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Posts posted by Greyhamea

  1. Disappointing.


    The story was fun and interesting. The quests were also interesting. The ending cinematic was good. Was it worth waiting for? On it's own, no. Had there been more than the relatively boring daily area that also really have no kind of story follow through, it would have been okay. Went in with almost no expectations and was still disappointed.

  2. So, instead, they are supposed to give people all this stuff for free and THAT is going make them want to sub? Yeah, right.....lol. This is not a F2P game. It's a sub game that added a F2P option.....it's a hybrid model. Unlike a true F2P game, they have to keep benefits here for subbing. If people get 99% of the game for free, then they will lose all of their subs as there will be almost no reason left to sub.


    There are other hybrid games where you can play for free and have no major distinctions (as in there's no limit to your gameplay, but you need to buy more services) between a free player and someone who pays. Can even unlock higher credit limits when you play free.


    There's a difference between annoying you to spend money and making you want to spend money. This game annoys you into spending money. Which if that's the model they want to do for, that's great, but I think it's a rather stupid one myself.

  3. The odds of The Mouse respecting anything of the EU going forward are somewhere between zero and... well, zero. EU fans, all six of them, are just going to have to get over it.


    Seeing as the Star Wars novel section is second in size only to the Warhammer novel section, I'd say that the EU has made them a fair amount of money, so has a lot more fans than that.


    Not that I expect them to respect all the EU, but there are parts that if they retcon out it will kill Star Wars post ROTJ for me.

  4. I'm sure they will add ship customization in a limited fashion at some point however it's one of those things that even in a limited fashion would be fairly time consuming since they'd be having to do it across 6 different ship models.


    That's the other benefit for them to do housing, ie one single layout versus 6 different unique ones. That's assuming that each apartment layout is the same per planet, but if each of the 3 are unique then that's still only 3 layouts.


    Hopefully. At the very least different wall decorations would be nice.


    I'm not against appartments, but I also don't think the "because it's too hard" is really a viable reason to not allow some minimal customization to ships. Yes, it will never be to the same extent as you'll get with this, but it would be nice to have.

  5. I would much prefer having ships that can be customized to having an apartment that I can add things to. Doesn't mean that I won't get a house, but if I had to chose which I think they should have spent time on, it would have been ship customization. Especially since I already considered that this games version of player housing.


    And I'm fine with changes in ships not being anything that really affects the layout.

  6. For the uninitiated concerning what exactly Wildstar is, here is the most honest, on point review I've seen for the game:


    *Warning, some NSFW language at the end so have headphones plugged in*



    So when I heard that you need to stick around till level 30 since that is when the game gets really interesting since it's stale till then is when I lose interest in your game.

  7. And posters like you just cry on the forums 24/7 and do nothing else in their boring and sad lives. It's just a VIDEO GAME. If you don't like it go and spend your time on something else. Life is too short to spend it crying like a spoiled brat on some forums.


    Same story year ago when GW2 came out - this game is gona kill SWTOR, the game is dead, me and my whole guild are leaving etc. And it's still alive. Even more than before GW2 came out.


    I just don't understand one thing... If someone finds Wildstar amazing, and SW:TOR a boring piece of ***** which can't be ''saved'', why don't they just go to Wildstar forums and praise that game there?


    I'll never understand the point on crying on some forums. If i don't like a game, i will come open a topic, write things that i don't like, so maybe one of the devs will see it ( which i know won't happen ) and leave for good or till i hear the game gets in a better state.


    The need to see if other people share their opinion. Or just trolls.

  8. I'm guessing you don't see a lot of gold sellers in-game in STO, either. I don't know, I don't play it.


    However, gold sellers tend to flock to games that are popular--that's where the money is. So it might be that you're not seeing any gold-selling posts on the STO forums because *there's no profit in it*.


    They also could just have crackerjack forum moderators.


    I see about as many as I saw in WoW about a year ago and in this game before I stopped playing previously.


    MArket wise, I don't think that the these two are different enough for this game to suddenly get a flood of gold spammers. And this game can certainly limit it to prefered status, meaning they would have to at least pay money to post here (STO doesn't have this).


    Their forum mods are all volunteer and they are not around all the time.


    Either way, I think that the possibility of this happening is being way overblown.

  9. Funny, never see that on the STO forums despite you only needing an account to post. You get more trolls from people who may not actually play, but that's about it.


    People are really overblowing the amount of gold sellers who post on F2P game forums.

  10. There are bathrooms on Nar Shaddaa. You can even see a line by a cabin near that big Karagga's fountain, and a cross-legged patron banging on the door occasionally.


    There are little cabins like this at the Black Hole as well.


    But yeah, a bathroom on the ship would be nice. Going into the airlock is a bit of a chore and a hazard!


    What do you think the escape pod is for?

  11. This would be nice to have the option to do. Obviously it should be pricey enough that no one wants to do it too often, and probably have a cool down of some variety. Also should have way to reverse if you decide to change you mind after, but it should be a short time frame (like an hour). This would still trigger the long cooldown, and there would be no refund.


    The complaints about not knowing the advanced class you switch to another one, big deal? It's not like there's some magical learning curve you can only get from the levelling process. I mean, the classes that already have more than one role deal with this all the time. Someone who levelled a Powertech DPS only doing quests can switch to Powertech Tank without ever having tanked before so have no idea how to do it when stepping into a Flashpoint at 50. If someone wants to do this, there are sites out there that tell you the basics of how to play a class.

  12. I'd rather they just set the bar restrictions back to 4, like when the game came out. Let subscribers have access to them all and everyone else the option to buy two more if they want it.


    There's a fine line between restrictions that leave the game playable but have enough that people want to buy more, and restrictions that are just frustrating to anyone playing the game. This game has far to many of the later.

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