cute and fancy with the UI and the CD indicators.


    All they simply need to do is put the cooldown count right on the skill icon.

    It is already hooked into the skill, as if you hover over the skill while it is on cooldown you can see in the very bottom right hand corner in the tooltip what time is left on the cooldown.


    So please stop trying to be fancy with your cute little design with the UI and just K.I.S.S. it already.

  14. Almost all of the sorcerer's skills look like lightning, (force lightning, shock, lightning strike, force storm) and only one of which is spammable (which, honestly, only a horrible sorcerer would do). I have seen a guildie crit for 7k on a tracer missile on a boss.. that kind of damage paired with self heals and heavy armor is overkill.



    Ya as opposed to say the Operative that hit a player for 10k, that 7k on a boss is looking pretty effing OP.


    Look I hit you for like than 1/2 of 1% of your life while the Operative hit you for over 98% of your life.

  15. ah...i see my mistake ..trying to talk sense on a mmo forum..oh well..might as well go roll a sith sorc on imperial side and join the faceroll


    Probably because you didn't speak any kind of sense. Let's recap your nonsense shall we.


    *** are you on about? did i say re-spec to another class? l2 read please before your brain runs out of your nose tho inactivity


    Ya actually you did, in your very first post in this thread. Here lets look at it again.


    at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class


    Pretty damned sure it says right there "repec" out of advanced "class".


    I mean unless the words respec and class whave different meaning when you use them as opposed to when the entire rest of the world uses them. In which case maybe you should know *** you are talking about before you open your mouth.


    Get over yourself, they are balancing the class and you go an get all uppity, cuz oh noes i'm not going to be overpowered anymore. Get over it every class goes thru balance cycles. If you are one of those FotM club guys go reroll, but do us all a favor and **** about it cuz we don't care.

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