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Posts posted by Evildragongeek

  1. I don't post on forums often, and I for one am not a huge fan of F2P optioned games. The reason behind this is mostly because those of us who play the subscription based model up to a point worked hard for what we did get. What I usually see, and hope that this is not going to be the case here, is the destruction of moral because the F2P model makes buying end game content, gear and special items easy for anyone. I can understand old content items or even vanity items but if this game goes where you can buy your way into endgame content instead of earning it, I will be very disappointed.


    On the same note however, I am looking forward to the influx of new players. This will make the game more accessible to people who just can’t afforded to shell out $15 per month. Or those who play so many different MMO’s that they can change games without worrying about wasting their money.


    In conclusion, please BioWear take a good hard look at what you put in the micro transaction shop and don’t put stuff in there that will make the subscribers, like me, just lose faith in your game.


    I will continue to subscribe but if I see end game stuff for sale in the shop I might just leave.

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