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Posts posted by meelays

  1. I won't be renewing for quite some time it seems. I cancelled with the intent to renew when there was real class balance, but instead they are going to quabble over a few measely percents of damage output or healing before addressing utilities... you guys at BW really suck.
  2. How do people do that thing in Quesh huttball where they go all glitchy and kinda rubberband between the lower and upper level? That annoys the hell outta me especially when people place a sorc right in front of the goal line to pull the glitched out ball carrier up for an easy score.
  3. I dont understand why it take so long to nerf one or two things to improve the game for everyone. Plenty of time is available to create new hair colors, new cartel packs, new items to buy but no time to improve the overall game experience for the player base. The developers need to play against a decent SNiper/Merc premade on the Rishi Arena to experience the joy that melee is having....


    I speculate they're too scared to do what needs to be done for fear of losing subscribers. Regs are typically half freakin' merc now. Those players won't take kindly to having their OP'ness taken away, but as I said before that is Bioware's problem. They need to man up and do the right thing so the game is enjoyable for everyone.

  4. You may hate it and I understand but hydraulic overrides does two important things that no Jugg can match. Makes you immune to the snare and knockback, which means you at least can close and get some close time to put out a burn. Unfortunately its obvious so the sniper wont waste a knockback on you while your immune.


    Exactly. I can close in on them, but who won't notice a large glowing star under my feet? If I'm lucky, I can close in and position next to a wall or something to avoid the knockback when it wears off, but they just roll away and start nuking me. I think I mentioned that PT dcd's kinda suck, so the nuking part of it never ends well.

  5. I think amongst the melee classes Guardian/Juggs have a particularly hard time with snipers. Probe can really do a number on melee. I'm sure its fun to play though if you're into ranged.

    Yah I can see juggs having a hard time. It is not pleasant on my PT either though. If I'm lucky, I can jump at someone and get out of it. I can hydraulic override out of it, but I hate using it. DCD's are so weak that popping hydraulic overrides and running for my life has become the best defensive I have. Still, at least I have a tiny of bit of range.

  6. They've been doing that for the past four years. Are you saying you have been garbage all this time?


    Hey look! It is a troll! Stop eating your own boogers, troll. That is gross.

  7. Equally skilled sniper > equally skilled merc in almost every 1v1 situation. This's been proven several times already.


    Wanna nerf Mercs? You better give Snipers a bystander nerf as well.


    Proven? Like with science? 1v1 now counts for something, eh? Really, I'm all for a probe adjusting adjustment for snipers. It is ridiculous to see one sniper choke out an entire team.

  8. Yeah, if you want to be a sniper hunter-killer then Fury is the most effective.


    Or you can just be a merc,.


    Maras on my server are uncommon now, but were very common before 5.0. One of my alts is mara, and most of the time I'm the only mara Q'ing up. On my PT, i'm almost always the only one. It is actually quite funny to see teams lose because having predation is such a huge advantage in objective based pvp.


    Anyways, I didn't start the thread to ***** about a lack of maras, pt's or whatever. I started it because they've ignored this issue for so long that it has now caused other problems such as the lack of other classes. In my opnion, they're probably too scared at this point to do anything because of the number of subs they could lose when the nerfs go live. That is their problem though. They should still do the right thing and balance the classes out so that we can ALL enjoy the game.

  9. Mercs are fine even if they are a little over tuned, but flooding the forums with more QQ threads to nerf this, that or another class or ability is not what we need.


    If they were fine, people would still be playing other classes. Where have all the marauders gone? Where's all the powertechs? Why are most of the warzones made up of nearly half mercs? It is messed up and having a very negative impact on the game. It is way past time to start bottling some merc tears. I'm thirsty.

  10. If I don't taste merc tears in the next significant update to the game, I'm done with it. The best part of the game is so screwed up by the imbalance. I don't know if there are so many mercs now because people enjoy the OP class or out of necessity because everything else sucks by comparison. BTW snipers.. your tears are next. that damn probe is going up an a@@. I will drink your tears for sustenance.
  11. Title says it all. I'm sure there's plenty of posts like this, but it is way past time for them to do something about this class imbalance.


    I propose we all begin flooding the forum with posts like this until they are forced to retune the class. I'm so *********** tired of Q'ing for pvp and seeing teams consisting of 4 plus mercs that just run around ****** everyone. Maybe BW is afraid these players will get mad and quit when they're nerfed. Well, maybe they should be afraid of other players quitting the game, if they don't fix it.

  12. When I'm healing in a warzone and being focused by a particularly nasty dps'er, I will sometimes place a mark on them. It just makes sense to do that. 99% of the time, my fellow team mates are content to let that dps beat on me and deprive them of heals. By putting a marker on them, sometimes I can get a person or two to actually help me keep everyone alive.
  13. LFR in WOW is way different. Even the easiest story mode will likely be more difficult than anything in LFR. You'll probably want to find a guild to raid and learn with or try pugging through general chat like others said. Just be prepared if people get annoyed when you don't know the fights at all especially if you're tanking or healing. You can be carried through and learn easy enough as dps. It has been over 2 years since we got a new raid, so pretty much everyone knows them now.
  14. So is it actually stealth that you believe is the problem or the players in that guild? This is kind of important information that you probably should have put in the original post. Either way, making a video will help.


