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Posts posted by Darkcrest

  1. You both are right! I'd love them to add several dyes instead of just one. Just tired of seeing black being the one we get with pretty much every new Reputation Vendor, 2.4 included. Perhaps they could add another one before it comes to the Live Servers.
  2. Nothing against them, but all most of the craft-able ones from Reputation vendors (especially newer ones) have all have Black in them.


    Perhaps another one with a White primary. Great for Troopers who don't want to have White/Red (that is if they have the security key). White is another popular color so perhaps win win?

  3. Back before launch, it was stated that the items on the Collector's Edition Vendor, would have similar items available to everyone. So far that is mostly true.


    My question is this. Are we gonna get varations of the Social Imperial Armor thats only available to the CE vendor. There are many npc's with the same armor but in different colors. I'd think it's safe to assume tha folks would be satisfied with that alone. Same could be said with the CE Republic Officer armor.

  4. On the April 27th Q&A Blog this was asked about datacrons expanding to our legacy


    Misiolak: The Datacrons are a nice addition to the game, but getting them for all the characters is simply not fun. Do you plan to include Datacron sharing in the Legacy unlocks?


    Daniel: Long term we plan to move many of the game’s reward systems to be Legacy-wide and Datacrons are definitely on the list for consideration.


    My question is this :Would it be possible to tie in Social XP to legacy somehow as well. It's tough enough as it is to "grind" social XP on one toon, nevermind with more than one.

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