    Edit on 1/9/2017. So its been 3 days and you have had all weekend to capture this. Any luck or did the problem vanish when you were recording?


    I haven't been able to catch these guys running their premade yet. I was leapt to again in stealth a couple times, but didn't have the recording on because of the huge file sizes it makes I can't just run it at all times. Also, I can't be sure if those were just random flukes. This might be harder to catch than I thought, but sooner or later I'll be on while they're Q'ing.

  15. Willing to bet if you record it you won't be able to duplicate it. If you can you will be able to see that you were either not in stealth or you were knocked out of it and due to lag, you didn't know right away.


    This is why it is hard to post about these problems. Its always a response like this. There can't possibly be something wrong with the game or exploits can't possibly exist. Really, I don't know what is wrong with it. Like I said, the problem went away for a while. It came back Tuesday. It all started after 5.0. Lag existed prior to 5.0, but the problem did not. It is not an all the time thing, but when it does happen, it happens for the entire match up and at times several matches following it. I didn't want to say it, but yah it is against a certain guild's preform. It is the same people, and I will video capture it, so you d-bags who are doing it, you're on notice.

  16. I really think something is going on with it. I know the class well. It's not an alt, and I've used it since launch. I'm confident I'm not hitting an ability to break stealth. As for lag, I don't know how lag alone could knock me out of stealth unless it just glitches the game somehow and makes me visible for a moment. Still, lag existed before 5.0, so I'd think this would've been happening before. I just don't know what's wrong with it, but the issue seemed to go away on its own for a couple weeks and returned Tuesday.
  17. This isn't a "OMG THEY IS HACKING" thread. I'm actually wondering if something is wrong with stealth or if there is an exploit of some kind. Lately, I'm having a lot of people leap straight to me even though I'm stealthed and at range. I can understand being spotted while weaving through people, but this is getting stupid. I can't hang out anywhere in huttball to stop ballrunners for fear of someone jumping to me and getting an easy score. I just don't get what is going on.


    I know that some will just go "Oh you suck cause you just got knocked outta stealth" or "It's just lag". Well, it isn't just lag and I'm not getting knocked out of stealth (except for when their leap hits me). I also never had this problem before 5.0. If anyone else is having this type of problem or knows of some kind of exploit that may be getting used, please leave a reply. No trolls, k?

  18. When building or upgrading a pc, I usually refer to tomshardware.com. They put together a cpu and gpu heirarchy chart. Use the charts to see what the best bang for your buck will be and go for that. You really don't need to spend anywhere close to a thousand bucks for swtor though. You could probably buy a 5 year old used pc and just add a graphics card, but it is fun to buy new hardware. USE THE CHARTS





  19. This expansion has crippled my operation focused guild. We were never that big or anything, but we've managed to do guild runs of GF's and HM's every night for the last 5 months. The expansion came out and my fellow raiders just left in droves. At raid time, we have been lucky to have even 2 or 3 people online. We could pug the others, but it isn't worth it. Why bother with unreliable and often really bad pugs when command points are gained way faster by doing pretty much anything besides raiding. It's crazy. I'm seeing more people on fleet than I have in months, but our guild somehow just died. It isn't just my guild having this problem either. I'm seeing much older and larger guilds resort to pugging in general chat. I don't get it really. More people playing should mean that we have no problems filling groups, but whatever.
  20. You need to find your place in that game, either help hold the middle, heal the ball carrier, stealth to the endzone, remove annoying dps from the bridges that stand to close to the edge, or root people in traps. By about the second half of the game people hate me so much I can usually get 3 people to chase me around the zone if i am out of stealth trying to kill me and ignoring the objective. Yeah youre gonna get knocked off but a good 50% of the time you know the person is gonna blow there knockback as soon as you open and can position yourself fairly well. Anyways be a nuisance it makes huttball pretty fun actually.


    Definitely. I got that part down. I guess I'm just not happy about being ranked with hutt ball as a consideration, if all I can do is be a nuisance. Occasionally I do turn the tide in hutt ball just by being a healer, but imagine if I were a sorc healer or even a merc. Just seems like crap that we're put on an uneven playing ground and then ranked at it.

  21. So I've been trying pvp in 1.2, and I'm still not completely satisfied with it. I'll leave out most of grumps as I do think this is a big improvement for my little healer. There is one issue that I'd like to get some opinions from the operative community on.


    My operative is still nearly worthless in hutt ball. Are they really going to rank us for warzones when one of the warzone's designs puts the class at such at a disadvantage? Seriously, we got no leap, no knockback, no pulls. I feel like dead weight compared to other classes. What do you guys think about being ranked based on your performance in a warzone that is designed for everyone but you.

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